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Forked from ujentus/WaitFreeQueue.cpp
Last active May 24, 2017 14:32
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MPSC Wait-free Queue for C++, Windows
#pragma once
* Wait-Free MPSC Queue
* Minimum requirement: Windows XP or Windows Server 2003
* Author: @sm9kr
* License type: GPL v3
* References
** [1]
** [2]
// 멀티스레드에서 테스트할 때는 콘솔 출력을 막던가 스레드세이프하게 변경해야 한다
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
/// 노드 구조
class NodeEntry
NodeEntry() : mNext(nullptr) {}
NodeEntry* volatile mNext;
/// 아래와 같은 형태로 intrusive방식으로 노드 구성해야 함 [2]
class DataNode
DataNode() {}
__int64 mData;
NodeEntry mNodeEntry; ///< 반드시 NodeEntry를 포함해야 함
* [1]을 참고하여 C++ Windows 환경에 맞게 변경한 MPSC 큐.
* 여러 쓰레드에서 Push는 되지만 Pop은 하나의 지정된 쓰레드에서만 해야 함
* 사용 예
WaitFreeQueue<DataNode> testQueue ;
DataNode* pushData = new DataNode ;
testQueue.Push(newData) ;
DataNode* popData = testQueue.Pop() ;
delete popData ;
* 물론, DataNode*가 큐 안에 있을때 다른 쓰레드에서 날려버지 않도록 스마트 포인터로 만들어서 쓰는 것이 좋다.
template <class T>
class WaitFreeQueue
WaitFreeQueue() : mHead(&mStub), mTail(&mStub)
mOffset = reinterpret_cast<__int64>(&((reinterpret_cast<T*>(0))->mNodeEntry));
~WaitFreeQueue() {}
void Push(T* newData)
std::cout << "Push" << std::endl;
NodeEntry* prevNode = (NodeEntry*)InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID volatile*)&mHead, (PVOID*)&(newData->mNodeEntry));
prevNode->mNext = &(newData->mNodeEntry);
T* Pop()
NodeEntry* tail = mTail;
NodeEntry* next = tail->mNext;
if (tail == &mStub)
/// 데이터가 없을 때
if (nullptr == next) {
return nullptr;
std::cout << "처음 꺼낼 때 - ";
mTail = next;
tail = next;
next = next->mNext;
/// 대부분의 경우에 데이터를 빼낼 때
if (next)
std::cout << "데이터를 빼낸다 case-1" << std::endl;
mTail = next;
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<__int64>(tail) - mOffset);
NodeEntry* head = mHead;
if (tail != head) {
return nullptr;
std::cout << "마지막 데이터 꺼낼 때 case-2" << std::endl;
mStub.mNext = nullptr;
NodeEntry* prev = (NodeEntry*)InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID volatile*)&mHead, (PVOID*)&mStub);
prev->mNext = &mStub;
next = tail->mNext;
if (next)
mTail = next;
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<__int64>(tail) - mOffset);
return nullptr;
NodeEntry* volatile mHead;
NodeEntry* mTail;
NodeEntry mStub;
__int64 mOffset;
int main()
std::cout << "1개 넣고 뺀다" << std::endl;
WaitFreeQueue<DataNode> testQueue;
DataNode* newData1 = new DataNode;
DataNode* popData1 = testQueue.Pop();
delete popData1;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "3개 넣고 뺀다" << std::endl;
WaitFreeQueue<DataNode> testQueue;
DataNode* newData1 = new DataNode;
DataNode* newData2 = new DataNode;
DataNode* newData3 = new DataNode;
DataNode* popData1 = testQueue.Pop();
delete popData1;
DataNode* popData2 = testQueue.Pop();
delete popData2;
DataNode* popData3 = testQueue.Pop();
delete popData3;
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
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