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Created December 7, 2013 14:14
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from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk, Canvas, Frame, BOTH, font
root = Tk() # Skapar fönstret
root.title("SoundCloud") # Fönstertitel
#root.geometry("400x200") # Fönsterstorlek, BREDDxHÖJD
root.update_idletasks() # Update "requested size" from geometry manager
x = (root.winfo_screenwidth() - root.winfo_reqwidth()) / 2
y = (root.winfo_screenheight() - root.winfo_reqheight()) / 2
root.geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
# This seems to draw the window frame immediately, so only call deiconify()
# after setting correct window position
root.configure(background = 'white') # Bakgrundsfärg till fönstret
rootFont = font.Font(family='Arial', size=10, weight='bold')
w_width = 400
w_height = 200
w = Canvas(root, width=w_width, height=w_height, # Skapar 'w' canvas't
w.pack() # Vad gör denna? :(
y = int(50)
w.create_line(20, y, w_width-20, y, fill="#ddd", width=2)
w.create_line(20, 100, w_width-20, 100, fill="#ddd", width=2)
signin = Button(w, text="Log In", fg="white", bg="#f70", bd="-2", height="3", width="20", command=w.quit, font=rootFont)
signin.pack(side=LEFT), rely=.75, anchor="c")
CheckVar2 = IntVar()
C2 = Checkbutton(root, text = "Remember me", variable = CheckVar2, onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=2, width = 20, bg="white")
C2.pack(side=LEFT), rely=.75, anchor="c")
# Username input
username = StringVar()
E1 = Entry(root, bd = 0, width=59, textvariable=username)
E1.pack(side=LEFT), rely=.18, anchor="c")
# Password input
password = StringVar()
E2 = Entry(root, bd = 0, width=59, textvariable=password)
E2.pack(side=LEFT), rely=.43, anchor="c")
w.create_line(375, 200, w_width-20, 200, fill="#ddd", width=2)
def focusInE1(event):
w.create_line(20, y, w_width-20, y, fill="#f70", width=2)
def focusOutE1(event):
w.create_line(20, y, w_width-20, y, fill="#ddd", width=2)
E1.bind("<FocusIn>", focusInE1)
E1.bind("<FocusOut>", focusOutE1)
def focusInE2(event):
w.create_line(20, 100, w_width-20, 100, fill="#f70", width=2)
def focusOutE2(event):
w.create_line(20, 100, w_width-20, 100, fill="#ddd", width=2)
E2.bind("<FocusIn>", focusInE2)
E2.bind("<FocusOut>", focusOutE2)
root.mainloop() # Loopar funktionen, för Windows användare endast
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