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Created December 17, 2018 20:45
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AST Cleaned Up
open System
type ASTNode =
| Add of (ASTNode * ASTNode)
| Sub of (ASTNode * ASTNode)
| X
| Constant of int
let rec Evaluate node x =
match node with
| Add (l,r) -> (Evaluate l x) + (Evaluate r x)
| Sub (l,r) -> (Evaluate l x) - (Evaluate r x)
| X -> x
| Constant v -> v
let rec ASTToString node =
match node with
| Add (l,r) -> "(" + (ASTToString l) + " + " + (ASTToString r) + ")"
| Sub (l,r) -> "(" + (ASTToString l) + " - " + (ASTToString r) + ")"
| X -> "X"
| Constant v -> string v
let rec ConstantFolding node =
match node with
| Add (l,r) -> match (ConstantFolding(l),ConstantFolding(r)) with
| (Constant v1,Constant v2) -> Constant(v1+v2)
| (optL,optR) -> Add(optL,optR)
| Sub(l,r) -> match (ConstantFolding(l),ConstantFolding(r)) with
| (Constant v1,Constant v2) -> Constant(v1-v2)
| (optL,optR) -> Sub(optL,optR)
| X -> X
| Constant v -> Constant(v)
let main argv =
let equation = Sub(Constant(3),Add(Constant(5),Constant(2)))
let optimized = ConstantFolding equation
//let result = Evaluate equation 2
printfn "%A" (ASTToString optimized)
0 // return an integer exit code
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