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Created January 23, 2021 14:40
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Singular values cairo example
* Uses Singular values of transformation matrix to find the length of the
* major and minor axes of the scaled pen.
* Found in the cairo tutorial
* Dependencies:
* - cairo: sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev
* Compile, run and view the image with:
* gcc cairo-singular.c -Wall -lm -lcairo -o cairo-singular && ./cairo-singular && feh ./singular.png
#define WIDTH 400
#define HEIGHT 400
#include <cairo/cairo.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
* Finds the singular values of the non-translation part of matrix.
* Let M be the cairo transformation matrix in question:
* ⌈xx xy⌉
* M = |yx yy|
* ⌊x0 y0⌋
* The non-translation part is:
* A = ⌈xx xy⌉
* ⌊yx yy⌋
* The non-zero singular values of A are the square roots of the non-zero
* eigenvalues of A⁺ A, where A⁺ is A-transpose.
* A⁺ A = ⌈xx yx⌉⌈xx xy⌉ = ⌈xx²+yx² xx*xy+yx*yy⌉
* ⌊xy yy⌋⌊yx yy⌋ ⌊xx*xy+yx*yy xy²+yy²⌋
* Name those:
* B = A⁺ A = ⌈a k⌉
* ⌊k b⌋
* The eigenvalues of B satisfy:
* λ² - (a+b).λ + a.b - k² = 0
* The eigenvalues are:
* __________________
* (a+b) ± √(a+b)² - 4(a.b-k²)
* λ = ---------------------------
* 2
* that simplifies to:
* _______________
* λ = (a+b)/2 ± √((a-b)/2)² + k²
* And the Singular values are the root of λs.
static void
get_singular_values (const cairo_matrix_t *matrix, double *major, double *minor)
double xx = matrix->xx, xy = matrix->xy;
double yx = matrix->yx, yy = matrix->yy;
double a = xx*xx+yx*yx;
double b = xy*xy+yy*yy;
double k = xx*xy+yx*yy;
double f = (a+b) * .5;
double g = (a-b) * .5;
double delta = sqrt (g*g + k*k);
if (major) { *major = sqrt (f + delta); }
if (minor) { *minor = sqrt (f - delta); }
* Finds the length of the major and minor axes of the pen for a cairo_t,
* identified by the current transformation matrix and line width.
* Returned values are in device units.
static void
get_pen_axes (cairo_t *cr, double *major, double *minor)
double width;
cairo_matrix_t matrix;
width = cairo_get_line_width (cr);
cairo_get_matrix (cr, &matrix);
get_singular_values (&matrix, major, minor);
if (major) { *major *= width; }
if (minor) { *minor *= width; }
static void
draw (cairo_t *cr, int width, int height)
double major_width, minor_width;
/* clear background */
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); /* white */
cairo_paint (cr);
#define W width
#define H height
#define B ((width+height)/16)
/* the spline we want to stroke */
cairo_move_to (cr, W-B, B);
cairo_curve_to (cr, -W, B, 2*W, H-B, B, H-B);
/* the effect is show better with round caps */
cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND);
/* set the skewed pen */
cairo_rotate (cr, +.7);
cairo_scale (cr, .5, 2.);
cairo_rotate (cr, -.7);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, B);
get_pen_axes (cr, &major_width, &minor_width);
/* stroke with "major" pen in translucent red */
cairo_save (cr);
cairo_identity_matrix (cr);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, major_width);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, .9);
cairo_stroke_preserve (cr);
cairo_restore (cr);
/* stroke with skewed pen in translucent black */
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, .9);
cairo_stroke_preserve (cr);
/* stroke with "minor" pen in translucent yellow */
cairo_save (cr);
cairo_identity_matrix (cr);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, minor_width);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, .9);
cairo_stroke_preserve (cr);
cairo_restore (cr);
/* stroke with hairline in black */
cairo_save (cr);
cairo_identity_matrix (cr);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
cairo_stroke_preserve (cr);
cairo_restore (cr);
cairo_new_path (cr);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int width = WIDTH;
int height = HEIGHT;
cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height);
cairo_t *cr = cairo_create (surface);
draw (cr, width, height);
cairo_status_t status = cairo_surface_write_to_png (surface, "singular.png");
printf("cairo surface status = %d (%s)\n", status, cairo_status_to_string (status) );
return 0;
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