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Created May 20, 2015 01:05
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Sugar stem site main js
$(function() {
var getSelectedID, initOptionDesc, initOptionImages, initOptionPrices, initProductSliders, resizeContainer, selectedParent;
selectedParent = $('.selected').parents(".product-container");
initOptionImages = function() {
var selectImages;
selectImages = $('option[data-image]').parent('select');
return selectImages.on('change', function() {
var entryID, imageNum;
entryID = getSelectedID();
imageNum = $(this).find('option:selected').data('image') || '0';
return $(".js-product-gallery-" + entryID).flexslider(imageNum - 1);
initOptionPrices = function() {
var selectPrices;
selectPrices = $('option[data-price]').parent('select');
return selectPrices.on('change', function() {
var currentPrice, entryID, optionPrice, priceField, updatedPrice;
entryID = getSelectedID();
priceField = $('.js-product-item.selected').parent().find('.price');
currentPrice ='price');
optionPrice = $(this).find('option:selected').data('price') || '0'; // if no price return 0
updatedPrice = parseInt(currentPrice) + parseInt(optionPrice);
return priceField.html("$" + (updatedPrice.toFixed(2)));
initOptionDesc = function() {
var selectDesc;
selectDesc = $('option[data-desc]').parent('select');
return selectDesc.on('change', function() {
var descArea, description, entryID;
entryID = getSelectedID();
description = $(this).find('option:selected').data('desc') || '';
descArea = $('.js-product-item.selected').parent().find('.option-description');
return descArea.html("<p>" + description + "</p>");
getSelectedID = function() {
return $('.js-product-item.selected').data('id');
initProductSliders = function(entryID) {
return $(".js-product-gallery-" + entryID).flexslider({
animation: "slide",
controlNav: "thumbnails",
animationLoop: true,
slideshow: true,
smoothHeight: true,
animationSpeed: 250,
start: function(slider) {
return resizeContainer($('.selected').parents(".product-container"));
before: function(slider) {
return resizeContainer($('.selected').parents(".product-container"));
resizeContainer = function(container) {
// set height of project details
var containerHeight;
containerHeight = container.find(".product-details").outerHeight() + 16;
return container.animate({
paddingBottom: containerHeight + "px"
}, {
duration: 200
$(".js-product-item, .js-close-details").on("click", function(element) {
var currentOpen, entryID, openContainer, slideCurrent, sliderOpen, timerDelayForClose;
// set up variables
sliderOpen = $(".product-item.selected").length > 0;
currentOpen = $(this).hasClass("selected");
slideCurrent = $(this);
entryID = $(this).data('id');
timerDelayForClose = 500;
// Close any currently open product
if (sliderOpen) {
openContainer = $(".product-item.selected").parent(".product-container");
paddingBottom: "10px"
}, {
duration: timerDelayForClose
// Check if we are not just closing the current product
if (!currentOpen) {
return setTimeout((function() {
var container;
// Add selected class to this div
// add padding to row
container = slideCurrent.parent(".product-container");
return setTimeout((function() {
return initProductSliders(entryID);
}), timerDelayForClose);
}), timerDelayForClose);
$(window).on('resize', function() {
return resizeContainer($('.selected').parents(".product-container"));
// Banner slider
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: true,
slideshow: false
return initOptionDesc();
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