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Created November 7, 2018 17:50
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BootloaderHID Makefile for Planck THK
# Name: Makefile
# Project: bootloadHID
# Author: Christian Starkjohann
# Creation Date: 2007-03-19
# Tabsize: 4
# Copyright: (c) 2007 by OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT Software GmbH
# License: GNU GPL v2 (see License.txt)
# This Revision: $Id$
# Configure the following variables according to your AVR. The example below
# is for an ATMega8. Program the device with
# make fuse # to set the clock generator, boot section size etc.
# make flash # to load the boot loader into flash
# make lock # to protect the boot loader from overwriting
DEVICE = atmega32a
F_CPU = 16000000
FUSEH = 0xcf
FUSEL = 0x99
# Fuse high byte:
# 0xc0 = 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 <-- BOOTRST (boot reset vector at 0x1800)
# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^------ BOOTSZ0
# | | | | | +-------- BOOTSZ1
# | | | | + --------- EESAVE (preserve EEPROM over chip erase)
# | | | +-------------- CKOPT (full output swing)
# | | +---------------- SPIEN (allow serial programming)
# | +------------------ WDTON (WDT not always on)
# +-------------------- RSTDISBL (reset pin is enabled)
# Fuse low byte:
# 0x9f = 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
# ^ ^ \ / \--+--/
# | | | +------- CKSEL 3..0 (external >8M crystal)
# | | +--------------- SUT 1..0 (crystal osc, BOD enabled)
# | +------------------ BODEN (BrownOut Detector enabled)
# +-------------------- BODLEVEL (2.7V)
AVRDUDE = avrdude -c stk500v2 -P avrdoper -p $(DEVICE)
LDFLAGS += -Wl,--relax,--gc-sections -Wl,--section-start=.text=$(BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS)
# Omit -fno-* options when using gcc 3, it does not support them.
COMPILE = avr-gcc -Wall -Os -fno-move-loop-invariants -fno-tree-scev-cprop -fno-inline-small-functions -Iusbdrv -I. -mmcu=$(DEVICE) -DF_CPU=$(F_CPU) -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 # -DTEST_MODE
# NEVER compile the final product with debugging! Any debug output will
# distort timing so that the specs can't be met.
OBJECTS = usbdrv/usbdrvasm.o usbdrv/oddebug.o main.o
# symbolic targets:
all: main.hex
$(COMPILE) -c $< -o $@
$(COMPILE) -x assembler-with-cpp -c $< -o $@
# "-x assembler-with-cpp" should not be necessary since this is the default
# file type for the .S (with capital S) extension. However, upper case
# characters are not always preserved on Windows. To ensure WinAVR
# compatibility define the file type manually.
$(COMPILE) -S $< -o $@
flash: all
$(AVRDUDE) -U flash:w:main.hex:i
$(AVRDUDE) -U flash:r:read.hex:i
$(AVRDUDE) -U hfuse:w:$(FUSEH):m -U lfuse:w:$(FUSEL):m
$(AVRDUDE) -U lock:w:0x2f:m
$(UISP) --rd_fuses
rm -f main.hex main.bin *.o usbdrv/*.o main.s usbdrv/oddebug.s usbdrv/usbdrv.s
# file targets:
main.bin: $(OBJECTS)
$(COMPILE) -o main.bin $(OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS)
main.hex: main.bin
rm -f main.hex main.eep.hex
avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex main.bin main.hex
avr-size main.hex
disasm: main.bin
avr-objdump -d main.bin
$(COMPILE) -E main.c
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