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Last active June 29, 2020 08:59
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// /product-options-for-woocommerce/Model/Option.php
public function saveOptions($productId, $options) {
$productId = (int)$productId;
// Här kommer alla värden samlas upp efter loopen
// tänk på att loopen svarar RAD FÖR RAD
$lens_options = array();
foreach ($options as $option) {
$optionId = (int)$option['option_id'];
if (isset($option['is_delete']) && $option['is_delete'] == 1) {
$title = esc_sql($option['title']);
$type = esc_sql($option['type']);
$required = isset($option['required']) && $option['required'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
$sortOrder = (int)$option['sort_order'];
$price = isset($option['price']) ? (float)$option['price'] : 0;
if ($optionId > 0) {
$this->_wpdb->query("UPDATE {$this->_mainTable} SET title = '{$title}', type = '{$type}', required = {$required}, sort_order = {$sortOrder}, price = {$price} WHERE option_id = {$optionId}");
} else {
// Motsvarar en rad i ur tabeller 'wp_pofw_product_option'
$lens_option[] = array('title' => $title, 'type' => $type, 'required' => $required, 'sort_order' => $sortOrder, 'values' => $option['values']);
// Pushar till den stora arrayen, en gång per option
array_push($lens_options, $lens_option);
//$this->_wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$this->_mainTable} SET product_id = {$productId}, title = '{$title}', type = '{$type}', required = {$required}, sort_order = {$sortOrder}, price = {$price}");
//$optionId = $this->_wpdb->insert_id;
//if (isset($option['values'])){
//$this->_value->saveValues($productId, $optionId, $option['values']);
// osäker om $this funkar utanför scope't forEach...
$this->_wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$this}_posts SET lens_field = {$lens_options} WHERE ID = {$productId}");
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