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Last active June 10, 2022 16:36
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Name Rating My Opinion     Teacher           
1. CSS Grid and Flexbox for Responsive Layouts 3 / 10 It was pretty good for learning how to style with grid and flexbox but i'd probably just use it as a reference. Jen Kramer
2. Complete Intro to Computer Science 7 / 10 Great for an introduction to comp-sci topics, could've gone a bit deeper in some topics. Brian Holt
3. Javascript: the Hard Parts V2 9 / 10 I love the way Will Sentence teaches, this is a fantastic course for beginners at JS. Will Sentence
4. The Hard Parts of NodeJS 7 / 10 Useful as an introduction into NodeJS to see how it works under the hood. Not much actual Node work though. Will Sentence
5. The Hard Parts of Object Oriented JS 9 / 10 A very good course to take to understand the strange way ES6 classes' sugar and prototype system works in reality. Will Sentence
6. Javascript from Fundamentals to Functional V2 7 / 10 Definitely a good course for practicing the most used functions in ES6 JS. Bianca Gandolfo
7. Getting Started with Javascript v2 8 / 10 Beginner course but pretty fun to watch because Kyle Simpson is very opinionated on the many eccentricities of JS. Makes you question design decisions and appreciate JS for what it is. Kyle Simpson
8. Deep Javascript foundations V3 8 / 10 Another Kyle Simpson course, same opinion as the other one but he dives deeper into functional and object oriented paradigms of JS. Kyle Simpson
9. Complete Intro to Web Development V2 10 / 10 IMO the best course for just starting out in web development, it's perfect pacing for the complete beginner. Brian Holt
10. Introduction to NodeJS V2 8 / 10 Scott Moss is just like, a cool dude fr. This is a great course to take for the basics of using Node and learning why it's the standard for JS. Scott Moss
11. API Design in NodeJS 8 / 10 Using NodeJS as an API endpoint on a localhost. I'd say do this one if you want a quick REST API and a popular NoSQL Database (MongoDB). Scott Moss
12. Fullstack for frontend Engineers V2 10 / 10 I personally loved this course, good pacing and really helped me connect the dots in DNS, server setup and hosting on Digital Ocean. Jem Young
13. Complete Intro to React v7 9 / 10 Another B. Holt special, fantastic for learning react in a realistic way. The example site uses all the most common functionality of react. Brian Holt
14. Intermediate React 4 8 / 10 I still use this course as a reference, mostly useful to understand react state and hooks, you can jump around this course for info. Brian Holt
15. VIM Fundamentals 10 / 10 the Primagen AKA VIMagen with a banger! Only useful if you want to use vim but its a fun course. The Primagen
16. A Tour of Web 3: Ethereum & Smart contracts 9 / 10 Really great course on hooking up some of the wires in solidity and how hardhat and contracts work, somewhat deep look into memory and typing. The Primagen
17. Git in-depth 8 / 10 Excellent tour of some of the most used commands in git with some small exercises for each section. If you're confused by how git works this is a great way to git confidently. Nina Zakharenko
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