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Created March 7, 2019 22:11
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newtonsoft json DU converter
namespace AlphaFront
module JsonCustomConverters =
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
open System
open System.IO
type DuConverter() =
inherit JsonConverter()
override __.WriteJson(writer, value, serializer) =
let unionType = value.GetType()
let unionCases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(unionType)
let case, fields = FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(value, unionType)
let allSingle = unionCases |> Seq.forall (fun c -> c.GetFields() |> Seq.length = 1)
match allSingle,fields with
//simplies case no parameters - just like an enumeration
| _,[||] -> writer.WriteRawValue(sprintf "\"%s\"" case.Name)
//all single values - discriminate between record types - so we just serialize the record
| true,[| singleValue |] -> serializer.Serialize(writer,singleValue)
//diferent types in same discriminated union - write the case and the items as tuples
| false,values ->
writer.WritePropertyName "Case"
writer.WriteRawValue(sprintf "\"%s\"" case.Name)
let valuesCount = Seq.length values
for i in 1 .. valuesCount do
let itemName = sprintf "Item%i" i
writer.WritePropertyName itemName
| _,_ -> failwith "Handle this new case"
override __.ReadJson(reader, destinationType, existingValue, serializer) =
let parts =
if reader.TokenType <> JsonToken.StartObject then [| (JsonToken.Undefined, obj()), (reader.TokenType, reader.Value) |]
seq {
yield! reader |> Seq.unfold (fun reader ->
if reader.Read() then Some((reader.TokenType, reader.Value), reader)
else None)
|> Seq.takeWhile(fun (token, _) -> token <> JsonToken.EndObject)
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.mapi (fun id value -> id, value)
|> Seq.filter (fun (id, _) -> id % 2 = 0)
|> snd
|> Seq.toArray
//get simplified key value collection
let fieldsValues =
|> (fun ((_, fieldName), (fieldType,fieldValue)) -> fieldName,fieldType,fieldValue)
|> Seq.toArray
//all cases of the targe discriminated union
let unionCases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(destinationType)
//the first simple case - this DU contains just simple values - as enum - get the value
let _,_,firstFieldValue = fieldsValues.[0]
let fieldsCount = fieldsValues |> Seq.length
let valuesOnly = fieldsValues |> Seq.skip 1 |> (fun (_,_,v) -> v) |> Array.ofSeq
let foundDirectCase = unionCases |> Seq.tryFind (fun uc -> uc.Name = (firstFieldValue.ToString()))
let jsonToValue valueType value =
match valueType with
| JsonToken.Date ->
let dateTimeValue = Convert.ToDateTime(value :> Object)
| _ -> value.ToString()
match foundDirectCase, fieldsCount with
//simpliest case - just like an enum
| Some case, 1 -> FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case,[||])
//case is specified - just create the case with the values as parameters
| Some case, n -> FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case,valuesOnly)
//case not specified - look up the record type which suites the best
| None, _ ->
//this is the second case - this disc union is not of simple value - it may be records or multiple values
let reconstructedJson = (Seq.fold (fun acc (name,valueType,value) -> acc + String.Format("\t\"{0}\":\"{1}\",\n",name,(jsonToValue valueType value))) "{\n" fieldsValues) + "}"
//if it is a record lets try to find the case by looking at the present fields
let implicitCase = unionCases |> Seq.tryPick (fun uc ->
//if the case of the discriminated union is a record then this case will contain just one field which will be the record
let ucDef = uc.GetFields() |> Seq.head
//we need the get the record type and look at the fields
let recordType = ucDef.PropertyType
let recordFields = recordType.GetProperties()
let matched = fieldsValues |> Seq.forall ( fun (fieldName,_,fieldValue) ->
recordFields |> Array.exists(fun f-> f.Name = (fieldName :?> string))
//if we have found a match onthe record let's keep the union case and type of the record
match matched with
| true -> Some (uc,recordType)
| false -> None
match implicitCase with
| Some (case,recordType) ->
use stringReader = new StringReader(reconstructedJson)
use jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(stringReader)
//creating the record - Json.NET can handle that already
let unionCaseValue = serializer.Deserialize(jsonReader,recordType)
//convert the record to the parent discrimianted union
let parentDUValue = FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case,[|unionCaseValue|])
| None -> failwith "can't find such disc union type"
override __.CanConvert(objectType) =
FSharpType.IsUnion objectType &&
//it seems that both option and list are implemented using discriminated unions, so we tell to ignore them and use different serializer
not (objectType.IsGenericType && objectType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<list<_>>) &&
not (objectType.IsGenericType && objectType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<option<_>>) &&
not (FSharpType.IsRecord objectType)
type OptionConverter() =
inherit JsonConverter()
override x.CanConvert(t) =
t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<option<_>>
override x.WriteJson(writer, value, serializer) =
let value =
if value = null then null
let _,fields = FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(value, value.GetType())
serializer.Serialize(writer, value)
override x.ReadJson(reader, t, existingValue, serializer) =
let innerType = t.GetGenericArguments().[0]
let innerType =
if innerType.IsValueType then (typedefof<Nullable<_>>).MakeGenericType([|innerType|])
else innerType
let value = serializer.Deserialize(reader, innerType)
let cases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(t)
if value = null then FSharpValue.MakeUnion(cases.[0], [||])
else FSharpValue.MakeUnion(cases.[1], [|value|])
type DecimalConverter () =
inherit JsonConverter()
override x.CanRead = false;
override x.CanConvert(objectType) =
objectType = typedefof<float> ||
objectType = typedefof<decimal>
override x.WriteJson(writer,value,serializer) =
if value.GetType() = typedefof<float> then
let f : float = value :?> float
let d : decimal = value :?> decimal
override x.ReadJson(reader,objectType,existingValue,serializer) : Object =
raise (NotImplementedException())
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