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Last active December 1, 2022 09:04
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Demo of trimesh loading issue with missing map_Kd
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
except ImportError:
Image = None
import trimesh
from trimesh import util
from trimesh.visual.texture import SimpleMaterial
from trimesh.constants import log
trimesh.constants.tol.strict = True
TOL_ZERO = 1e-12
def parse_mtl(mtl, resolver=None):
Parse a loaded MTL file.
mtl : str or bytes
Data from an MTL file
mtllibs : list of dict
Each dict has keys: newmtl, map_Kd, Kd
# decode bytes into string if necessary
if hasattr(mtl, 'decode'):
mtl = mtl.decode('utf-8')
# current material
material = None
# materials referenced by name
materials = {}
# use universal newline splitting
lines = str.splitlines(str(mtl).strip())
for line in lines:
# split by white space
split = line.strip().split()
# needs to be at least two values
if len(split) <= 1:
# the first value is the parameter name
key = split[0]
# start a new material
if key == 'newmtl':
# material name extracted from line like:
# newmtl material_0
name = split[1]
if material is not None:
# save the old material by old name and remove key
materials[material.pop('newmtl')] = material
# start a fresh new material
material = {'newmtl': split[1]}
elif key == 'map_Kd':
# represents the file name of the texture image
file_data = resolver.get(split[1])
# load the bytes into a PIL image
# an image file name
material['image'] =
except BaseException:
log.warning('failed to load image', exc_info=True)
elif key in ['Kd', 'Ka', 'Ks']:
# remap to kwargs for SimpleMaterial
mapped = {'Kd': 'diffuse',
'Ka': 'ambient',
'Ks': 'specular'}
# diffuse, ambient, and specular float RGB
material[mapped[key]] = [float(x) for x in split[1:]]
except BaseException:
log.warning('failed to convert color!', exc_info=True)
elif material is not None:
# save any other unspecified keys
material[key] = split[1:]
# reached EOF so save any existing materials
if material:
materials[material.pop('newmtl')] = material
return materials
def unmerge(faces, faces_tex):
Textured meshes can come with faces referencing vertex
indices (`v`) and an array the same shape which references
vertex texture indices (`vt`).
faces : (n, d) int
References vertex indices
faces_tex : (n, d) int
References a list of UV coordinates
new_faces : (m, d) int
New faces for masked vertices
mask_v : (p,) int
A mask to apply to vertices
mask_vt : (p,) int
A mask to apply to vt array to get matching UV coordinates
# stack into pairs of (vertex index, texture index)
stack = np.column_stack((faces.reshape(-1),
# find unique pairs: we're trying to avoid merging
# vertices that have the same position but different
# texture coordinates
unique, inverse = trimesh.grouping.unique_rows(stack)
# only take the unique pairts
pairs = stack[unique]
# try to maintain original vertex order
order = pairs[:, 0].argsort()
# apply the order to the pairs
pairs = pairs[order]
# the mask for vertices, and mask for vt to generate uv coordinates
mask_v, mask_uv = pairs.T
# we re-ordered the vertices to try to maintain
# the original vertex order as much as possible
# so to reconstruct the faces we need to remap
remap = np.zeros(len(order), dtype=np.int64)
remap[order] = np.arange(len(order))
# the faces are just the inverse with the new order
new_faces = remap[inverse].reshape((-1, 3))
return new_faces, mask_v, mask_uv
def _parse_faces(lines):
Use a slow but more flexible looping method to process
face lines as a fallback option to faster vectorized methods.
lines : (n,) str
List of lines with face information
faces : (m, 3) int
Clean numpy array of face triangles
# collect vertex, texture, and vertex normal indexes
v, vt, vn = [], [], []
# loop through every line starting with a face
for line in lines:
# remove leading newlines then
# take first bit before newline then split by whitespace
split = line.strip().split('\n')[0].split()
# split into: ['76/558/76', '498/265/498', '456/267/456']
if len(split) == 4:
# triangulate quad face
split = [split[0],
elif len(split) != 3:
log.warning('only triangle and quad faces supported!')
# f is like: '76/558/76'
for f in split:
# vertex, vertex texture, vertex normal
split = f.split('/')
# we always have a vertex reference
# faster to try/except than check in loop
except BaseException:
# vertex normal is the third index
except BaseException:
# shape into triangles and switch to 0-indexed
faces = np.array(v, dtype=np.int64).reshape((-1, 3)) - 1
faces_tex, normals = None, None
if len(vt) == len(v):
faces_tex = np.array(vt, dtype=np.int64).reshape((-1, 3)) - 1
if len(vn) == len(v):
normals = np.array(vn, dtype=np.int64).reshape((-1, 3)) - 1
return faces, faces_tex, normals
def load_obj(file_obj, resolver=None):
# Load Materials
materials = None
text =
mtl_position = text.find('mtllib')
if mtl_position >= 0:
# take the line of the material file after `mtllib`
# which should be the file location of the .mtl file
mtl_path = text[mtl_position + 6:text.find('\n', mtl_position)]
# use the resolver to get the data, then parse the MTL
material_kwargs = parse_mtl(resolver[mtl_path], resolver=resolver)
materials = {k: SimpleMaterial(**v)
for k, v in material_kwargs.items()}
# Load Vertices
# aggressivly reduce blob to only part with vertices
# the first position of a vertex in the text blob
v_start = text.find('\nv ') - 3
# we only need to search from the start of the file
# up to the location of out our first vertex
vn_start = text.find('\nvn ', 0, v_start) - 4
vt_start = text.find('\nvt ', 0, v_start) - 4
start = min(i for i in [v_start, vt_start, vn_start] if i > 0)
# search for the first newline past the last vertex
v_end = text.find('\n', text.rfind('\nv ') + 3)
# we only need to search from the last
# vertex up until the end of the file
vt_end = text.find('\n', text.rfind('\nvt ', v_end) + 4)
vn_end = text.find('\n', text.rfind('\nvn ', v_end) + 4)
# take the last position of any vertex property
end = max(i for i in [v_end, vt_end, vn_end] if i > 0)
# make a giant string numpy array of each "word"
words = np.array(text[start:end].split())
# find indexes of the three values after a "vertex" key
# this strategy avoids having to loop through the giant
# vertex array but does discard vertex colors if specified
v_idx = np.nonzero(words == 'v')[0].reshape((-1, 1))
# do the type conversion with built- in map/list/float
# vs np.astype, which is roughly 2x slower and these
# are some of the most expensive operations in the whole loader
# due to the fact that they are executed on every vertex
# In [17]: %timeit np.array(list(map(float, a.ravel().tolist())),
# dtype=np.float64)
# 1 loop, best of 3: 208 ms per loop
# In [18]: %timeit a.astype(np.float64)
# 1 loop, best of 3: 375 ms per loop
# get vertices as list of strings
v_list = words[v_idx + np.arange(1, 4)].ravel().tolist()
# run the conversion using built- in functions then re-numpy it
v = np.array(list(map(float, v_list)), dtype=np.float64).reshape((-1, 3))
# vertex colors are stored right after the vertices
vc = None
# try just one line, which will raise before
# we try to do the whole array
words[v_idx[0] + np.arange(4, 7)].astype(np.float64)
# we made it past one line, try to get a color for every vertex
vc_list = words[v_idx + np.arange(4, 7)].ravel().tolist()
vc = np.array(list(map(float, vc_list)), dtype=np.float64).reshape((-1, 3))
except BaseException:
vt = None
if vt_end >= 0:
# if we have vertex textures specified convert to numpy array
vt_idx = np.nonzero(words == 'vt')[0].reshape((-1, 1))
vt_list = words[vt_idx + np.arange(1, 3)].ravel().tolist()
vt = np.array(list(map(float, vt_list)), dtype=np.float64).reshape((-1, 2))
vn = None
if vn_end >= 0:
# if we have vertex normals specified convert to numpy array
vn_idx = np.nonzero(words == 'vn')[0].reshape((-1, 1))
if len(vn_idx) == len(v):
vn_list = words[vn_idx + np.arange(1, 4)].ravel().tolist()
vn = np.array(list(map(float, vn_list)), dtype=np.float64).reshape((-1, 3))
# Pre-Process Face Text
# Rather than looking at each line in a loop we're
# going to split lines by directives which indicate
# a new mesh, specifically 'usemtl' and 'o' keys
# search for materials, objects, faces, or groups
starters = ['\nusemtl ', '\no ', '\nf ', '\ng ', '\ns ']
f_start = len(text)
# first index of material, object, face, group, or smoother
for st in starters:
current = text.find(st, 0, f_start)
if current < 0:
current += len(st)
if current < f_start:
f_start = current
# index in blob of the newline after the last face
f_end = text.find('\n', text.rfind('\nf ') + 3)
# get the chunk of the file that has face information
if f_end >= 0:
# clip to the newline after the last face
f_chunk = text[f_start:f_end]
# no newline after last face
f_chunk = text[f_start:]
# start with undefined objects and material
current_object = None
current_material = None
# where we're going to store result tuples
# containing (material, object, face lines)
face_tuples = []
# two things cause new meshes to be created: objects and materials
# first divide faces into groups split by material and objects
# face chunks using different materials will be treated
# as different meshes
for m_chunk in f_chunk.split('\nusemtl '):
# if empty continue
if len(m_chunk) == 0:
# find the first newline in the chunk
# everything before it will be the usemtl direction
newline = m_chunk.find('\n')
current_material = m_chunk[:newline].strip()
# material chunk contains multiple objects
o_split = m_chunk.split('\no ')
if len(o_split) > 1:
for o_chunk in o_split:
# set the object label
current_object = o_chunk[
# find the first face in the chunk
f_idx = o_chunk.find('\nf ')
# if we have any faces append it to our search tuple
if f_idx >= 0:
# if there are any faces in this chunk add them
f_idx = m_chunk.find('\nf ')
if f_idx >= 0:
# Load Faces
# now we have clean- ish faces grouped by material and object
# so now we have to turn them into numpy arrays and kwargs
# for trimesh mesh and scene objects
kwargs = []
for material, obj, chunk in face_tuples:
# do wangling in string form
# we need to only take the face line before a newline
# using builtin functions in a list comprehension
# is pretty fast relative to other options
# this operation is the only one that is O(len(faces))
# [i[:i.find('\n')] ... requires a conditional
face_lines = [i.split('\n')[0] for i in chunk.split('\nf ')[1:]]
# then we are going to replace all slashes with spaces
joined = ' '.join(face_lines).replace('/', ' ')
# the fastest way to get to a numpy array
# processes the whole string at once into a 1D array
# also wavefront is 1- indexed (vs 0- indexed) so offset
array = np.fromstring(
joined, sep=' ', dtype=np.int64) - 1
# get the number of columns rounded and converted to int
columns = int(np.round(
float(len(array) / len(face_lines))))
# make sure we have the right number of values
if len(array) == (columns * len(face_lines)):
# reshape to columns
array = array.reshape((-1, columns))
# faces are going to be the first value
index = np.arange(3) * int(columns / 3.0)
# slice the faces out of the blob array
faces = array[:, index]
faces_tex, normals = None, None
if columns == 6:
# if we have two values per vertex the second
# one is index of texture coordinate (`vt`)
# count how many delimeters are in the first face line
# to see if our second value is texture or normals
count = face_lines[0].count('/')
if count == columns:
# case where each face line looks like:
# ' 75//139 76//141 77//141'
# which is vertex/nothing/normal
normals = array[:, index + 1]
elif count == int(columns / 2):
# case where each face line looks like:
# '75/139 76/141 77/141'
# which is vertex/texture
faces_tex = array[:, index + 1]
log.warning('face lines are weird: {}'.format(
elif columns == 9:
# if we have three values per vertex
# second value is always texture
faces_tex = array[:, index + 1]
# third value is reference to vertex normal (`vn`)
normals = array[:, index + 2]
# if we had something annoying like mixed in quads
# or faces that differ per-line we have to loop
log.warning('inconsistent faces!')
# TODO: allow fallback, and find a mesh we can test it on
assert False
faces, faces_tex, normals = _parse_faces(face_lines)
# try to get usable texture
visual = None
if faces_tex is not None:
# texture is referencing vt
new_faces, mask_v, mask_vt = unmerge(faces=faces, faces_tex=faces_tex)
# we should NOT have messed up the faces
# note: this is EXTREMELY slow due to the numerous
# float comparisons so only use in unit tests
if trimesh.tol.strict:
assert np.allclose(v[faces], v[mask_v][new_faces])
visual = trimesh.visual.TextureVisuals(
uv=vt[mask_vt], material=materials[material])
except BaseException:
log.warning('visual creation failed for submesh!',
visual = None
# mask vertices and use new faces
kwargs.append({'vertices': v[mask_v],
'vertex_normals': normals,
'visual': visual,
'faces': new_faces})
# otherwise just use unmasked vertices
kwargs.append({'vertices': v,
'faces': faces,
'vertex_normals': normals})
return kwargs
def to_mesh(m):
if isinstance(m, trimesh.Trimesh):
return m
elif isinstance(m, (list, tuple)):
return trimesh.util.concatenate([to_mesh(mi) for mi in m])
elif isinstance(m, dict):
return trimesh.Trimesh(**m)
raise TypeError("Unrecognized output type '%s'" % type(mesh))
path = 'model.obj'
with open(path, 'r') as fp:
mesh = load_obj(fp, trimesh.visual.resolvers.FilePathResolver(path))
# mesh = trimesh.load(path)
mesh = to_mesh(mesh)
# mesh = [trimesh.Trimesh(**m) for m in mesh]
# for m in mesh:
# Blender MTL File: 'blank.blend'
# Material Count: 3
newmtl material_0_1_8
Ns 96.078431
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 0.640000 0.640000 0.640000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ni -1.000000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd ./texture0.jpg
newmtl material_1_24
Ns 96.078431
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ni -1.000000
d 1.000000
illum 2
newmtl material_2_2_8
Ns 96.078431
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 0.640000 0.640000 0.640000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ni -1.000000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd ./texture1.jpg
# Blender v2.71 (sub 0) OBJ File: 'blank.blend'
mtllib ./model.mtl
o mesh1_mesh1-geometry
v -0.221803 -0.316862 0.316862
v 0.0950589 -0.316862 -0.316862
v 0.0950589 -0.316862 0.316862
v -0.221803 -0.316862 -0.316862
v 0.0950589 -0.0164769 -0.017662
v 0.0950589 -0.158431 0.316862
v -0.221803 -0.301019 -0.301019
v -0.221803 -0.158431 -0.316862
v 0.0950589 -0.0131939 -0.0201807
v 0.0950589 -0.0189929 -0.0143823
v -0.221803 -0.158431 0.316862
v 0.0950589 0.11497 0.0613163
v -0.221803 -0.301019 0.301019
v 0.0950589 -0.158431 -0.316862
v 0.0950589 -0.0093731 -0.0217619
v 0.221803 -0.0164769 -0.017662
v 0.0950589 -0.0205768 -0.0105609
v 0.0950589 0.316862 2.69123e-07
v -0.221803 -0.163228 0.301019
v 0.0950589 0.0985661 0.0591551
v 0.0950589 0.131371 0.0591551
v -0.221803 -0.163228 -0.301019
v -0.207953 -0.301019 0.301019
v -0.221803 0.316862 2.69123e-07
v 0.0950589 0.0985661 -0.0632709
v 0.221803 -0.0131939 -0.0201807
v 0.221803 -0.0189929 -0.0143823
v 0.0950589 -0.0211158 -0.006461
v 0.0950589 0.159781 0.0427543
v 0.0950589 0.0832838 0.0528243
v 0.0792157 0.11497 0.0613163
v 0.0950589 0.146656 0.0528243
v 0.0792157 0.131371 0.0591551
v 0.0792157 -0.163228 -0.301019
v -0.207953 -0.301019 -0.301019
v 0.0950589 0.131371 -0.0632709
v 0.0950589 0.11497 -0.0654288
v 0.0950589 0.0832838 -0.0569401
v 0.221803 -0.0093731 -0.0217619
v 0.221803 0.00592836 -0.017662
v 0.221803 0.00844763 -0.0143823
v 0.221803 -0.0205768 -0.0105609
v 0.0950589 -0.0205768 -0.00236055
v 0.0950589 0.169851 0.02963
v -0.221803 0.2883 2.69123e-07
v 0.0950589 0.0701595 0.0427543
v 0.0792157 0.0985661 0.0591551
v 0.0792157 0.146656 0.0528243
v 0.0792157 0.2883 2.69123e-07
v 0.0792157 -0.301019 0.301019
v 0.0950589 0.146656 -0.0569401
v 0.0792157 0.0985661 -0.0632709
v 0.0792157 0.0832838 -0.0569401
v 0.0950589 0.0701595 -0.0468701
v 0.0950589 -0.00527264 -0.0223036
v 0.221803 0.00264865 -0.0201807
v 0.221803 0.0100316 -0.0105609
v 0.221803 -0.0211158 -0.006461
v 0.0950589 -0.0189929 0.00146084
v 0.0950589 0.176181 0.0143445
v 0.0792157 0.159781 0.0427543
v -0.20596 0.0625359 0.15051
v 0.0950589 0.0600863 0.02963
v 0.0792157 0.0832838 0.0528243
v 0.0792157 0.0757172 0.141723
v 0.0792157 -0.301019 -0.301019
v 0.0792157 0.131371 -0.0632709
v 0.0792157 -0.163228 0.301019
v 0.0950589 0.159781 -0.0468701
v 0.0792157 0.11497 -0.0654288
v 0.0792157 0.0701595 -0.0468701
v 0.0950589 0.0600863 -0.0337425
v 0.221803 -0.00527264 -0.0223036
v 0.221803 -0.00117219 -0.0217619
v 0.0950589 0.00592836 -0.017662
v 0.0950589 0.00844763 -0.0143823
v 0.221803 0.0105705 -0.006461
v 0.221803 -0.0205768 -0.00236055
v 0.0950589 -0.0164769 0.00474329
v 0.0950589 0.178343 -0.00205626
v 0.0792157 0.169851 0.02963
v -0.20596 0.0757172 0.141723
v 0.0950589 0.0537555 0.0143445
v 0.0792157 0.0600863 0.02963
v 0.0792157 0.0701595 0.0427543
v 0.0792157 0.146656 -0.0569401
v 0.0792157 0.0625359 0.15051
v 0.0950589 0.169851 -0.0337425
v 0.0792157 -0.0447157 -0.0444748
v 0.0950589 -0.00117219 -0.0217619
v 0.0950589 0.0537555 -0.0184603
v 0.0950589 0.00264865 -0.0201807
v 0.0950589 0.0100316 -0.0105609
v 0.221803 0.0100316 -0.00236055
v 0.221803 -0.0189929 0.00146084
v 0.0950589 -0.0131939 0.00725926
v 0.0950589 0.176181 -0.0184603
v 0.0792157 0.176181 0.0143445
v -0.20596 -0.0579004 -0.035685
v 0.0950589 -0.00527264 0.00938214
v 0.0792157 0.0537555 0.0143445
v 0.0792157 -0.0579004 -0.035685
v 0.0792157 0.159781 -0.0468701
v 0.0792157 0.169851 -0.0337425
v 0.0792157 0.0600863 -0.0337425
v 0.0950589 0.0515975 -0.00205626
v 0.0950589 0.0105705 -0.006461
v 0.221803 0.00844763 0.00146084
v 0.221803 -0.0164769 0.00474329
v 0.221803 -0.0131939 0.00725926
v 0.0950589 -0.0093731 0.00884374
v 0.0792157 0.178343 -0.00205626
v -0.20596 -0.0447157 -0.0444748
v 0.0950589 -0.00117219 0.00884374
v 0.0792157 0.0515975 -0.00205626
v 0.0792157 0.176181 -0.0184603
v 0.0792157 0.0537555 -0.0184603
v 0.0950589 0.0100316 -0.00236055
v 0.221803 0.00592836 0.00474329
v 0.221803 -0.0093731 0.00884374
v 0.221803 -0.00527264 0.00938214
v 0.0950589 0.00264865 0.00725926
v 0.221803 -0.00117219 0.00884374
v 0.0950589 0.00844763 0.00146084
v 0.221803 0.00264865 0.00725926
v 0.0950589 0.00592836 0.00474329
vt -0.409471 -1.188335
vt -0.343854 -1.450802
vt -0.343854 -1.188335
vt -0.409471 -1.450802
vt 0.725401 0.000000
vt 0.663442 0.124410
vt 0.594167 0.000000
vt -0.343854 0.065617
vt -0.409471 0.000000
vt -0.343854 0.000000
vt -0.722120 0.006562
vt -0.725401 0.000000
vt -0.594167 0.000000
vt 0.409471 0.065617
vt 0.343854 0.000000
vt 0.409471 0.000000
vt 0.663963 0.125769
vt 0.662762 0.123367
vt -0.409471 0.065617
vt 0.647087 0.178850
vt 0.594167 0.065617
vt -0.725401 0.065617
vt -0.597448 0.006562
vt 0.343854 0.065617
vt 0.664291 0.127351
vt 0.661971 0.122712
vt -0.343854 0.950351
vt -0.409471 0.713766
vt -0.343854 0.713766
vt -0.594167 0.065617
vt -0.597448 0.063630
vt 0.647534 0.172057
vt 0.647534 0.185643
vt -0.722120 0.063630
vt 0.406603 -1.194896
vt 0.409471 -1.444240
vt 0.409471 -1.194896
vt 0.409471 -0.513579
vt 0.343854 -0.750164
vt 0.409471 -0.750164
vt 0.659784 0.262467
vt 0.725401 0.065617
vt 0.672886 0.172057
vt 0.661122 0.122488
vt -0.409471 0.950351
vt 0.650931 0.197409
vt -0.659784 0.262467
vt 0.648845 0.165727
vt 0.648845 0.191973
vt 0.406603 -1.444240
vt 0.343854 -0.513579
vt 0.672886 0.185643
vt 0.673334 0.178850
vt 0.671575 0.165727
vt 0.663442 0.133690
vt 0.662762 0.134732
vt 0.660273 0.122712
vt 0.653648 0.201580
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vt 0.012884 0.000000
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usemtl material_0_1_8
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s 1
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usemtl material_1_24
s off
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s 1
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f 34/205 50/216 102/228
f 34/205 89/222 70/218
f 49/207 86/219 103/230
f 102/228 50/216 87/220
f 89/222 105/231 71/225
f 49/207 98/232 81/226
f 62/233 102/234 87/235
f 65/236 113/237 82/238
f 99/228 82/199 113/222
f 102/234 62/233 99/239
f 84/240 65/199 85/229
f 101/241 65/199 84/240
f 34/205 102/228 89/222
f 49/207 103/230 104/242
f 105/231 89/222 117/243
f 49/207 112/244 98/232
f 113/237 65/236 89/245
f 113/246 102/247 99/248
f 115/249 89/222 101/241
f 101/241 89/222 65/199
f 102/247 113/246 89/250
f 49/207 104/242 116/251
f 117/243 89/222 115/249
f 49/207 116/251 112/244
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