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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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MonkeySpace Europe

Here are some of the things I'm looking forward to at MonkeySpace this year.

Let's talk Mvvm by Stuart Lodge: I've really been getting in to the MVVM pattern lately, but have a lot of questions about how best to structure things. Excited to see how people have been using the pattern for years architect their apps.

ReactiveUI - Because Reasons by Brendan Forster: Again, I'm using Reactive a lot now and want to hear from more experienced users.

Reaching the Chinese App Market by Jonathan Peppers: Ummm hell yeah. So much potential there and it'll be amazing to hear from someone that has had success in that market. I imagine even if you aren't focusing on China, the general internationalization discussion will be beneficial.

Perfecting Animations: Lessons from the Magic Kingdom by Jérémie Laval: I've seen Jérémie talk on animations already and his talk was very impressive. Has made a significant difference in how I think about animation.

How we built by Johnny G Halife: How we built X talks are always fun ('haha what a bunch of idiots') and useful.

Immutability, State and Scale - Functional, Distributed Applications in Azure by Mahesh Krishnan: STATE BAD IMMUTABILITY GOOD.

Project Orleans Overview by Caitie McCaffrey: I have a faint idea of what Project Orleans is. I have a feeling attending this talk will make me better at structuring applications, whether I use Orleans or not. Unfortunately its right before my talk, so I will be stressing the hell out at the time.

My Talk!! (Conversational Objective-C): I'm pretty excited about this talk. I had the idea years ago, and have been thinking about it ever since. When I first started writing MonoTouch applications I wish I had a better grasp of Objective-C. Nowadays the Xamarin documentation and community are bigger and better but I still think Objective-C chops are a useful skill.

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