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Created January 26, 2019 21:56
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INFO:sagemaker:Creating training-job with name: ss-notebook-demo-2019-01-26-21-30-09-076
2019-01-26 21:30:09 Starting - Starting the training job...
2019-01-26 21:30:25 Starting - Launching requested ML instances......
2019-01-26 21:31:24 Starting - Preparing the instances for training......
2019-01-26 21:32:36 Downloading - Downloading input data...
2019-01-26 21:32:51 Training - Downloading the training image..
Docker entrypoint called with argument(s): train
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] Reading default configuration from /opt/amazon/lib/python2.7/site-packages/algorithm/default-input.json: {u'gamma2': u'0.9', u'gamma1': u'0.9', u'early_stopping_min_epochs': u'5', u'epochs': u'10', u'_workers': u'16', u'_num_kv_servers': u'auto', u'weight_decay': u'0.0001', u'crop_size': u'240', u'use_pretrained_model': u'True', u'_aux_weight': u'0.5', u'_hybrid': u'False', u'_augmentation_type': u'default', u'lr_scheduler': u'poly', u'early_stopping_patience': u'4', u'momentum': u'0.9', u'optimizer': u'sgd', u'early_stopping_tolerance': u'0.0', u'learning_rate': u'0.001', u'backbone': u'resnet-50', u'validation_mini_batch_size': u'16', u'_aux_loss': u'True', u'mini_batch_size': u'16', u'_precision_dtype': u'float32', u'early_stopping': u'False', u'algorithm': u'fcn', u'_logging_frequency': u'20', u'num_training_samples': u'8', u'_kvstore': u'device', u'_syncbn': u'False'}
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] Reading provided configuration from /opt/ml/input/config/hyperparameters.json: {u'learning_rate': u'0.0001', u'optimizer': u'rmsprop', u'algorithm': u'psp', u'lr_scheduler': u'poly', u'use_pretrained_model': u'True', u'backbone': u'resnet-50', u'early_stopping_min_epochs': u'10', u'epochs': u'10', u'validation_mini_batch_size': u'16', u'num_training_samples': u'367', u'num_classes': u'21', u'mini_batch_size': u'16', u'early_stopping_patience': u'2', u'early_stopping': u'True', u'crop_size': u'240'}
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] Final configuration: {u'gamma2': u'0.9', u'gamma1': u'0.9', u'early_stopping_min_epochs': u'10', u'epochs': u'10', u'_workers': u'16', u'_num_kv_servers': u'auto', u'weight_decay': u'0.0001', u'crop_size': u'240', u'use_pretrained_model': u'True', u'_aux_weight': u'0.5', u'_hybrid': u'False', u'_augmentation_type': u'default', u'lr_scheduler': u'poly', u'num_classes': u'21', u'early_stopping_patience': u'2', u'momentum': u'0.9', u'optimizer': u'rmsprop', u'early_stopping_tolerance': u'0.0', u'learning_rate': u'0.0001', u'backbone': u'resnet-50', u'validation_mini_batch_size': u'16', u'_aux_loss': u'True', u'mini_batch_size': u'16', u'_precision_dtype': u'float32', u'early_stopping': u'True', u'algorithm': u'psp', u'_logging_frequency': u'20', u'num_training_samples': u'367', u'_kvstore': u'device', u'_syncbn': u'False'}
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] Using default worker.
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] Loaded iterator creator application/x-image for content type ('application/x-image', '1.0')
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] Loaded iterator creator application/x-recordio for content type ('application/x-recordio', '1.0')
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] Loaded iterator creator image/png for content type ('image/png', '1.0')
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] Loaded iterator creator application/json for content type ('application/json', '1.0')
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] Loaded iterator creator image/jpeg for content type ('image/jpeg', '1.0')
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 WARNING 139737907083072] /opt/ml/input/data/train/_annotation is not a readable image file
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 WARNING 139737907083072] label maps not provided, using defaults.
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] #label_map train :{'scale': 1}
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 WARNING 139737907083072] /opt/ml/input/data/validation/_annotation is not a readable image file
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 WARNING 139737907083072] label maps not provided, using defaults.
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] #label_map validation :{'scale': 1}
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] nvidia-smi took: 0.0755198001862 secs to identify 1 gpus
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] Number of GPUs being used: 1
[01/26/2019 21:33:17 INFO 139737907083072] Number of GPUs being used: 1
Model file is not found. Downloading.
Downloading /root/.mxnet/models/ from
#015 0%| | 0/57417 [00:00<?, ?KB/s]#015 0%| | 33/57417 [00:00<03:52, 246.73KB/s]#015 0%| | 102/57417 [00:00<02:31, 377.44KB/s]#015 0%| | 233/57417 [00:00<01:39, 573.26KB/s]#015 1%| | 514/57417 [00:00<01:00, 947.12KB/s]#015 2%|1 | 986/57417 [00:00<00:38, 1451.06KB/s]#015 3%|3 | 1997/57417 [00:00<00:22, 2448.48KB/s]#015 6%|6 | 3613/57417 [00:00<00:14, 3793.38KB/s]#015 12%|#2 | 7005/57417 [00:01<00:07, 6433.81KB/s]#015 18%|#7 | 10285/57417 [00:01<00:05, 8394.14KB/s]#015 24%|##3 | 13749/57417 [00:01<00:04, 10095.57KB/s]#015 29%|##9 | 16679/57417 [00:01<00:03, 11131.13KB/s]#015 35%|###5 | 20279/57417 [00:01<00:02, 12411.01KB/s]#015 41%|#### | 23303/57417 [00:01<00:02, 13158.77KB/s]#015 44%|####4 | 25468/57417 [00:01<00:02, 13098.96KB/s]#015 51%|#####1 | 29423/57417 [00:02<00:01, 14339.02KB/s]#015 57%|#####6 | 32498/57417 [00:02<00:01, 14899.20KB/s]#015 64%|######3 | 36727/57417 [00:02<00:01, 16099.86KB/s]#015 69%|######9 | 39684/57417 [00:02<00:01, 16607.59KB/s]#015 74%|#######4 | 42573/57417 [00:02<00:00, 17041.77KB/s]#015 79%|#######9 | 45393/57417 [00:02<00:00, 17467.17KB/s]#015 86%|########5 | 49210/57417 [00:02<00:00, 18048.83KB/s]#015 94%|#########3| 53888/57417 [00:02<00:00, 19065.27KB/s]#015100%|#########9| 57299/57417 [00:02<00:00, 19490.33KB/s]#01557418KB [00:02, 19318.52KB/s]
/opt/amazon/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/gluon/ UserWarning: load_params is deprecated. Please use load_parameters.
warnings.warn("load_params is deprecated. Please use load_parameters.")
2019-01-26 21:33:13 Training - Training image download completed. Training in progress.('self.crop_size', 240)
#metrics {"Metrics": {"Max Batches Seen Between Resets": {"count": 1, "max": 0, "sum": 0.0, "min": 0}, "Number of Batches Since Last Reset": {"count": 1, "max": 0, "sum": 0.0, "min": 0}, "Number of Records Since Last Reset": {"count": 1, "max": 0, "sum": 0.0, "min": 0}, "Total Batches Seen": {"count": 1, "max": 0, "sum": 0.0, "min": 0}, "Total Records Seen": {"count": 1, "max": 0, "sum": 0.0, "min": 0}, "Max Records Seen Between Resets": {"count": 1, "max": 0, "sum": 0.0, "min": 0}, "Reset Count": {"count": 1, "max": 0, "sum": 0.0, "min": 0}}, "EndTime": 1548538414.995646, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Meta": "init_train_data_iter", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/Semantic Segmentation"}, "StartTime": 1548538414.99557}
[21:33:37] /opt/brazil-pkg-cache/packages/AIAlgorithmsMXNet/AIAlgorithmsMXNet-1.3.x.178.0/AL2012/generic-flavor/src/src/operator/nn/./cudnn/./cudnn_algoreg-inl.h:109: Running performance tests to find the best convolution algorithm, this can take a while... (setting env variable MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT to 0 to disable)
[01/26/2019 21:33:51 INFO 139737907083072] #progress_notice. epoch: 0, iterations: 20 speed: 47.2825722267 samples/sec
[01/26/2019 21:33:54 INFO 139737907083072] #quality_metric. host: algo-1, epoch: 0, train loss: 1.6545900036891301 .
[01/26/2019 21:33:54 INFO 139737907083072] #throughput_metric. host: algo-1, epoch: 0, train throughput: 28.7913721381 samples/sec.
Process Process-23:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/amazon/python2.7/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 267, in _bootstrap
File "/opt/amazon/python2.7/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 114, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "/opt/amazon/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/gluon/data/", line 169, in worker_loop
batch = batchify_fn([dataset[i] for i in samples])
File "/opt/amazon/lib/python2.7/site-packages/algorithm/", line 172, in __getitem__
File "/opt/amazon/lib/python2.7/site-packages/algorithm/", line 137, in _mask_check
'number of classes.'.format(int(mask.max().asscalar())))
CustomerError: Annotation value 21 found in labels. This is greater than number of classes.
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