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Last active January 4, 2024 23:15
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A header file to make SIMD intrinsics a bit easier to work with
// A header file to get you set going with Intel SIMD instrinsic programming.
// All necessary header files are inlucded for SSE2, SSE41, and AVX2
// Macros make the intrinsics easier to read and generic so you can compile to
// SSE2 or AVX2 with the flip of a #define
#define SSE2 //indicates we want SSE2
#define SSE41 //indicates we want SSE4.1 instructions (floor and blend is available)
#define AVX2 //indicates we want AVX2 instructions (double speed!)
#ifndef AVX2
#include <xmmintrin.h> //SSE
#include <emmintrin.h> //SSE 2
#ifdef SSE41
#include <smmintrin.h> // SSE4.1
#ifdef AVX2
#include <immintrin.h> //avx2
// #include <zmmintrin.h> //avx512 the world is not yet ready...SOON
// create types we can use in either the 128 or 256 case
#ifndef AVX2
// m128 will be our base type
typedef __m128 SIMD; //for floats
typedef __m128i SIMDi; //for integers
// we process 4 at a time
#define VECTOR_SIZE 4
// intrinsic functions
#define Store(x,y) _mm_store_ps(x,y)
#define Load(x) _mm_load_ps(x)
#define SetOne(x) _mm_set1_ps(x)
#define SetZero() _mm_setzero_ps()
#define SetOnei(x) _mm_set1_epi32(x)
#define SetZeroi(x) _mm_setzero_epi32(x)
#define Add(x,y) _mm_add_ps(x,y)
#define Sub(x,y) _mm_sub_ps(x,y)
#define Addi(x,y) _mm_add_epi32(x,y)
#define Subi(x,y) _mm_sub_epi32(x,y)
#define Mul(x,y) _mm_mul_ps(x,y)
#define Muli(x,y) _mm_mul_epi32(x,y)
#define And(x,y) _mm_and_ps(x,y)
#define Andi(x,y) _mm_and_si128(x,y)
#define AndNot(x,y) _mm_andnot_ps(x,y)
#define Or(x,y) _mm_or_ps(x,y)
#define Ori(x,y) _mm_or_si128(x,y)
#define CastToFloat(x) _mm_castsi128_ps(x)
#define CastToInt(x) _mm_castps_si128(x)
#define ConvertToInt(x) _mm_cvtps_epi32(x)
#define ConvertToFloat(x) _mm_cvtepi32_ps(x)
#define Equal(x,y) _mm_cmpeq_ps(x,y)
#define Equali(x,y) _mm_cmpeq_epi32(x,y)
#define GreaterThan(x,y) _mm_cmpgt_ps(x,y)
#define GreaterThani(x,y) _mm_cmpgt_epi32(x,y)
#define GreaterThanOrEq(x,y) _mm_cmpge_ps(x,y)
#define LessThan(x,y) _mm_cmplt_ps(x,y)
#define LessThani(x,y) _mm_cmpgt_epi32(y,x)
#define LessThanOrEq(x,y) _mm_cmple_ps(x,y)
#define NotEqual(x,y) _mm_cmpneq_ps(x,y)
#ifdef SSE41
#define Floor(x) _mm_floor_ps(x)
#define Max(x,y) _mm_max_ps(x,y)
#define Maxi(x,y) _mm_max_epi32(x,y)
#define Min(x,y) _mm_min_ps(x,y)
#ifndef SSE41
#define BlendV(x,y,z) Or(AndNot(z,x), And(z,y)) //if we don't have sse4
#define BlendV(x,y,z) _mm_blendv_ps(x,y,z)
#ifdef AVX2
// m256 will be our base type
typedef __m256 SIMD; //for floats
typedef __m256i SIMDi; //for integers
//process 8 at t time
#define VECTOR_SIZE 8
//intrinsic functions
#define Store(x,y) _mm256_store_ps(x,y)
#define Load(x) _mm256_load_ps(x)
#define Set(x,y,z,w,a,b,c,d) _mm256_set_ps(x,y,z,w,a,b,c,d);
#define SetOne(x) _mm256_set1_ps(x)
#define SetZero() _mm256_setzero_ps()
#define SetOnei(x) _mm256_set1_epi32(x)
#define SetZeroi(x) _mm256_setzero_epi32(x)
#define Add(x,y) _mm256_add_ps(x,y)
#define Sub(x,y) _mm256_sub_ps(x,y)
#define Addi(x,y) _mm256_add_epi32(x,y)
#define Subi(x,y) _mm256_sub_epi32(x,y)
#define Mul(x,y) _mm256_mul_ps(x,y)
#define Muli(x,y) _mm256_mul_epi32(x,y)
#define And(x,y) _mm256_and_ps(x,y)
#define Andi(x,y) _mm256_and_si256(x,y)
#define AndNot(x,y) _mm256_andnot_ps(x,y)
#define Or(x,y) _mm256_or_ps(x,y)
#define Ori(x,y) _mm256_or_si256(x,y)
#define CastToFloat(x) _mm256_castsi256_ps(x)
#define CastToInt(x) _mm256_castps_si256(x)
#define ConvertToInt(x) _mm256_cvtps_epi32(x)
#define ConvertToFloat(x) _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(x)
#define Equal(x,y) _mm256_cmp_ps(x,y,_CMP_EQ_OQ)
#define Equali(x,y) _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(x,y)
#define GreaterThan(x,y) _mm256_cmp_ps(x,y,_CMP_GT_OQ)
#define GreaterThani(x,y) _mm256_cmpgt_epi32(x,y)
#define LessThan(x,y) _mm256_cmp_ps(x,y,_CMP_LT_OQ)
#define LessThani(x,y) _mm256_cmpgt_epi32(y,x)
#define LessThanOrEq(x,y) _mm256_cmp_ps(x,y,_CMP_LE_OQ)
#define GreaterThanOrEq(x,y) _mm256_cmp_ps(x,y,_CMP_GE_OQ)
#define NotEqual(x,y) _mm256_cmp_ps(x,y,_CMP_NEQ_OQ)
#define Floor(x) _mm256_floor_ps(x)
#define Max(x,y) _mm256_max_ps(x,y)
#define Maxi(x,y) _mm256_max_epi32(x,y)
#define Min(x,y) _mm256_min_ps(x,y)
#define Gather(x,y,z) _mm256_i32gather_epi32(x,y,z)
#define Gatherf(x,y,z) _mm256_i32gather_ps(x,y,z)
#define BlendV(x,y,z) _mm256_blendv_ps(x,y,z)
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