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Created July 11, 2012 15:13
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Phylum browser

this is a very basic visual for looking up phylum based on their kingdom and domain, left click on a section to see subsections and right click to zoom out, if a name is cut off, hover over it to see the full name. the color of the sections is arbitrary and their size represents the number of subsections.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["treemap"]});
function drawChart() {
// Create and populate the data table.
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Location', 'Parent', 'size', 'color'],
['life', null, 0, 0],
['Eukarya', 'life', 0, 0],
['Anamalia', 'Eukarya', 1, 0],
['Acanthocephala', 'Anamalia', 1, 1],
['Acoelomorpha', 'Anamalia', 1, 2],
['Annelida', 'Anamalia', 1, 3],
['Arthropoda', 'Anamalia', 1, 4],
['Brachiopoda', 'Anamalia', 1, 5],
['Bryozoa', 'Anamalia', 1, 6],
['Chaetognatha', 'Anamalia', 1, 7],
['Chordata', 'Anamalia', 1, 8],
['Cnidaria', 'Anamalia', 1, 9],
['Ctenophora', 'Anamalia', 1, 10],
['Cycliophora', 'Anamalia', 1, 11],
['Echinodermata', 'Anamalia', 1, 12],
['Entoprocta', 'Anamalia', 1, 13],
['Gastrotricha', 'Anamalia', 1, 14],
['Gnathostomulida', 'Anamalia', 1, 15],
['Hemichordata', 'Anamalia', 1, 16],
['Kinorhyncha', 'Anamalia', 1, 17],
['Loricifera', 'Anamalia', 1, 18],
['Micrognathozoa', 'Anamalia', 1, 19],
['Mollusca', 'Anamalia', 1, 20],
['Nematoda', 'Anamalia', 1, 21],
['Nematomorpha', 'Anamalia', 1, 22],
['Nemertea', 'Anamalia', 1, 23],
['Onychophora', 'Anamalia', 1, 24],
['Orthonectida', 'Anamalia', 1, 25],
['Phoronida', 'Anamalia', 1, 26],
['Placozoa', 'Anamalia', 1, 27],
['Platyhelminthes', 'Anamalia', 1, 28],
['Porifera', 'Anamalia', 1, 29],
['Priapulida', 'Anamalia', 1, 30],
['Rhombozoa', 'Anamalia', 1, 31],
['Rotifera', 'Anamalia', 1, 32],
['Sipuncula', 'Anamalia', 1, 33],
['Tardigrada', 'Anamalia', 1, 34],
['Xenoturbellida', 'Anamalia', 1, 35],
['Protista', 'Eukarya', 1, 0],
['Ciliophora', 'Protista', 1, 10],
['Sarcodina', 'Protista', 1, 11],
['Sporozoa', 'Protista', 1, 12],
['Phaeophyta', 'Protista', 1, 13],
['Rhodophyta', 'Protista', 1, 14],
['Chrysophyta', 'Protista', 1, 15],
['Euglenophyta', 'Protista', 1, 16],
['Pyrrophyta', 'Protista', 1, 17],
['Chlorophyta', 'Protista', 1, 18],
['Plantae', 'Eukarya', 1, 0],
['Anthocerotophyta', 'Plantae', 1, 10],
['Bryophyta', 'Plantae', 1, 11],
['Marchantiophyta', 'Plantae', 1, 21],
['Lycopodiophyta', 'Plantae', 1, 13],
['Pteridophyta', 'Plantae', 1, 14],
['Pteridospermatophyta', 'Plantae', 1, 15],
['Coniferophyta', 'Plantae', 1, 16],
['Cycadophyta', 'Plantae', 1, 17],
['Ginkgophyta', 'Plantae', 1, 18],
['Gnetophyta', 'Plantae', 1, 19],
['Anthophyta', 'Plantae', 1, 20],
['Fungi', 'Eukarya', 1, 0],
['Deuteromycota', 'Fungi', 1, 15],
['Zygomycota', 'Fungi', 1, 25],
['Glomeromycota', 'Fungi', 1, 35],
['Ascomycota', 'Fungi', 1, 14],
['Basidiomycota', 'Fungi', 1, 5],
['Archea(Domain)', 'life', 1, 0],
['Archea(kingdom)', 'Archea(Domain)', 1, 0],
['Crenarchaeota', 'Archea(kingdom)', 1, 10],
['Euryarchaeota', 'Archea(kingdom)', 1, 11],
['Korarchaeota', 'Archea(kingdom)', 1, 14],
['Nanoarchaeota', 'Archea(kingdom)', 1, 15],
['Thaumarchaeota', 'Archea(kingdom)', 1, 16],
['Bacteria(Domain)', 'life', 1, 0],
['Bacteria(kingdom)' ,'Bacteria(Domain)' , 1, 0],
['Acidobacteria', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 0],
['Actinobacteria', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 1],
['Aquificae', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 2],
['Bacteroidetes', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 3],
['Caldiserica', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 4],
['Chlamydiae', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 5],
['Chlorobi', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 6],
['Chloroflexi', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 7],
['Chrysiogenetes', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 8],
['Cyanobacteria', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 9],
['Deferribacteres', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 10],
['Deinococcus', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 11],
['Dictyoglomi', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 12],
['Elusimicrobia', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 13],
['Fibrobacteres', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 14],
['Firmicutes', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 15],
['Fusobacteria', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 16],
['Gemmatimonadetes', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 17],
['Lentisphaerae', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 18],
['Nitrospira', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 19],
['Planctomycetes', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 20],
['Proteobacteria', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 21],
['Spirochaetes', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 22],
['Synergistetes', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 23],
['Tenericutes', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 24],
['Thermodesulfobacteria', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 25],
['Thermomicrobia', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 26],
['Thermotogae', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 27],
['Verrucomicrobia', 'Bacteria(kingdom)', 1, 28],
// Create and draw the visualization.
var tree = new google.visualization.TreeMap(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
tree.draw(data, {
minColor: '#f00',
midColor: '#ddd',
maxColor: '#0d0',
headerHeight: 25,
fontColor: 'black',
fontsize: '30',
showScale: true});
<div id="chart_div" style="width: 975px; height: 500px;"></div>
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