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%h2 My Cool Chart
= charty :small_revenue_with_signups, {:month =>, :year =>}
chart :small_revenue_with_signups do |c|
c.type = :line
## Defines the font size & actual font to use. The size & background colours are used in the
## the XML settings and in the HTML which is generated for this chart (unless overriden in the
## render).
c.font = 'Arial'
c.font_size = 11
c.width = 400
c.height = 180
c.background_color = "#efefef"
## Various graph design settings & variables
c.plot_area = {:margins => {:left => 0, :top => 20, :right => 0, :bottom => 35}}
c.axes = {:x => {:color => "#cccccc", :width => 0}, :y_left => {:color => '#cccccc', :width => 2}}
c.grid = {:x => {:alpha => 0, :approx_count => 9}, :y_left => {:alpha => 0}, :y_right => {:alpha => 0}}
c.indicator = {:color => '#999999', :line_alpha => 50, :selection_color => '#0D8ECF', :selection_alpha => 20, :x_balloon_text_color => '#FFFFFF'}
c.vertical_lines = {:width => 70}
c.legend = { :enabled => false }
## Add a graph for showing the total number of signups on a specific day.
c.add_graph "Signups", :color => "#cccccc", :color_hover => '#999999', :selected => false, :vertical_lines => true, :line_alpha => 0
## Add a graph for showing the total revenue collected on a specific day.
c.add_graph "Revenue", :color => "#0D8ECF", :color_hover => '#0D8ECF',:selected => true, :line_width => 2, :axis => 'right'
## The title of the graph.
c.add_label "Signups & Revenue", :x => 0, :y => 9, :align => 'right', :text_size => 10, :text_color => '#999999' do |v|
"Signups & Revenue (#{Time.utc(v[:year], v[:month]).strftime('%B %Y')})"
## Add axis points for each day of the month.
c.add_axis_points('xaxis') { |v| (1..Time.days_in_month(v[:month], v[:year])).to_a }
## Add the number of account signups for each day of the month.
c.add_data(1) { |v| Account.period_count(:daily, :signups_on, :month => v[:month], :year => v[:year]) }
## Add the total amount for invoices raised on each day of the month.
c.add_data(2) { |v| Finance::Invoice.period_count(:daily, :raised_on, :month => v[:month], :year => v[:year], :sum => :total) }
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