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Created October 9, 2012 17:10
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Save jacktandrew/3860101 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ ->
boneyard = []
boneBuilder = (a, b) -> # A set of dominos is contains every combination of possible with 6 - 0
boneyard.push('_' + a + '_' + b) # This recursive function push the two parameters into the boneyard array
return boneyard if b is 0 # If the 'b' variable is zero the loop is broken and the array is returned
(a = b; b--) if a is 0 # If 'a' is zero the value of 'b' is reduced by 1 and 'a' is set to the value of 'b'
boneBuilder(a-1, b) # Each iteration the value of 'a' is reduced by 1 and the function is called again
draw = (n) -> # This function picks dominos from the boneyard array
randomDraw = _.shuffle(boneyard).splice(0, n) # It shuffles the array and draws the appropriate number of values
fabricate value for value in randomDraw # It then calls a templating function to render the HTML
makePips = (x) -> # Pass in a number
starter = "<div></div>" # and this number of empty divs
if x < 1 then return '' else starter.concat(makePips(x - 1)) # is returned using recursion
fabricate = (string) -> # A string is passed in from the boneyard array
top = makePips( +string.charAt(1) ) # The numerical values are extracted
bottom = makePips( +string.charAt(3) ) # and pips (black dots) are created and returned
template = _.template("
<div class='tile draggable <%= string.slice(0,2) %> <%= string.slice(2,4) %>'>
<div class='pips <%= string.slice(0,2) %>'>
<%= topPips %>
<div class='bar'></div>
<div class='pips <%= string.slice(2,4) %>'>
<%= bottomPips %>
domino = template({string: string, topPips: top, bottomPips: bottom}) # The pips and string are
$('#boneyard').append(domino) # inserted into the template
$('#starter').droppable({ # The starter drop-zone is made droppable
accept: ".tile:has(._6 ~ ._6)", # It can only accept the double six
tolerance: 'fit', # The domino overlaps the drop-zone entirely
activeClass: "ui-state-hover", # The drop-zone has a gray background when active
drop: (event, ui) ->
el = this
$(ui.draggable[0]).draggable( "option", "disabled", true ).removeClass('ui-draggable draggable')
$(this).hide() # This drop-zone is disabled and hidden
dropAsign('#upper', 6) # Two other drop-zones are activated
dropAsign('#lower', 6)
$('.drop_zone#upper').show().animate({top: '-=56', rotate: '0deg'}, 500) # And each of the two are revealed
$('.drop_zone#lower').show().animate({top: '+=56', rotate: '180deg'}, 500)
rotateDouble(ui.draggable[0], el) # The original double is turned sideways
$('.tile.draggable').dblclick -> # When a tile in the boneyard is double clicked
$(this).animate({rotate: '+=90deg'}, 500, -> # this tiles rotated 90 degrees
if $(this).rotate() == '180deg' # If the become upside down
top = $(this).children()[0]; bottom = $(this).children()[2] # The top pips and bottom pips are switched
$(this).rotate('0deg').prepend(bottom).append(top) # and the domino is rotated back to being upright
) # This prevents very high angles of rotation
# such as 1080 or other unwieldy numbers
$( ".draggable" ).draggable({ # All the tiles are made draggable
revert: "invalid", # Tile will revert unless place on a droppable
snap: ".drop_zone", # Tile can only snap to a drop-zone
snapMode: "inner", # Tile will snap to the inside of the drop-zone
snapTolerance: 15 # With snap if tile is placed within 15 pixels of drop-zone
dropAsign = (el, num) ->
$(el).attr('title', num).droppable({ # Target element is given a title of the number it accepts
accept: ".tile._" + num, # and assigned to accept a tile with this number
tolerance: 'fit', # The domino overlaps the drop-zone entirely
activeClass: "ui-state-hover", # The drop-zone has a gray background when active
drop: (event, ui) ->
tileAngle = $(ui.draggable[0]).rotate()
dzAngle = $(this).rotate()
topCount = ui.draggable[0].children[0].childElementCount
bottomCount = ui.draggable[0].children[2].childElementCount
unless num == bottomCount && (dzAngle == '0deg'|| dzAngle == '90deg') || num == topCount && (dzAngle == '180deg' || dzAngle == '270deg')
flip(ui) # If tile is places backwards
topCount = ui.draggable[0].children[0].childElementCount
bottomCount = ui.draggable[0].children[2].childElementCount
unless dzAngle == tileAngle || parseInt(dzAngle) == parseInt(tileAngle) + 180
rotateSingle(ui.draggable[0], dzAngle) # If not a match, tile is rotated to angle of drop-zone
if topCount == bottomCount # Checks if tile is a double
rotateDouble(ui.draggable[0], this, dzAngle) unless $(this).attr('rel') == 'cross'
moveDZ(this, dzAngle)
moveDZ(this, dzAngle)
rotateDZ(this, dzAngle)
$(ui.draggable[0]).draggable( "option", "disabled", true ).removeClass('ui-draggable draggable') # Tile is disabled
dropAsign(this, topCount) if dzAngle == '0deg' or dzAngle == '90deg' # Drop zone is
dropAsign(this, bottomCount) if dzAngle == '180deg' or dzAngle == '270deg' # reassigned a number
flip = (ui) ->
top = ui.draggable[0].children[0]
bottom = ui.draggable[0].children[2]
rotateSingle = (tile, angle) ->
$(tile).animate({rotate: '-=90deg', left: '-=18', top: '+=18'}, 400) if angle == '0deg' || angle == '180deg'
$(tile).animate({rotate: '+=90deg', left: '+=18', top: '-=18'}, 400) if angle == '90deg' || angle == '270deg'
moveDZ = (dz, angle) ->
$(dz).animate({'top':'-=74'}, 600) if angle == '0deg'
$(dz).animate({'top':'+=74'}, 600) if angle == '180deg'
$(dz).animate({'left':'+=74'}, 600) if angle == '90deg'
$(dz).animate({'left':'-=74'}, 600) if angle == '270deg'
$(dz).attr(rel: 'straight')
rotateDZ = (dz, angle) ->
if parseInt( $(dz).css('top') ) < 150 and angle == '0deg'
$(dz).attr(rel: 'cross').animate({rotate: '+=90deg', left: '+=18', top: '+=18'}, 500)
if parseInt( $(dz).css('top') ) > 370 and angle == '180deg'
$(dz).attr(rel: 'cross').animate({rotate: '+=90deg', left: '-=18', top: '-=18'}, 500)
if parseInt( $(dz).css('left') ) > 1050 and angle == '90deg'
$(dz).attr(rel: 'cross').animate({rotate: '+=90deg', left: '-=18', top: '+=18'}, 500)
if parseInt( $(dz).css('left') ) < 600 and angle == '270deg'
$(dz).attr(rel: 'cross').animate({rotate: '0deg', left: '+=18', top: '-=18'}, 500)
adjustDZdouble = (dz, angle) ->
$(dz).animate({top:'+=37'}, 400) if angle == '0deg'
$(dz).animate({top:'-=37'}, 400) if angle == '180deg'
$(dz).animate({left:'-=37'}, 400) if angle == '90deg'
$(dz).animate({left:'+=37'}, 400) if angle == '270deg'
$(dz).attr(rel: 'cross')
adjustDouble = (tile, dz, angle) ->
$(tile).animate({'top':'+=20'}, 400) if angle == '0deg'
$(tile).animate({'top':'-=20'}, 400) if angle == '180deg'
$(tile).animate({'left':'-=20'}, 400) if angle == '90deg'
$(tile).animate({'left':'+=20'}, 400) if angle == '270deg'
rotateDouble = (tile, dz, angle) ->
$(tile).animate({rotate: '+=90deg'}, 600, ->
adjustDouble(tile, dz, angle)
adjustDZdouble(dz, angle)
<link href="stylesheets/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/lib/jquery-ui-1.9.0.custom.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/lib/underscore.js"></script>
<script src="js/lib/jquery-css-transform.js"></script>
<script src="js/lib/jquery-animate-css-rotate-scale.js"></script>
<script src="js/dominos.js"></script>
<div id="boneyard"></div>
<div id="play_area">
<div class='drop_zone' id="upper"></div>
<div class='drop_zone' id="starter"></div>
<div class='drop_zone' id="lower"></div>
#boneyard, #play_area {height: 545px; padding: 5px; border:5px solid black;}
#boneyard { width: 180px; float: left;}
#play_area {margin: 20px 20px 50px 230px;}
.ui-state-hover {background: eee;}
.drop_zone, .tile {height: 70px; width: 35px; border-radius: 7px;}
.drop_zone {position: absolute; top:250px; left: 700px; border: 2px dashed #ccc;}
.drop_zone#upper, .drop_zone#lower { display: none;}
div.tile {float: left; z-index: 5; background: white;}
div.tile, {border: 2px outset #444;}
div.pips {height: 30px; width: 35px;position: relative; margin-top: 2px;}
div.pips div {border-radius: 5px; height: 4px; width: 5px; background: #333; position: absolute; border:2px inset #444;} {height:0px; width: 25px; margin: 0 3px;}
.pips._1 div {top: 11px; left: 13px;}
.pips._2 div, .pips._4 div {top: 5px; left: 6px;}
.pips._2 div:last-child, .pips._4 div:last-child {top: 17px; left: 20px;}
.pips._3 div, .pips._5 div {top: 3px; left: 4px;}
.pips._3 div:nth-child(1), .pips._5 div:nth-child(2) {top: 11px; left: 13px;}
.pips._3 div:last-child, .pips._5 div:last-child {top: 19px; left: 22px;}
.pips._4 div:nth-child(1) {top: 5px; left: 20px;}
.pips._4 div:nth-child(2) {top: 17px; left: 6px;}
.pips._5 div:nth-child(1) {top: 3px; left: 22px;}
.pips._5 div:nth-child(3) {top: 19px; left: 4px;}
.pips._6 div {top: 1px; left: 4px;}
.pips._6 div:nth-child(1) {top: 11px; left: 4px;}
.pips._6 div:nth-child(2) {top: 21px; left: 4px;}
.pips._6 div:nth-child(3) {top: 1px; left: 22px;}
.pips._6 div:nth-child(4) {top: 11px; left: 22px;}
.pips._6 div:nth-child(5) {top: 21px; left: 22px;}
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