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Created November 15, 2014 22:52
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"metadata": {
"name": "widgets"
"nbformat": 3,
"nbformat_minor": 0,
"worksheets": [
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": "from IPython.display import HTML",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 8
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": "plot_with_controls = \"\"\"\n<iframe id=\"plot\" width=\"400\" height=\"400\" frameborder=\"0\" seamless=\"seamless\" scrolling=\"no\" src=\"\"></iframe>\n<div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"slider\" id=\"branches\"></div>\n Branches: <span class=\"val\" id=\"branches_val\"></span>\n</div>\n<div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"slider\" id=\"angle\"></div>\n Angle: <span class=\"val\" id=\"angle_val\"></span>\n</div>\n<div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"slider\" id=\"scale\"></div>\n Scale: <span class=\"val\" id=\"scale_val\"></span>\n</div>\n<div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"slider\" id=\"depth\"></div>\n Depth: <span class=\"val\" id=\"depth_val\"></span>\n</div>\n\"\"\"\n\njavascript = \"\"\"\n<script type=\"text/Javascript\">\n var config = {\n branches: {value: 3, min: 1, max: 5, step: 1},\n angle: {value: 90, min: 0, max: 180, step: 5},\n scale: {value: 0.5, min: 0, max:2, step: 0.05},\n depth: {value: 4, min: 1, max: 8, step: 1}\n };\n $('.slider').each(function(){\n var thisConfig = config[],\n $thisVal = $('#''_val');\n thisConfig.slide = function(event, ui) {\n $thisVal.html(ui.value);\n go();\n };\n $(this).slider(thisConfig);\n $thisVal.html(thisConfig.value);\n });\n \n function getVals() {\n var vals = {};\n $('.slider').each(function(){\n vals[] = +($('#''_val').text());\n });\n return vals;\n }\n \n function go() {\n var opts = getVals(),\n branches = opts.branches,\n aRad = opts.angle*Math.PI/180,\n a0 = -aRad*(branches-1)/2,\n scale = opts.scale,\n depth = opts.depth,\n xArray = [],\n yArray = [];\n step(0,0,1,0,0);\n \n $('#plot')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(\n {restyle: {x:[xArray], y:[yArray]}},\n '');\n \n function step(x,y,r,a,i) {\n var x1 = x + r*Math.sin(a),\n y1 = y + r*Math.cos(a);\n [].push.apply(xArray, [x,x1,null]);\n [].push.apply(yArray, [y,y1,null]);\n if(i>=depth) return;\n for(var j=0; j<branches; j++) {\n step(x1,y1,r*scale,a+a0+aRad*j,i+1);\n }\n }\n }\n \n setTimeout(go,5000);\n</script>\n\"\"\"",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 9
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": "HTML( plot_with_controls + javascript )",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"html": "\n<iframe id=\"plot\" width=\"400\" height=\"400\" frameborder=\"0\" seamless=\"seamless\" scrolling=\"no\" src=\"\"></iframe>\n<div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"slider\" id=\"branches\"></div>\n Branches: <span class=\"val\" id=\"branches_val\"></span>\n</div>\n<div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"slider\" id=\"angle\"></div>\n Angle: <span class=\"val\" id=\"angle_val\"></span>\n</div>\n<div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"slider\" id=\"scale\"></div>\n Scale: <span class=\"val\" id=\"scale_val\"></span>\n</div>\n<div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"slider\" id=\"depth\"></div>\n Depth: <span class=\"val\" id=\"depth_val\"></span>\n</div>\n\n<script type=\"text/Javascript\">\n var config = {\n branches: {value: 3, min: 1, max: 5, step: 1},\n angle: {value: 90, min: 0, max: 180, step: 5},\n scale: {value: 0.5, min: 0, max:2, step: 0.05},\n depth: {value: 4, min: 1, max: 8, step: 1}\n };\n $('.slider').each(function(){\n var thisConfig = config[],\n $thisVal = $('#''_val');\n thisConfig.slide = function(event, ui) {\n $thisVal.html(ui.value);\n go();\n };\n $(this).slider(thisConfig);\n $thisVal.html(thisConfig.value);\n });\n \n function getVals() {\n var vals = {};\n $('.slider').each(function(){\n vals[] = +($('#''_val').text());\n });\n return vals;\n }\n \n function go() {\n var opts = getVals(),\n branches = opts.branches,\n aRad = opts.angle*Math.PI/180,\n a0 = -aRad*(branches-1)/2,\n scale = opts.scale,\n depth = opts.depth,\n xArray = [],\n yArray = [];\n step(0,0,1,0,0);\n \n $('#plot')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(\n {restyle: {x:[xArray], y:[yArray]}},\n '');\n \n function step(x,y,r,a,i) {\n var x1 = x + r*Math.sin(a),\n y1 = y + r*Math.cos(a);\n [].push.apply(xArray, [x,x1,null]);\n [].push.apply(yArray, [y,y1,null]);\n if(i>=depth) return;\n for(var j=0; j<branches; j++) {\n step(x1,y1,r*scale,a+a0+aRad*j,i+1);\n }\n }\n }\n \n setTimeout(go,5000);\n</script>\n",
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 10,
"text": "<IPython.core.display.HTML at 0x105c15b90>"
"prompt_number": 10
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": "",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": []
"metadata": {}
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