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Created April 26, 2021 17:12
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This custom coded action queries the ClearBit Company API - domain lookup endpoint to pull additional information relating to the currently enrolled company. When a response is returned we then use the HubSpot CRM Company API to update the properties with the appropriate values.
// Import required libraries
const hubspot = require('@hubspot/api-client');
const request = require('request');
exports.main = (event, callback) => {
// Create a new HubSpot API client
const hubspotClient = new hubspot.Client({
apiKey: process.env.HAPIKEY
// Use the API client to get the domain of the object (company) currently enrolled in the workflow
hubspotClient.crm.companies.basicApi.getById(event.object.objectId, ["domain"]).then(results => {
let companyDomain =; //Store company domain in variable to use in later request to ClearBit API
//Make a request to ClearBit API to retrieve company information based on the domain of enrolled company.
var options = {
"method": "GET",
"url": "" + companyDomain,
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + process.env.CLEARBITAPI
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
Information returned from Clearbit can be stored in variables - I've included in comments the internal name of
the properties in HubSpot as I will use the CRM API to update in bulk towards end of the custom coded action.
var companyName = JSON.parse(body).name //company_name
var legalName = JSON.parse(body).legalName; //legal_name
var phoneNumber = JSON.parse(body).phone; //phone_number
var companyType = JSON.parse(body).type //type_of_company
var ticker = JSON.parse(body).ticker //ticker
var foundedYear = JSON.parse(body).foundedYear //founded_year
var description = JSON.parse(body).description //description
var parentDomain = JSON.parse(body).parent.domain; //parent_domain
var ultimateParent = JSON.parse(body).ultimateParent.domain; //ultimate_parent_domain
var domainAliases = JSON.parse(body).domainAliases.join(","); //domain_aliases
var industry = JSON.parse(body).category.industry; //category___industry
var industryGroup = JSON.parse(body).category.industryGroup; //industry_group
var industrySector = JSON.parse(body).category.sector; //category_sector
var subIndustry = JSON.parse(body).category.subIndustry; //category___sub_industry
var tags = JSON.parse(body).tags.join(","); //tags;
var tech = JSON.parse(body).tech.join(","); //tech;
var techCategories = JSON.parse(body).techCategories.join(","); //tech_categories;
var facebookedHandle = JSON.parse(body).facebook.handle; //facebook_handle
var twitterHandle = JSON.parse(body).twitter.handle; //twitter_handle
var linkedInHandle = JSON.parse(body).linkedin.handle; //linkedin_handle
var location = JSON.parse(body).location; // location
var geoCity = JSON.parse(body); //geo___city
var geoCountry = JSON.parse(body); //geo___country
var geoCountryCode = JSON.parse(body).geo.countryCode; //geo___country_code
var geoPostalCode = JSON.parse(body).geo.postalCode; //geo___postal_code
var geoState = JSON.parse(body).geo.state; //geo___state
var geoStateCode = JSON.parse(body).geo.stateCode; //geo___state_code
var alexaGlobalRank = JSON.parse(body).metrics.alexaGlobalRank; //metrics___alexa_global_rank
var alexaUsRank = JSON.parse(body).metrics.alexaUsRank; //metrics___alexa_us_rank
var annualRevenue = JSON.parse(body).metrics.annualRevenue; //metrics___annual_revenue
var employees = JSON.parse(body).metrics.employees; //metrics___employees
var employeesRange = JSON.parse(body).metrics.employeesRange; //metrics___employees_range
var estimatedAnnualRevenue = JSON.parse(body).metrics.estimatedAnnualRevenue; //metrics___estimated_annual_revenue
var fiscalYearEnd = JSON.parse(body).metrics.fiscalYearEnd; //metrics___fiscal_year_end
var marketCap = JSON.parse(body).metrics.marketCap; //metrics___market_cap
//Using the data returned update the relevant company properties within Hubspot.
"company_name": companyName,
"legal_name": legalName,
"phone_number": phoneNumber,
"type_of_company": companyType,
"ticker": ticker,
"founded_year": foundedYear,
"description": description,
"parent_domain": parentDomain,
"ultimate_parent_domain": ultimateParent,
"domain_aliases": domainAliases,
"category___industry": industry,
"industry_group": industryGroup,
"category_sector": industrySector,
"category___sub_industry": subIndustry,
"tags": tags,
"tech": tech,
"tech_categories": techCategories,
"facebook_handle": facebookedHandle,
"twitter_handle": twitterHandle,
"linkedin_handle": linkedInHandle,
"location": location,
"geo___city": geoCity,
"geo___country": geoCountry,
"geo___country_code": geoCountryCode,
"geo___postal_code": geoPostalCode,
"geo___state": geoState,
"geo___state_code": geoStateCode,
"metrics___alexa_global_rank": alexaGlobalRank,
"metrics___alexa_us_rank": alexaUsRank,
"metrics___annual_revenue": annualRevenue,
"metrics___employees": employees,
"metrics___employees_range": employeesRange,
"metrics___estimated_annual_revenue": estimatedAnnualRevenue,
"metrics___fiscal_year_end": fiscalYearEnd,
"metrics___market_cap": marketCap
// Optional but we could provide data output to use as an input in the Copy to Property workflow action at a later stage.
callback({ outputFields: {} });
if (error) throw new Error(error);
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