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Last active May 25, 2022 15:18
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  • Save jackreichert/4052029 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jackreichert/4052029 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert Docx XML to HTML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<w:document xmlns:r=""
xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
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<w:t>Hello World</w:t>
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<w:t xml:space="preserve">This is a </w:t>
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<w:sz w:val="24"/>
<w:szCs w:val="24"/>
<w:rtl w:val="0"/>
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<w:t>very short</w:t>
<w:sz w:val="24"/>
<w:szCs w:val="24"/>
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<w:lang w:val="en-US"/>
<w:t xml:space="preserve"> paragraph. It only contains </w:t>
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<w:sz w:val="24"/>
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<w:t xml:space="preserve"> sentences. This is the </w:t>
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// set location of docx text content file
$xmlFile = $targetDir."/word/document.xml";
$reader = new XMLReader;
// set up variables for formatting
$text = ''; $formatting['bold'] = 'closed'; $formatting['italic'] = 'closed'; $formatting['underline'] = 'closed'; $formatting['header'] = 0;
// loop through docx xml dom
while ($reader->read()){
// look for new paragraphs
if ($reader->nodeType == XMLREADER::ELEMENT && $reader->name === 'w:p'){
// set up new instance of XMLReader for parsing paragraph independantly
$paragraph = new XMLReader;
$p = $reader->readOuterXML();
// search for heading
preg_match('/<w:pStyle w:val="(Heading.*?[1-6])"/',$p,$matches);
case 'Heading1': $formatting['header'] = 1; break;
case 'Heading2': $formatting['header'] = 2; break;
case 'Heading3': $formatting['header'] = 3; break;
case 'Heading4': $formatting['header'] = 4; break;
case 'Heading5': $formatting['header'] = 5; break;
case 'Heading6': $formatting['header'] = 6; break;
default: $formatting['header'] = 0; break;
// open h-tag or paragraph
$text .= ($formatting['header'] > 0) ? '<h'.$formatting['header'].'>' : '<p>';
// loop through paragraph dom
while ($paragraph->read()){
// look for elements
if ($paragraph->nodeType == XMLREADER::ELEMENT && $paragraph->name === 'w:r'){
$node = trim($paragraph->readInnerXML());
// add <br> tags
if (strstr($node,'<w:br ')) $text .= '<br>';
// look for formatting tags
$formatting['bold'] = (strstr($node,'<w:b/>')) ? (($formatting['bold'] == 'closed') ? 'open' : $formatting['bold']) : (($formatting['bold'] == 'opened') ? 'close' : $formatting['bold']);
$formatting['italic'] = (strstr($node,'<w:i/>')) ? (($formatting['italic'] == 'closed') ? 'open' : $formatting['italic']) : (($formatting['italic'] == 'opened') ? 'close' : $formatting['italic']);
$formatting['underline'] = (strstr($node,'<w:u ')) ? (($formatting['underline'] == 'closed') ? 'open' : $formatting['underline']) : (($formatting['underline'] == 'opened') ? 'close' : $formatting['underline']);
// build text string of doc
$text .= (($formatting['bold'] == 'open') ? '<strong>' : '').
(($formatting['italic'] == 'open') ? '<em>' : '').
(($formatting['underline'] == 'open') ? '<u>' : '').
htmlentities(iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT',$paragraph->expand()->textContent)).
(($formatting['underline'] == 'close') ? '</u>' : '').
(($formatting['italic'] == 'close') ? '</em>' : '').
(($formatting['bold'] == 'close') ? '</strong>' : '');
// reset formatting variables
foreach ($formatting as $key=>$format){
if ($format == 'open') $formatting[$key] = 'opened';
if ($format == 'close') $formatting[$key] = 'closed';
$text .= ($formatting['header'] > 0) ? '</h'.$formatting['header'].'>' : '</p>';
// suppress warnings. loadHTML does not require valid HTML but still warns against it...
// fix invalid html
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->encoding = 'UTF-8';
$goodHTML = simplexml_import_dom($doc)->asXML();
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Leniyou commented May 29, 2019

Hi Jackreichert,

This is a nice piece of work.

How can I make this to run on my local server, because I am getting this "error: Warning: XMLReader::open(): Unable to open source data".


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