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Last active August 10, 2023 20:40
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  • Save jackkoppa/0f2b5e8cd683a5261037c685ad8bcc8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jackkoppa/0f2b5e8cd683a5261037c685ad8bcc8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Workaround npm build script, to temporarily fix Angular #21636 (see
* Temporary fix for
* Include in your project; run after the `ng build --prod` step by running `node location/of/this/script/fix-sw`
* Warning: removes any instances of setting EXISTING_CLIENTS_ONLY state, which will likely have adverse effects in some situations
* enter the value set as the --base-href flag when deploying to a live URL
* if not deploying to a live URL, and only running locally, set this to null, as the URL parsing fix will not be necessary
const SITE_BASE_HREF = '';
* Begin script
const replace = require('replace-in-file');
const existingStateReplacements = {
files: 'dist/ngsw-worker.js',
from: /this\.state = DriverReadyState\.EXISTING_CLIENTS_ONLY;/g,
to: '/*this.state = DriverReadyState.EXISTING_CLIENTS_ONLY;*/ ' +
'// removing EXISTING_CLIENTS_ONLY state, as it behaves incorrectly in offline testing, both locally & on GitHub pages'
const baseHrefInstances = {
files: 'dist/ngsw.json',
from: '"' + SITE_BASE_HREF + 'index.html",',
to: '"' + SITE_BASE_HREF + 'index.html", ', // whitespace-only change indicates that the baseHref was found, so we should make the URL fix
const serviceWorkerURLFix = {
files: 'dist/ngsw-worker.js',
from: /return parsed\.path;/g,
to: '/*return parsed.path;*/ ' +
'return url; ' +
'// overriding default @angular/service-worker URL behavior, to handle routing bug angular/angular #21636'
try {
const existingInstances = replace.sync(existingStateReplacements);
console.log('Replacements of EXISTING_CLIENTS_ONLY states: ', existingInstances.join(', '));
catch(error) {
console.error('Error occurred while replacing EXISTING_CLIENTS_ONLY states: ', error);
try {
const foundBaseHref = replace.sync(baseHrefInstances);
if (foundBaseHref && foundBaseHref.length > 0) {
try {
const override = replace.sync(serviceWorkerURLFix);
console.log('Changes made: ', override.join(', '))
catch (error) {
console.error('Error occurred while overriding default service worker URL behavior: ', error)
else {
console.log('baseHref was not set; no URL matching changes needed', foundBaseHref);
catch (error) {
console.error('Error occurred while looking for baseHref: ', error);
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Hi can you let me know what shall i do in case i have dynamic base href depending on the environment which i am deploying to

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Also my index.html is not getting cached because while debugging, i can see the canonical hash and the fetched hash doesnt match for index. For all others it is getting matched

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