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Created February 29, 2020 07:51
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace JFun.Gameplay.MessageSystem
public static class HashMessageManager
private static Dictionary<int, Delegate> _eventHashTable = new Dictionary<int, Delegate>();
//Hash handlers that should never be removed, regardless of calling Cleanup
private static List<int> _permanentHashList = new List<int>();
public static event Action<int, Delegate> OnListenerAddStartEvent;
public static event Action<int, Delegate> OnListenerAddEndEvent;
public static event Action<int, Delegate> OnListenerRemoveStartEvent;
public static event Action<int, Delegate> OnListenerRemoveEndEvent;
public static event Action<int> OnBroadcastStartEvent;
public static event Action<int, Delegate> OnBroadcastingEvent;
public static event Action<int> OnBroadcastEndEvent;
#region Helper Methods
//Marks a certain hash as permanent.
public static void MarkAsPermanent(int eventHash)
public static void Cleanup()
List<int> removeList = new List<int>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Delegate> pair in _eventHashTable)
bool wasFound = false;
foreach (int hash in _permanentHashList)
if (pair.Key == hash)
wasFound = true;
if (!wasFound)
foreach (int hash in removeList)
#endregion Helper Methods
#region AddListener
//No parameters
public static void AddListener(int eventHash, Action handler)
OnListenerAddStart(eventHash, handler);
_eventHashTable[eventHash] = (Action)_eventHashTable[eventHash] + handler;
OnListenerAddEnd(eventHash, handler);
//Single parameter
public static void AddListener<T>(int eventHash, Action<T> handler)
OnListenerAddStart(eventHash, handler);
_eventHashTable[eventHash] = (Action<T>)_eventHashTable[eventHash] + handler;
OnListenerAddEnd(eventHash, handler);
//Two parameters
public static void AddListener<T, U>(int eventHash, Action<T, U> handler)
OnListenerAddStart(eventHash, handler);
_eventHashTable[eventHash] = (Action<T, U>)_eventHashTable[eventHash] + handler;
OnListenerAddEnd(eventHash, handler);
//Three parameters
public static void AddListener<T, U, V>(int eventHash, Action<T, U, V> handler)
OnListenerAddStart(eventHash, handler);
_eventHashTable[eventHash] = (Action<T, U, V>)_eventHashTable[eventHash] + handler;
OnListenerAddEnd(eventHash, handler);
#endregion AddListener
#region RemoveListener
//No parameters
public static void RemoveListener(int eventHash, Action handler)
OnListenerRemoveStart(eventHash, handler);
_eventHashTable[eventHash] = (Action)_eventHashTable[eventHash] - handler;
OnListenerRemoveEnd(eventHash, handler);
//Single parameter
public static void RemoveListener<T>(int eventHash, Action<T> handler)
OnListenerRemoveStart(eventHash, handler);
_eventHashTable[eventHash] = (Action<T>)_eventHashTable[eventHash] - handler;
OnListenerRemoveEnd(eventHash, handler);
//Two parameters
public static void RemoveListener<T, U>(int eventHash, Action<T, U> handler)
OnListenerRemoveStart(eventHash, handler);
_eventHashTable[eventHash] = (Action<T, U>)_eventHashTable[eventHash] - handler;
OnListenerRemoveEnd(eventHash, handler);
//Three parameters
public static void RemoveListener<T, U, V>(int eventHash, Action<T, U, V> handler)
OnListenerRemoveStart(eventHash, handler);
_eventHashTable[eventHash] = (Action<T, U, V>)_eventHashTable[eventHash] - handler;
OnListenerRemoveEnd(eventHash, handler);
#endregion RemoveListener
#region Broadcast
//No parameters
public static bool Broadcast(int eventHash)
bool result = false;
Delegate d;
if (_eventHashTable.TryGetValue(eventHash, out d))
Action handler = d as Action;
if (handler != null)
OnBroadcasting(eventHash, handler);
result = true;
return result;
//Single parameter
public static bool Broadcast<T>(int eventHash, T arg1)
bool result = false;
Delegate d;
if (_eventHashTable.TryGetValue(eventHash, out d))
Action<T> handler = d as Action<T>;
if (handler != null)
OnBroadcasting(eventHash, handler);
result = true;
return result;
//Two parameters
public static bool Broadcast<T, U>(int eventHash, T arg1, U arg2)
bool result = false;
Delegate d;
if (_eventHashTable.TryGetValue(eventHash, out d))
Action<T, U> handler = d as Action<T, U>;
if (handler != null)
OnBroadcasting(eventHash, handler);
handler(arg1, arg2);
result = true;
return result;
//Three parameters
public static bool Broadcast<T, U, V>(int eventHash, T arg1, U arg2, V arg3)
bool result = false;
Delegate d;
if (_eventHashTable.TryGetValue(eventHash, out d))
Action<T, U, V> handler = d as Action<T, U, V>;
if (handler != null)
OnBroadcasting(eventHash, handler);
handler(arg1, arg2, arg3);
result = true;
return result;
#endregion Broadcast
#region Listener
public static bool HaveListener(int eventHash)
return _eventHashTable.ContainsKey(eventHash);
public static bool TryGetListenerType(int eventHash, out Type type)
Delegate d;
if (_eventHashTable.TryGetValue(eventHash, out d))
if (d != null)
type = d.GetType();
return true;
type = default(Type);
return false;
#endregion Listener
#region Private Methods
private static void OnListenerAddStart(int eventHash, Delegate handler)
if (!_eventHashTable.ContainsKey(eventHash))
_eventHashTable.Add(eventHash, null);
if (OnListenerAddStartEvent != null)
OnListenerAddStartEvent(eventHash, handler);
private static void OnListenerAddEnd(int eventHash, Delegate handler)
if (OnListenerAddEndEvent != null)
OnListenerAddEndEvent(eventHash, handler);
private static void OnListenerRemoveStart(int eventHash, Delegate handler)
if (OnListenerRemoveStartEvent != null)
OnListenerRemoveStartEvent(eventHash, handler);
private static void OnListenerRemoveEnd(int eventHash, Delegate handler)
if (OnListenerRemoveEndEvent != null)
OnListenerRemoveEndEvent(eventHash, handler);
if (_eventHashTable[eventHash] == null)
private static void OnBroadcastStart(int eventHash)
if (OnBroadcastStartEvent != null)
private static void OnBroadcasting(int eventHash, Delegate handler)
if (OnBroadcastingEvent != null)
OnBroadcastingEvent(eventHash, handler);
private static void OnBroadcastEnd(int eventHash)
if (OnBroadcastEndEvent != null)
#endregion Private Methods
using UnityEngine;
using JFun.Framework;
using JFun.Foundation.Loggers;
namespace JFun.Gameplay.MessageSystem
public class MessageBroadcaster : MonoBehaviour
public string MessageCmd;
public void Broadcast()
if (MessageManager.HaveListener(MessageCmd))
ShareLogger.Instance.Error("[MessageBroadcaster.Broadcast] None object register MessageCmd: {0}.", MessageCmd);
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
namespace JFun.Gameplay.MessageSystem
[CustomEditor(typeof(MessageBroadcaster), true), CanEditMultipleObjects]
public class MessageBroadcasterInspector : Editor
public MessageBroadcaster Target
return target as MessageBroadcaster;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
Target.MessageCmd = EditorGUILayout.TextField("MessageCmd", Target.MessageCmd);
if (GUILayout.Button("Broadcast"))
namespace JFun.Gameplay.MessageSystem
public static class MessageCmd
public static string OpeningScenario = "OpeningScenario";
public static string EndingScenario = "EndingScenario";
// BattleOpen觸發
public static string PreBattleOpening = "PreBattleOpening";
public static string OnBattleOpening = "OnBattleOpening";
public static string PostBattleOpening = "PostBattleOpening";
// BattleFight觸發
public static string PreBattleFighting = "PreBattleFighting";
public static string OnBattleFighting = "OnBattleFighting";
public static string PostBattleFighting = "PostBattleFighting";
// BattleEnd觸發
public static string PreBattleEnding = "PreBattleEnding";
public static string OnBattleEnding = "OnBattleEnding";
public static string PostBattleEnding = "PostBattleEnding";
// BattleTime觸發
public static string BrocastRemainTime = "BrocastRemainTime";
public static string SetTimeScale = "SetTimeScale";
// BattleUI觸發
public static string BrocastDeployClock = "BrocastDeployClock";
public static string BrocastPopupMana = "BrocastPopupMana";
// DraggableItem觸發
public static string BeginDrag = "BeginDrag";
public static string Dragging = "Dragging";
public static string EndDrag = "EndDrag";
// ClickableObj觸發,在戰場中是專給戰場地板點擊用
public static string PointerDown = "PointerDown";
public static string PointerUp = "PointerUp";
public static string ClickObj = "ClickObj";
// UIHandCard觸發
public static string OnClickHandCard = "OnClickHandCard";
// CardGameManager觸發
public static string CardBeginDrag = "CardBeginDrag";
public static string CardDragging = "CardDragging";
public static string CardEndDrag = "CardEndDrag";
// UseCard觸發
public static string UseCard = "UseCard";
// DisplayCard觸發
public static string DisplayCard = "DisplayCard";
// EntityUnit觸發
public static string SpawnUnitModel = "SpawnUnitModel";
public static string DespawnUnitModel = "DespawnUnitModel";
public static string ShowCourtMask = "ShowCourtMask";
// UnitBaseMarker觸發
public static string OpenUnitMarker = "OpenUnitMarker";
public static string CloseUnitMarker = "CloseUnitMarker";
public static string ShowUnitMarker = "ShowUnitMarker";
public static string HideUnitMarker = "HideUnitMarker";
public static string SetNameOffset = "SetNameOffset";
// TotemUnitMarker觸發
public static string RefreshFieldColor = "RefreshFieldColor";
public static string RecoverFieldColor = "RecoverFieldColor";
// Emoticon觸發
public static string PlayEmoticon = "PlayEmoticon";
// BadConnection觸發
public static string BadConnection = "BadConnection";
// ShakeCamera觸發
public static string ShakeCamera = "ShakeCamera";
// Story觸發
public static string RegisterStroyCanvas = "RegisterStroyCanvas";
// LobbyUI觸發
public static string SetCanvasResolution = "SetCanvasResolution";
public static string DisableLobbyScrollRect = "DisableLobbyScrollRect";
public static string RegisterLobbyCanvas = "RegisterLobbyCanvas";
public static string UnregisterLobbyCanvas = "UnregisterLobbyCanvas";
public static string RegisterResourceCanvas = "RegisterResourceCanvas";
public static string UnregisterResourceCanvas = "UnregisterResourceCanvas";
public static string SetLobbyScrollActive = "SetLobbyScrollActive";
public static string LobbyAutoScroll = "LobbyAutoScroll";
public static string InitLobbyMenu = "InitLobbyMenu";
public static string OnClickLobbyMenu = "OnClickLobbyMenu";
public static string OnLobbyScrollChanged = "OnLobbyScrollChanged";
public static string SetBoundaryActive = "SetBoundaryActive";
// LoadingSceneCanvas觸發
public static string OnLoadingSceneStart = "OnLoadingSceneStart";
// PlayerInfoUI, CardInfoUI判斷是否為其他玩家資訊
public static string IsOtherPlayerInfo = "IsOtherPlayerInfo";
// CardInfoUI觸發
public static string CardInfoUseButtonActive = "CardInfoUseButtonActive";
// BoosterPackUI觸發
public static string BoosterPackOpen = "BoosterPackOpen";
public static string BoosterPackClose = "BoosterPackClose";
public static string BoosterPackRevealReward = "BoosterPackRevealReward";
public static string BoosterPackRewardList = "BoosterPackRewardList";
public static string BoosterPackHeadIconList = "BoosterPackHeadIconList";
public static string TempBoosterPackAddReward = "BoosterPackAddReward";// This is For Guild.
// UITitleHelper觸發
public static string TitleResourceAnim = "TitleResourceAnim";
// RewardCurrency觸發
public static string PlayRewardCurrency = "PlayRewardCurrency";
public static string FinishRewardCurrency = "FinishRewardCurrency";
// RewardInfoUI觸發
public static string OpenRewardInfo = "OpenRewardInfo";
public static string CloseRewardInfo = "CloseRewardInfo";
// UITipHelper 觸發
public static string ShowTip = "ShowTip";
// CardLevelUpUI觸發
public static string PlayCardLevelUp = "PlayCardLevelUp";
// UIWaiting
public static string ActivateWaitingUI = "ActivateWaitingUI";
public static string InactivateWaitingUI = "InactivateWaitingUI";
// UIResource & UIMainMenu 開關
public static string Lobby_Ready = "Lobby_Ready";
public static string Ready_Lobby = "Ready_Lobby";
// UITutorialBattleHelper觸發
public static string OpenDragHandCard = "OpenDragHandCard";
public static string CloseDragHandCard = "CloseDragHandCard";
public static string LimitDeployPosition = "LimitDeployPosition";
public static string UIToTopCanvas = "UIToTopCanvas";
// System Message
public static string SystemMsg = "SystemMsg";
public static string SystemMsgFormat = "SystemMsgFormat";
// UIToShopHelper觸發
public static string UIToDiamondShop = "UIToDiamondShop";
// UIInputEventHelper觸發
public static string EscapeButtonOpen = "EscapeButtonOpen";
public static string EscapeButtonClose = "EscapeButtonClose";
public static string EscapeButtonInactive = "EscapeButtonInactive";
public static string UIRegionStateClose = "UIRegionStateClose";
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using JFun.Framework;
using JFun.Foundation.Loggers;
namespace JFun.Gameplay.MessageSystem
public class MessageLogger
private static void InitializeOnLoadMethod()
MessageManager.OnListenerAddStartEvent += OnListenerAddStart;
MessageManager.OnListenerAddEndEvent += OnListenerAddEnd;
MessageManager.OnListenerRemoveStartEvent += OnListenerRemoveStart;
MessageManager.OnListenerRemoveEndEvent += OnListenerRemoveEnd;
MessageManager.OnBroadcastStartEvent += OnBroadcastStart;
MessageManager.OnBroadcastEndEvent += OnBroadcastEnd;
public static void OnListenerAddStart(string eventType, Delegate listenerBeingAdded)
if (MessageManager.HaveListener(eventType))
Type type;
if (MessageManager.TryGetListenerType(eventType, out type))
if (type != listenerBeingAdded.GetType())
//throw new ListenerException(string.Format("Attempting to add listener with inconsistent signature for event type {0}. Current listeners have type {1} and listener being added has type {2}", eventType, type.Name, listenerBeingAdded.GetType().Name));
ShareLogger.Instance.Error(string.Format("Attempting to add listener with inconsistent signature for event type {0}. Current listeners have type {1} and listener being added has type {2}", eventType, type.Name, listenerBeingAdded.GetType().Name));
//throw new ListenerException(string.Format("Attempting to add listener with for event type \"{0}\" but current listener is null.", eventType));
ShareLogger.Instance.Error(string.Format("Attempting to add listener with for event type \"{0}\" but current listener is null.", eventType));
public static void OnListenerAddEnd(string eventType, Delegate listenerBeingAdded)
if (!MessageManager.HaveListener(eventType))
//throw new ListenerException(string.Format("Attempting to add listener for type \"{0}\" but Messenger doesn't know about this event type.", eventType));
ShareLogger.Instance.Error(string.Format("Attempting to add listener for type \"{0}\" but Messenger doesn't know about this event type.", eventType));
public static void OnListenerRemoveStart(string eventType, Delegate listenerBeingRemoved)
if (!MessageManager.HaveListener(eventType))
//throw new ListenerException(string.Format("Attempting to remove listener for type \"{0}\" but Messenger doesn't know about this event type.", eventType));
ShareLogger.Instance.Error(string.Format("Attempting to remove listener for type \"{0}\" but Messenger doesn't know about this event type.", eventType));
public static void OnListenerRemoveEnd(string eventType, Delegate listenerBeingRemoved)
if (MessageManager.HaveListener(eventType))
Type type;
if (MessageManager.TryGetListenerType(eventType, out type))
if (type != listenerBeingRemoved.GetType())
//throw new ListenerException(string.Format("Attempting to remove listener with inconsistent signature for event type {0}. Current listeners have type {1} and listener being removed has type {2}", eventType, type.Name, listenerBeingRemoved.GetType().Name));
ShareLogger.Instance.Error(string.Format("Attempting to remove listener with inconsistent signature for event type {0}. Current listeners have type {1} and listener being removed has type {2}", eventType, type.Name, listenerBeingRemoved.GetType().Name));
//throw new ListenerException(string.Format("Attempting to remove listener with for event type \"{0}\" but current listener is null.", eventType));
ShareLogger.Instance.Error(string.Format("Attempting to remove listener with for event type \"{0}\" but current listener is null.", eventType));
public static void OnBroadcastStart(string eventType)
ShareLogger.Instance.Debug("MESSENGER\t" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff") + "\t\t\tInvoking \t\"" + eventType + "\"");
public static void OnBroadcastEnd(string eventType)
if (!MessageManager.HaveListener(eventType))
//throw new BroadcastException(string.Format("Broadcasting message \"{0}\" but no listener found. Try marking the message with Messenger.MarkAsPermanent.", eventType));
if (DebugLogger.Level >= Foundation.Loggers.LogLevel.Warn)
ShareLogger.Instance.Warn(string.Format("Broadcasting message \"{0}\" but no listener found. Try marking the message with Messenger.MarkAsPermanent.", eventType));
//public class BroadcastException : Exception
// public BroadcastException(string msg)
// : base(msg)
// {
// }
//public class ListenerException : Exception
// public ListenerException(string msg)
// : base(msg)
// {
// }
using System;
namespace JFun.Gameplay.MessageSystem
public static class MessageManager
public static event Action<string, Delegate> OnListenerAddStartEvent;
public static event Action<string, Delegate> OnListenerAddEndEvent;
public static event Action<string, Delegate> OnListenerRemoveStartEvent;
public static event Action<string, Delegate> OnListenerRemoveEndEvent;
public static event Action<string> OnBroadcastStartEvent;
public static event Action<string> OnBroadcastEndEvent;
#region Helper methods
public static int StringToHash(string eventType)
return eventType.GetHashCode();
//Marks a certain message as permanent.
public static void MarkAsPermanent(string eventType)
public static void Cleanup()
#endregion Helper methods
#region AddListener
//No parameters
public static void AddListener(string eventType, Action handler)
OnListenerAddStart(eventType, handler);
HashMessageManager.AddListener(StringToHash(eventType), handler);
OnListenerAddEnd(eventType, handler);
//Single parameter
public static void AddListener<T>(string eventType, Action<T> handler)
OnListenerAddStart(eventType, handler);
HashMessageManager.AddListener(StringToHash(eventType), handler);
OnListenerAddEnd(eventType, handler);
//Two parameters
public static void AddListener<T, U>(string eventType, Action<T, U> handler)
OnListenerAddStart(eventType, handler);
HashMessageManager.AddListener(StringToHash(eventType), handler);
OnListenerAddEnd(eventType, handler);
//Three parameters
public static void AddListener<T, U, V>(string eventType, Action<T, U, V> handler)
OnListenerAddStart(eventType, handler);
HashMessageManager.AddListener(StringToHash(eventType), handler);
OnListenerAddEnd(eventType, handler);
#endregion AddListener
#region RemoveListener
//No parameters
public static void RemoveListener(string eventType, Action handler)
OnListenerRemoveStart(eventType, handler);
HashMessageManager.RemoveListener(StringToHash(eventType), handler);
OnListenerRemoveEnd(eventType, handler);
//Single parameter
public static void RemoveListener<T>(string eventType, Action<T> handler)
OnListenerRemoveStart(eventType, handler);
HashMessageManager.RemoveListener(StringToHash(eventType), handler);
OnListenerRemoveEnd(eventType, handler);
//Two parameters
public static void RemoveListener<T, U>(string eventType, Action<T, U> handler)
OnListenerRemoveStart(eventType, handler);
HashMessageManager.RemoveListener(StringToHash(eventType), handler);
OnListenerRemoveEnd(eventType, handler);
//Three parameters
public static void RemoveListener<T, U, V>(string eventType, Action<T, U, V> handler)
OnListenerRemoveStart(eventType, handler);
HashMessageManager.RemoveListener(StringToHash(eventType), handler);
OnListenerRemoveEnd(eventType, handler);
#endregion RemoveListener
#region Broadcast
//No parameters
public static bool Broadcast(string eventType)
bool isDone = HashMessageManager.Broadcast(StringToHash(eventType));
return isDone;
//Single parameter
public static bool Broadcast<T>(string eventType, T arg1)
bool isDone = HashMessageManager.Broadcast(StringToHash(eventType), arg1);
return isDone;
//Two parameters
public static bool Broadcast<T, U>(string eventType, T arg1, U arg2)
bool isDone = HashMessageManager.Broadcast(StringToHash(eventType), arg1, arg2);
return isDone;
//Three parameters
public static bool Broadcast<T, U, V>(string eventType, T arg1, U arg2, V arg3)
bool isDone = HashMessageManager.Broadcast(StringToHash(eventType), arg1, arg2, arg3);
return isDone;
#endregion Broadcast
#region Listener
public static bool HaveListener(string eventType)
return HashMessageManager.HaveListener(StringToHash(eventType));
public static bool TryGetListenerType(string eventType, out Type type)
return HashMessageManager.TryGetListenerType(StringToHash(eventType), out type);
#endregion Listener
#region Private Methods
private static void OnListenerAddStart(string eventType, Delegate handler)
if (OnListenerAddStartEvent != null)
OnListenerAddStartEvent(eventType, handler);
private static void OnListenerAddEnd(string eventType, Delegate handler)
if (OnListenerAddEndEvent != null)
OnListenerAddEndEvent(eventType, handler);
private static void OnListenerRemoveStart(string eventType, Delegate handler)
if (OnListenerRemoveStartEvent != null)
OnListenerRemoveStartEvent(eventType, handler);
private static void OnListenerRemoveEnd(string eventType, Delegate handler)
if (OnListenerRemoveEndEvent != null)
OnListenerRemoveEndEvent(eventType, handler);
private static void OnBroadcastStart(string eventType)
if (OnBroadcastStartEvent != null)
private static void OnBroadcastEnd(string eventType)
if (OnBroadcastEndEvent != null)
#endregion Private Methods
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace JFun.Gameplay.MessageSystem
public class MessageReceiver : MonoBehaviour
public string MessageCmd;
public UnityEvent OnReceiverEvent;
protected virtual void Awake()
MessageManager.AddListener(MessageCmd, OnReceiverAction);
protected virtual void OnDestroy()
MessageManager.RemoveListener(MessageCmd, OnReceiverAction);
protected virtual void OnReceiverAction()
if (OnReceiverEvent != null)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace JFun.Gameplay.MessageSystem
public abstract class MessageReceivorBase<T, K> : MonoBehaviour where T : UnityEvent<K>
public string MessageCmd;
public T OnReceiverEvent;
protected virtual void Awake()
MessageManager.AddListener<K>(MessageCmd, OnReceiverAction);
protected virtual void OnDestroy()
MessageManager.RemoveListener<K>(MessageCmd, OnReceiverAction);
protected virtual void OnReceiverAction(K arg)
if (OnReceiverEvent != null)
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