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Created August 30, 2013 22:45
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Clojure implementation of a semi-naive article summarizer. Takes the url supplied and attempts to find the num-sentences most "valuable" sentences ranked by most words in common with other sentences. To run, throw into Leiningen and download the opennlp binaries.
(ns classify.core
(:use [boilerpipe-clj.core]
[clojure.pprint :only [pprint]]
(def url "")
(def num-sentences 10)
(def get-sentences (make-sentence-detector "models/en-sent.bin"))
(def tokenize (make-tokenizer "models/en-token.bin"))
(def pos-tag (make-pos-tagger "models/en-pos-maxent.bin"))
(def name-find (make-name-finder "models/en-ner-person.bin"))
(def chunker (make-treebank-chunker "models/en-chunker.bin"))
(def eng-stemmer (stemmer "english"))
(defn get-article [url]
"Grabs the page from the url and strips the article from it"
(slurp url)))
(defn gen-sentences [url]
"Sentence tokenizes the giant article"
(get-article url)))
(defn gen-tokens
"Tokenizes the sentence"
(tokenize sen))
(defn stem
"Takes a sentence that has been tokenized, and returns that list
with the words stemmed"
eng-stemmer sen))
(defn sentence-intersection
"Returns the count of the number of words that are interection.
sen1 and sen 2 should be lists of words. probably obtained by tokenize"
[sen1 sen2]
(count (intersection (set sen1) (set sen2)))
(/ (+(count sen1)(count sen2)) 2.0)))
(defn all-pairs
"Runs the "
[test sens]
(loop [lead test follow sens tot 0]
(if (empty? follow)
(recur lead (rest follow) (+ tot (sentence-intersection lead (first follow)))))))
(defn score-sentences
"Takes the list of sentences that have been tokenized, and generates
scores for all the sentences, and returns a map with indexes and
their associated scores"
(sort-by second >
(into []
(for [x (range (count sens))]
[x (all-pairs (get sens x) (concat (take x sens) (nthnext sens (inc x))))]
(defn sentence-order
"Takes the values from the val-map, and gets a vector of the indecies of
best sentences sorted to just snag the sentences. It assumes that the
the val map is already sorted by value"
[num val-map]
(sort (take num (map first val-map))))
(defn gather-sentences
"takes the map of sentences, the sentences, and the number
of sentences we want and returns them in order"
[val-map sens num]
(defn -main [& args]
(def sentences
(gen-sentences url))
(map sentences
(sentence-order num-sentences
(into []
(map stem
(map gen-tokens sentences))))))))
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