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Created June 2, 2013 23:33
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Save jackrusher/5695344 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Coffeescript minimal drawing experiment used for testing emacs skewer-mode extensions for coffeescript:
# lightweight processing-esque canvas wrapper
class Sketch
constructor: (width, height) ->
@running = false
@canvas = (document.getElementsByTagName 'canvas')[0]
if @canvas
@canvas.parentNode.removeChild @canvas
@canvas = document.createElement 'canvas'
@canvas.width = width
@canvas.height = height
@ctx = @canvas.getContext '2d'
@ctx.translate width / 2, height / 2
document.body.appendChild @canvas
@framerate = 30
@running = false
drawLoop: ->
setTimeout(@drawLoop.bind(this), (1000/@framerate)) if @running
start: ->
if @setup
@running = true
stop: ->
@running = false
clear: ->
@ctx.clearRect(@canvas.width/-2, @canvas.height/-2, @canvas.width, @canvas.height)
window.sketch = new Sketch(800,800)
window.sketch.draw = ->
@ctx.strokeStyle = ['#ec5d20','#b23267','#2d212c'][(~~(Math.random()*3))]
boxWidth = 400
boxHeight = 400
@ctx.rotate(Math.PI / (Math.random()*12))
@ctx.strokeRect(boxWidth/-2, boxHeight/-2, boxWidth, boxHeight)
# redefine the draw function while it's running
window.sketch.drawLine = (x1,y1,x2,y2) ->
window.sketch.draw = ->
@ctx.strokeStyle = ['#ec5d20','#b23267','#2d212c'][(~~(Math.random()*3))]
lines = ([0...3].map (n) -> (Math.random() * 360)).map (a) -> [0,0,(400 * Math.sin(a)),(400 * Math.cos(a))]
@drawLine(l[0],l[1],l[2],l[3]) for l in lines
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