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Last active August 14, 2021 01:36
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Segment Intersection
template <typename T> struct point {
T x, y;
point() {}
point(const T &x, const T &y) : x(x), y(y) {}
point operator+(const point &b) const { return point(x + b.x, y + b.y); }
point operator-(const point &b) const { return point(x - b.x, y - b.y); }
point operator*(const T &b) const { return point(x * b, y * b); }
bool operator==(const point &b) const { return x == b.x && y == b.y; }
T dot(const point &b) const { return x * b.x + y * b.y; }
T cross(const point &b) const { return x * b.y - y * b.x; }
template <typename T> struct line {
line() {}
point<T> p1, p2;
T a, b, c; // ax+by+c=0
line(const point<T> &p1, const point<T> &p2) : p1(p1), p2(p2) {}
void pton() {
a = p1.y - p2.y;
b = p2.x - p1.x;
c = -a * p1.x - b * p1.y;
T ori(const point<T> &p) const { return (p2 - p1).cross(p - p1); }
T btw(const point<T> &p) const { return (p1 - p).dot(p2 - p); }
int seg_intersect(const line &l) const {
// -1: Infinitude of intersections
// 0: No intersection
// 1: One intersection
// 2: Collinear and intersect at p1
// 3: Collinear and intersect at p2
T c1 = ori(l.p1), c2 = ori(l.p2);
T c3 = l.ori(p1), c4 = l.ori(p2);
if (c1 == 0 && c2 == 0) {
bool b1 = btw(l.p1) >= 0, b2 = btw(l.p2) >= 0;
T a3 = l.btw(p1), a4 = l.btw(p2);
if (b1 && b2 && a3 == 0 && a4 >= 0)
return 2;
if (b1 && b2 && a3 >= 0 && a4 == 0)
return 3;
if (b1 && b2 && a3 >= 0 && a4 >= 0)
return 0;
return -1;
} else if (c1 * c2 <= 0 && c3 * c4 <= 0)
return 1;
return 0;
point<T> line_intersection(const line &l) const {
point<T> a = p2 - p1, b = l.p2 - l.p1, s = l.p1 - p1;
// if(a.cross(b)==0) return INF;
return p1 + a * (s.cross(b) / a.cross(b));
template <typename T> using segment = line<T>;
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
const double EPS = 1e-9;
struct Double {
double d;
Double(double d = 0) : d(d) {}
Double operator-() const { return -d; }
Double operator+(const Double &b) const { return d + b.d; }
Double operator-(const Double &b) const { return d - b.d; }
Double operator*(const Double &b) const { return d * b.d; }
Double operator/(const Double &b) const { return d / b.d; }
Double operator+=(const Double &b) { return d += b.d; }
Double operator-=(const Double &b) { return d -= b.d; }
Double operator*=(const Double &b) { return d *= b.d; }
Double operator/=(const Double &b) { return d /= b.d; }
bool operator<(const Double &b) const { return d - b.d < -EPS; }
bool operator>(const Double &b) const { return d - b.d > EPS; }
bool operator==(const Double &b) const { return fabs(d - b.d) <= EPS; }
bool operator!=(const Double &b) const { return fabs(d - b.d) > EPS; }
bool operator<=(const Double &b) const { return d - b.d <= EPS; }
bool operator>=(const Double &b) const { return d - b.d >= -EPS; }
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Double &db) {
return os << db.d;
friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, Double &db) {
return is >> db.d;
void getResult(const SegmentIntersection<Double> &SI) {
std::cout << R"(-----------------Info---------------------
U: the set of segments start at the point.
C: the set of segments contain the point.
L: the set of segments end at the point.
for (auto p : SI.getPointInfoMap()) {
std::cout << "(" << p.first.x << ',' << p.first.y << "):\n";
std::cout << " U:\n";
for (auto s : p.second.U) {
std::cout << " (" << s->p1.x << ',' << s->p1.y << ") (" << s->p2.x
<< ',' << s->p2.y << ")\n";
std::cout << " C:\n";
for (auto s : p.second.C) {
std::cout << " (" << s->p1.x << ',' << s->p1.y << ") (" << s->p2.x
<< ',' << s->p2.y << ")\n";
std::cout << " L:\n";
for (auto s : p.second.L) {
std::cout << " (" << s->p1.x << ',' << s->p1.y << ") (" << s->p2.x
<< ',' << s->p2.y << ")\n";
std::cout << '\n';
int main() {
int n;
std::cin >> n;
std::vector<segment<Double>> segments;
while (n--) {
point<Double> a, b;
std::cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y;
segments.emplace_back(a, b);
SegmentIntersection<Double> SI(segments);
return 0;
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
template <typename T> struct SegmentIntersection {
struct PointInfo {
std::vector<const segment<T> *> U, C, L;
// U: the set of segments start at the point.
// C: the set of segments contain the point.
// L: the set of segments end at the point.
struct PointCmp {
bool operator()(const point<T> &a, const point<T> &b) const {
return (a.x < b.x) || (a.x == b.x && a.y < b.y);
struct LineCmp {
const point<T> &P;
LineCmp(const point<T> &P) : P(P) {}
T getY(const segment<T> *s) const {
if (s->b == 0)
return P.y;
return (s->a * P.x + s->c) / -s->b;
bool operator()(const line<T> *a, const line<T> *b) const {
return getY(a) < getY(b);
const std::vector<segment<T>> Segs;
std::map<point<T>, PointInfo, PointCmp> PointInfoMap;
std::set<point<T>, PointCmp> Queue;
point<T> Current;
std::multiset<const segment<T> *, LineCmp> BST;
std::vector<segment<T>> initSegs(std::vector<segment<T>> &&Segs) {
for (auto &S : Segs) {
if (!PointCmp()(S.p1, S.p2))
std::swap(S.p1, S.p2);
return Segs;
void init() {
for (auto &S : Segs) {
void FindNewEvent(const segment<T> *A, const segment<T> *B) {
auto Type = A->seg_intersect(*B);
if (Type <= 0)
point<T> P;
if (Type == 2)
P = A->p1;
else if (Type == 3)
P = A->p2;
P = A->line_intersection(*B);
if (PointCmp()(Current, P))
void HandleEventPoint() {
auto &Info = PointInfoMap[Current];
segment<T> Tmp(Current, Current);
auto LBound = BST.lower_bound(&Tmp);
auto UBound = BST.upper_bound(&Tmp);
LBound, UBound, std::back_inserter(Info.C),
[&](const segment<T> *S) -> bool { return !(S->p2 == Current); });
BST.erase(LBound, UBound);
auto UC = Info.U;
UC.insert(UC.end(), Info.C.begin(), Info.C.end());
UC.begin(), UC.end(),
[&](const segment<T> *S) -> bool { return S->p1 == S->p2; }),
std::sort(UC.begin(), UC.end(),
[&](const segment<T> *A, const segment<T> *B) -> bool {
return (A->p2 - Current).cross(B->p2 - Current) > 0;
if (UC.empty()) {
if (UBound != BST.end() && UBound != BST.begin()) {
auto Sr = *UBound;
auto Sl = *(--UBound);
FindNewEvent(Sl, Sr);
} else {
if (UBound != BST.end()) {
auto Sr = *UBound;
FindNewEvent(UC.back(), Sr);
if (UBound != BST.begin()) {
auto Sl = *(--UBound);
FindNewEvent(Sl, UC.front());
for (auto S : UC)
SegmentIntersection(std::vector<segment<T>> Segs)
: Segs(initSegs(std::move(Segs))), BST(Current) {
while (Queue.size()) {
auto It = Queue.begin();
Current = *It;
const std::vector<segment<T>> getSegments() const { return Segs; }
const std::map<point<T>, PointInfo, PointCmp> &getPointInfoMap() const {
return PointInfoMap;
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