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Last active August 18, 2017 09:53
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Powershell script to ilmerge a project. Used in Jenkins to publish nuget package
Credit to
IlMerges an assembly with its dependencies. Depends on nuget being installed in the PATH.
.PARAMETER targetProject
The name of the project to be ilmerged
.PARAMETER outputAssembly
The name of the ilmerged assembly when it is created
.PARAMETER buildConfiguration
The build configuration used to create the assembly. Used to locate the assembly under the project. The usual format is Project/bin/Debug
.PARAMETER targetPlatform
Defaults to .NET 4
.PARAMETER internalize
Adds the /internalize flag to the merged assembly to prevent namespace conflicts.
--Jenkins notes
Add powershell jenkins plugin
command powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File ./scripts/ilmerge.ps1
# [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $targetProject,
$targetProject = "Ols.Core",
$outputAssembly = "$targetProject.dll",
$buildConfiguration = "..\bin\Release", ###Needs to be release for nguet
$targetPlatform = "v4,c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319",
[switch] $internalize
function Get-ScriptDirectory
$Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path
function Get-InputAssemblyNames($buildDirectory)
$assemblyNames = Get-ChildItem -Path $buildDirectory | Where-Object {$_.extension -eq ".dll" -and $ -notlike "System*" -and $ -notlike "Microsoft*"} | ForEach-Object { """" + $_.FullName + """" }
write-host "Assemblies to merge: $assemblyNames"
$inArgument = [System.String]::Join(" ", $assemblyNames)
return $inArgument
function Get-BuildDirectory($solutionDirectoryFullName)
$targetProjectDirectory = "$solutionDirectoryFullName\$targetProject"
$result = "$targetProjectDirectory\bin"
if ($buildConfiguration -ne "")
$result = Join-Path $result $buildConfiguration
return $result
$scriptPath= Get-ScriptDirectory
$scriptDirectory = new-object System.IO.DirectoryInfo $scriptPath
$solutionDirectory = $scriptDirectory.Parent
$solutionDirectoryFullName = $solutionDirectory.FullName
$ilMergeAssembly = "$solutionDirectoryFullName\scripts\.ilmerge\IlMerge\tools\IlMerge.exe"
#$publishDirectory = "$solutionDirectoryFullName\Ols.Core\bin\Release\"
$publishDirectory = "$solutionDirectoryFullName\Publish"
$outputAssemblyFullPath = "$publishDirectory\$outputAssembly"
$buildDirectory = Get-BuildDirectory $solutionDirectoryFullName
"Script Directory : $scriptPath"
"Solution Directory: $solutionDirectoryFullName"
"Build Directory : $buildDirectory"
"Publish Directory : $publishDirectory"
$outArgument = "/out:$publishDirectory/$outputAssembly"
$inArgument = Get-InputAssemblyNames $buildDirectory
$cmd = "$ilMergeAssembly /t:library /targetPlatform:""$targetPlatform"" $outArgument $inArgument"
if ($internalize)
$cmd = $cmd + " /internalize"
"Installing ilmerge"
#Start-Process -FilePath 'nuget.exe'-ArgumentList 'install IlMerge -outputDirectory .ilmerge -ExcludeVersion' #UNCOMMENT IF YOU NEED TO INSTALL
"Ensuring that publication directory exists"
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($publishDirectory) -eq $false)
$cmd = "$ilMergeAssembly /t:library /targetPlatform:""$targetPlatform"" $outArgument $inArgument"
$path = "$ilMergeAssembly"
$arg = "/t:library /targetPlatform:""$targetPlatform"" $outArgument $inArgument"
if ($internalize)
$arg = $arg + " /internalize"
"Running Command: $cmd"
"Command Path: $path"
"Command Args: $arg"
$result = Start-Process $path $arg;
"Getting assembly info for $outputAssemblyFullPath"
$outputAssemblyInfo = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $outputAssemblyFullPath
if ($outputAssemblyInfo.Length -eq 0)
#Force copy to release folder
"Copying : $publishDirectory/$outputAssembly to $solutionDirectoryFullName\Ols.Core\bin\Release\"
Copy-Item "$publishDirectory/$outputAssembly" "$solutionDirectoryFullName\Ols.Core\bin\Release\" -force
if ($outputAssemblyInfo.Exists -eq $false)
throw "Output assembly not created by ilmerge script."
Exit -1
elseif ($outputAssemblyInfo.Length -eq 0)
Exit -1;
"Output assembly created successfully at $outputAssemblyFullPath."
Exit 0;
Exit -1
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