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Created September 25, 2013 16:55
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Defeat Typekit FOUT with SASS I've been working on a large website with Typekit and needed a way to chain selectors with the Typekit FOUT css rather than ( Extending a class in SASS generally causes bloat but I'm thinking it mi…
// How about we try some FOUT fixing with SASS...
// a fallback if people forget to set the stack.
$default-font-stack: "Museo-sans", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !default;
// we'll extend these in some sort of attempt to chain selectors without needing to worry about it.
.visible-hidden {
// This is our call to arms, let's kick FOUT in the face.
@mixin defeatFOUT ($font-stack:$default-font-stack) {
.wf-loading & {
@extend .visible-hidden;
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<h1>FOUT Fighting <span class="sub-heading">Trying to fight FOUT with SASS</span></h1>
<ul id="fcuk-fout">
<li>list item</li>
<li>another one</li>
<li>and another one</li>
<div class="another-message">
<span>More FOUT Fighting!</span>
/* Welcome to Compass. */
@import "compass/reset";
@import "defeat-fout";
body {
border:10px solid #ccc;
h1 {
@include defeatFOUT;
.sub-heading {
@include defeatFOUT;
#fcuk-fout {
@include defeatFOUT;
.another-message {
@include defeatFOUT;
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