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Created November 5, 2017 09:42
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Implements the Hennessy–Milner logic on OCaml
* This file is part of hml
* Copyright (C) 2013 - Giacomo Bergami
* hml is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* hml is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with hml; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
include List;;
(* Defines an "all" string called Act (the set of all the action of the lts), or a list of strings *)
type strings =
| Stri of string list
| Act
(* HML non recursive Syntax *)
type syntax =
True (* tt *)
| False (* ff *)
| And of syntax * syntax (* F ^ G *)
| Or of syntax * syntax (* F v G *)
| LDiam of strings * syntax (* <A,...> F *)
| LBox of strings * syntax (* [B,...] F *)
| Diam of string * syntax (* <A> F *)
| Box of string * syntax (* [B] F *)
| Rec of int (* Any Variable *)
(* Selects the minimum or maximum *)
type sol =
(* An equation of a system is made of a minimum/maximum solution, and its formula *)
type system = System of sol * syntax
(* A system of formulas is made by a "system list", where the i-th equation could
use only the results for the former equations (0...i-1) *)
(* Definition of a LTS relation *)
type rel = Rel of int * string * int
(* Definition of a LTS *)
type lts = Lts of (int list * string list * rel list) (** (Q,A,R) **)
(* Casts a list of strings or selects the ACT *)
let getstring gs qar =
match gs with
| Stri u -> u
| Act -> match qar with Lts (q,a,r) -> a
(* Appends an element to a list if it's not its member *)
let nmem_app a l = if mem a l then l else a::l
let rec lts_from_rell rel rl =
match rel with Lts (l1,l2,l3) ->
(match rl with
| [] -> Lts (sort compare l1, sort compare l2, sort compare l3)
| a::b -> (match a with
| Rel (x,y,z) ->
lts_from_rell (Lts ((nmem_app z (nmem_app x l1)), nmem_app y l2, nmem_app a l3)) b
(* It defines an LTS from a relation list *)
let lts_from_rel rl = lts_from_rell (Lts ([],[],[])) rl
(* Basics of semantix box and diamond semantic funcionts [·_·] and <._.> respectively *)
let bdsem2 op qar a sS =
match qar with Lts(q,_,r) ->
filter (fun p -> op ((fun xyz -> match xyz with Rel(x,y,z) -> mem z sS))
(filter (fun xyz -> match xyz with Rel(x,y,z) -> y=a && x=p) r))
let boxsem2 = bdsem2 for_all
let diasem2 = bdsem2 exists
let mlts = lts_from_rel [Rel (1,"req",2);Rel (2,"a",3);Rel (3,"grant",4)];;
(* Lists intersection *)
let rec intersect l m =
match l with
| [] -> []
| a::b -> if mem a m then a::(intersect b m) else (intersect b m)
(* Obtains a list of distinct elements *)
let rec distinct l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| a::b -> if mem a b then (distinct b) else a::(distinct b)
(* Semantic Function *)
let rec semantics s qar repo i qset =
match qar with Lts (q,a,r) ->
match s with
| True -> q
| False -> []
| And (c,b) -> distinct (intersect (semantics c qar repo i qset ) (semantics b qar repo i qset ))
| Or (c,b) -> distinct ((semantics c qar repo i qset )@(semantics b qar repo i qset ))
| Diam (a,ss) -> diasem2 qar a (semantics ss qar repo i qset )
| Box (a,ss) -> boxsem2 qar a (semantics ss qar repo i qset )
| LDiam (ls,ss) -> (match (getstring ls qar) with
| [] -> q
| c::[] -> (semantics (Diam (c,ss)) qar repo i qset )
| c::b -> distinct ((semantics (Diam (c,ss)) qar repo i qset )@(semantics (LDiam (Stri b,ss)) qar repo i qset )))
| LBox (ls,ss) -> (match (getstring ls qar) with
| [] -> q
| c::[] -> (semantics (Box (c,ss)) qar repo i qset )
| c::b -> distinct (intersect (semantics (Box (c,ss)) qar repo i qset ) (semantics (LBox (Stri b,ss)) qar repo i qset )))
| Rec y -> if (y<i) then nth repo y else qset
(* Defines the minimization and maximization calculation with Tarski's Method *)
let rec approxim s f i = if (compare s (f s)==0) then (i,s) else approxim (f s) f (i+1)
let min s qar repo i = approxim [] (semantics s qar repo i) 1
let max s qar repo i = match qar with Lts (q,a,r) -> approxim q (semantics s qar repo i) 1
let solve_step_system a b qar repo i =
match a with
| MIN -> min b qar repo i
| MAX -> max b qar repo i;;
let rec subst_step prev next qar i =
match next with
| [] -> prev
| a::b -> match a with System (x,y) -> subst_step (prev@[match solve_step_system x y qar prev i with (ww,yy) -> yy]) b qar (i+1);;
let solve_system sis lts = subst_step [] sis lts 0
(* Some frequently used semantic functions, where i is the number dedicated to the variable *)
let inv i f = System(MAX, And (f,LBox (Act, Rec i)));;
let pos i f = System(MIN, Or (f,LDiam(Act, Rec i)));;
let even i f = System(MIN, Or (f,And (LDiam (Act, True),LBox (Act, Rec i))));;
let safe i f = System(MAX, And (f,Or (LBox (Act, False),LDiam (Act, Rec i))));;
let mlts1 = lts_from_rel [Rel (0,"t",1);Rel (1,"t",0); Rel(2,"a",1); Rel (2,"a",3)];;
let mlts2 = lts_from_rel [Rel (0,"t",1);Rel (1,"t",0); Rel(2,"a",1); Rel (2,"t",3); Rel (2,"t",2)];;
let mltsg = lts_from_rel [Rel (0,"a",1);Rel (1,"t",1); Rel(1,"t",2); Rel (2,"t",3)];;
let livelock = System(MIN,(Diam ("t",Rec 0)));;
let livelocknow = System(MAX,(Diam("t",Rec 0)));;
let ln = System(MAX,(Diam ("t",Rec 0)));;
let lnm = System(MIN,(Diam ("t",Rec 0)));;
let lng = System(MAX,(Box ("t",Rec 0)));;
let lng2 = System(MIN,(Box ("t",Rec 0)));;
let ln2 = inv 0 (Box ("t",True));;
let poslivelocknow = [livelocknow; pos 1 (Rec 0)];;
let poslivelocknow2 = [lng2; pos 1 (Rec 0)];;
let invlivelocknow = [lnm; inv 1 (Rec 0)];;
solve_system [lnm] mlts1;; (* [[]] *)
solve_system [lng] mltsg;; (* [[0;1;2;3]] *)
solve_system [ln2] mltsg;; (* [[0;1;2;3]] *)
solve_system poslivelocknow mltsg;;
solve_system poslivelocknow2 mltsg;;
solve_system invlivelocknow mltsg;;
print_string "Now, some real examples\n";;
solve_system [ln] mlts1;;
solve_system [livelocknow] mlts1;;
solve_system poslivelocknow mlts2;;
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