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Created December 30, 2009 18:17
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  • Save jackysee/266261 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jackysee/266261 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script will crawl the MySinaBlog content to your hardisk as HTML files
It can resolves more than one page of comment.
1. You need to install groovy (
See the setup here (
2. You need to install nekoParser to your groovy lib
2.1 download from
2.2 copy in the zip file lib\xercesImpl.jar, nekohtml.jar to e.g. c:\Documents And Settings\User\.groovy\lib
1. fill the blogUrl below.
2. run the script
3. Your blog content will be at 'backup' folder.
Each single entry will be named as {articleId}.html
If the entry has comments, the name will be {articleId}_0.html, {articleId}_1.html....
def blogUrl = ""
/*======== do not modify below ====*/
def nekoParser = new org.cyberneko.html.parsers.SAXParser()
nekoParser.setFeature('', false)
def host = (blogUrl =~ /(http:\/\/[^\/]+)\/?.*/)[0][1]
def base = blogUrl[0..blogUrl.lastIndexOf('/')]
def parser = new XmlParser(nekoParser)
def frontPage = parser.parse(blogUrl)
def nextUrl = frontPage.depthFirst().DIV.findAll{it.'@class'=='c_title'}[0].A.'@href'[0]
new File("backup").mkdir()
while(nextUrl != null){
println "Getting... ${base + nextUrl}"
def permaLink = base + nextUrl
def articleId = (nextUrl =~ /articleId=(\d*)/)[0][1]
def page = parser.parse(permaLink).depthFirst()
def commentText = page.DIV.findAll{ it.'@class'=='posted'}.A.findAll{ it.text().contains("留言")}[0]?.text()
def commentCount = (commentText)?(commentText =~ /\((\d*)\)/)[0][1]:'0'
if(Integer.parseInt(commentCount) > 0){
def blogPage = page.findAll{it.'@id'=='blogPager'}[0]
def pagelist = (blogPage)? blogPage.OPTION.collect{ "${base}index.php${it.'@value'}"}:[permaLink]
download(pp, "${articleId}_${ii}")
download(permaLink, articleId);
def prevLink = page.DIV.findAll{it.'@id'=='post_index'}.A.findAll{it.text().contains("上一篇")}[0]?.'@href'
nextUrl = prevLink?prevLink[0]:null
sleep 1000
def download(address, fileName){
def file = new FileOutputStream("backup/${fileName}.html")
println "... writing to ${fileName}.html"
def out = new BufferedOutputStream(file)
out << new URL(address).openStream()
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