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Last active December 24, 2015 16:09
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Save jackrusher/6825636 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My first attempt at an aleatoric composition with Overtone. An example of the audio output is here:
(ns overtone-playground.heart-murmur
(:use overtone.core
;; (boot-server)
;; (sampled-piano)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Reproducible randomness
(def ^:dynamic ^java.util.Random *rando* (java.util.Random. seed))
(defn seeded-rand
([] (.nextDouble *rando*))
([x] (* x (.nextDouble *rando*)))
([x y] (+ x (* (- y x) (.nextDouble *rando*)))))
(defn seeded-rand-int [n] (int (seeded-rand n)))
(defn seeded-rand-nth [coll] (nth coll (seeded-rand-int (count coll))))
(def m (metronome 90))
(defn play-chords [m b beats chord-fn]
(doseq [dur beats]
(doseq [c (map note (chord-fn))]
(at (m (+ b dur)) (sampled-piano c (+ (seeded-rand) 0.1))))))
(defn improv-chords [tone-groups]
(into [] (map seeded-rand-nth tone-groups)))
(defn eights-and-rests
"Plays sequences of notes and chords in steady eights with some
serendipity in the dynamics, nils are treated as 8th note rests."
[m b & notes]
(let [idv (map vector (iterate inc 0) notes)]
(doseq [[idx noteSet] idv]
(if (vector? noteSet)
(doseq [n noteSet]
(when (keyword? n)
(at (m (+ b idx)) (sampled-piano (note n) (+ 1 (* 2.5 (seeded-rand)))))))
(when (keyword? noteSet)
(at (m (+ b idx)) (sampled-piano (note noteSet) (+ 1 (* 2.5 (seeded-rand))))))))))
(defn improv-melody [m b tone-groups]
(apply eights-and-rests
(concat [m b]
(mapcat (fn [tones] (take 8 (repeatedly #(vector (seeded-rand-nth tones)))))
;; one composition per seed value
(def ^:dynamic ^java.util.Random *rando* (java.util.Random. 1888))
(play-chords m (m) [0 4 8 12]
(partial improv-chords [[:C2 :D2 :E2 :G2]
[:B3 :D3 :E3 :G3]
[:B4 :D4 :E4 :F#4 :G4]]))
(improv-melody m (m) [[:B4 :D5 :G5 :B5 :C5 nil nil nil nil]
[:C5 :G5 :A5 :E5 :A5 nil nil nil nil]])
(play-chords m (+ (m) 16) [0 2 4 8 10 12 14]
(partial improv-chords [[:B2 :D2 :E2 :G2]
[:B3 :D3 :E3 :G3]
[:B4 :D4 :E4 :F#4]]))
(improv-melody m (+ (m) 16) [[:B4 :D5 :G5 :F#5 :C5 nil nil nil]
[:C5 :E4 :A5 :E5 :B6 nil nil]])
(play-chords m (+ (m) 32) [0 2 4 8 10 12 14]
(partial improv-chords [[:B2 :D#2]
[:B3 :D#3 :F#3 :A#3]
[:B4 :D#4 :F#4]]))
(improv-melody m (+ (m) 32) [[:B4 :D#5 :F#5 :A#5 :C#5 nil nil nil]
[:B5 :G#5 :A#5 :E5 :B6 nil nil]])
(play-chords m (+ (m) 48) [0 2 4 8 10 12 14]
(partial improv-chords [[:C2 :D2 :E2 :G2]
[:B3 :D3 :E3]
[:B4 :E4 :G4]]))
(improv-melody m (+ (m) 48) [[:B4 :D5 :G5 :F5 :C5 nil nil nil]
[:C5 :E4 :A5 :E5 :B6 nil nil]])
(play-chords m (+ (m) 64) [0 2 4 8 12]
(partial improv-chords [[:C2 :E2 :G2]
[:B3 :G3 :E3]
[:B4 :D4 :G4]]))
(improv-melody m (+ (m) 64) [[:B4 :D5 :G5 :F5 :C5 nil nil nil]
[:C5 :E4 :G5 :A5 :E5 nil nil]])
(improv-melody m (+ (m) 80) [[:C5 :E4 :G5 :A5 :E5 nil nil]])
(apply eights-and-rests (concat [m (+ (m) 88)] [[:C2 :G4 :E5]])))
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