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Created September 18, 2020 21:20
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A demo of decision tables using F# types and pattern matching
Decision Table Demo
MIT License, do with this what you will
A demo of decision tables using F# types and pattern matching, inspired by
The compiler service flags problematic (incomplete) decision tables.
Some F# development environment using F# Compiler Services,, in order to generate intellisense help regarding the completeness of pattern matches.
Visual Studio Community Edition,
VS Code with Ionide plugin,
Developed prior to F# 5.0 ... shouldn't make much difference.
module Domain =
type Action =
| Merge
| FixTests
| FixReviewComments
| FixTestsFirst
type PR =
PassedReview : bool
PassedTests : bool
type InfiniteState = int
type DoSomething =
| DoThis
| DoThat
open Domain
let decisionTable1 (pr : PR) =
A complete decision table, no warnings.
match pr with
| { PassedReview = true; PassedTests = true } -> Action.Merge
| { PassedReview = true; PassedTests = false } -> Action.FixTests
| { PassedReview = false; PassedTests = true } -> Action.FixReviewComments
| { PassedReview = false; PassedTests = false } -> Action.FixTestsFirst
let decisionTable1Alternate1 passedReview passedTests =
...or if you prefer your patterns less verbose
match passedReview, passedTests with
| true, true -> Action.Merge
| true, false -> Action.FixTests
| false, true -> Action.FixReviewComments
| false, false -> Action.FixTestsFirst
let decisionTable1Alternate2 passedReview passedTests =
Multiple patterns result in same decision.
match passedReview, passedTests with
| true, true -> Action.Merge
| false, true -> Action.FixReviewComments
| true, false
| false, false -> Action.FixTests
let decisionTable1Warning1 (pr : PR) =
Note green squiggly under the pr in match statement indicates a warning.
Mouse-over to read message
FS00025: Incomplete pattern matches on this expression. For example, the value
'{PassedReview=_;PassedTests=false}' may indicate a case not covered by the pattern(s).
Comment: notice the generated example is not quite correct in that 'PassedReview' is assigned the wild card.
match pr with
| { PassedReview = true; PassedTests = true } -> Action.Merge
| { PassedReview = true; PassedTests = false } -> Action.FixTests
| { PassedReview = false; PassedTests = true } -> Action.FixReviewComments
let decisionTable1Warning2 (pr : PR) =
This time the green squiggly is under our last pattern.
FS00026: This rule will never be matched.
We included the same pattern a second time and the compiler warns us.
match pr with
| { PassedReview = true; PassedTests = true } -> Action.Merge
| { PassedReview = true; PassedTests = false } -> Action.FixTests
| { PassedReview = false; PassedTests = true } -> Action.FixReviewComments
| { PassedReview = true; PassedTests = false } -> Action.FixTestsFirst
let decisionTable2 (state : InfiniteState) =
When using guards in the pattern, the compiler is not smart enough.
FS00025: Incomplete pattern matches on this expression.
match state with
| s when s % 2 = 0 -> DoSomething.DoThis
| s when s % 2 <> 0 -> DoSomething.DoThat
We get around this limitation using F# Active Patterns,
We could just as easily define up to 7 ranges.
let (|Even|Odd|) n =
if n % 2 = 0 then
let decisionTable2Better (state : InfiniteState) =
No warnings.
match state with
| Even -> DoSomething.DoThis
| Odd -> DoSomething.DoThat
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