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Last active January 30, 2023 18:36
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Insight API Queries for Explorer


Transactions by block and address

This endpoint returns full transaction data for blocks and Addresses

NOTE: there is an undocumented param to paginate, didn't go digging

  "pagesTotal": 39,
  "txs": [ {"transaction_details1"}, {"transaction_details2"}, ... ]
  "pagesTotal": 1,
  "txs": [ {"transaction_details1"}, {"transaction_details2"} ]


  • GET /txs?address
    • btcd Method: searchrawtransactions
  • GET /txs?block
    • btcd Method: getblock (btcd has a verbose tx option)

Get Transaction Details

This endpoint returns the full data for a given transaction

  "txid": "dbaf14e1c476e76ea05a8b71921a46d6b06f0a950f17c5f9f1a03b8fae467f10",
  "version": 1,
  "locktime": 0,
  "vin": [
      "coinbase": "03400d0302ef02062f503253482f522cfabe6d6dd90d39663d10f8fd25ec88338295d4c6ce1c90d4aeb368d8bdbadcc1da3b635801000000000000000474073e03",
      "sequence": 4294967295,
      "n": 0
  "vout": [
      "value": "50.63517500",
      "n": 0,
      "scriptPubKey": {
        "hex": "4104b0bd634234abbb1ba1e986e884185c61cf43e001f9137f23c2c409273eb16e6537a576782eba668a7ef8bd3b3cfb1edb7117ab65129b8a2e681f3c1e0908ef7bac",
        "asm": "04b0bd634234abbb1ba1e986e884185c61cf43e001f9137f23c2c409273eb16e6537a576782eba668a7ef8bd3b3cfb1edb7117ab65129b8a2e681f3c1e0908ef7b OP_CHECKSIG",
        "addresses": [
        "type": "pubkeyhash"
      "spentTxId": "5c76eb4dfb0941856a229833ef05b2f5c669dadc98ed2a34ea11974cacba9dc7",
      "spentIndex": 0,
      "spentHeight": 201417
  "blockhash": "000000000000034a7dedef4a161fa058a2d67a173a90155f3a2fe6fc132e0ebf",
  "blockheight": 200000,
  "confirmations": 303254,
  "time": 1348310759,
  "blocktime": 1348310759,
  "isCoinBase": true,
  "valueOut": 50.635175,
  "size": 192


  • GET /tx/:txId
    • btcd Method: getrawtransaction

Address details

Given an address, return the balance and other details, optionally return the list of txid associated

  "addrStr": "1FhNPRh1TxVidoKkWFEpdmK5RXw9vG1KUb",
  "balance": 0,
  "balanceSat": 0,
  "totalReceived": 55.86,
  "totalReceivedSat": 5586000000,
  "totalSent": 55.86,
  "totalSentSat": 5586000000,
  "unconfirmedBalance": 0,
  "unconfirmedBalanceSat": 0,
  "unconfirmedTxApperances": 0,
  "txApperances": 2


  • GET /addr/:addrStr/?noTxList=1
    • btcd Method: searchrawtransactions
    • Note: Endpoint will modify format of responses

UTXO details

Fetch a list of UTXO given an address

    "address": "1BDX1VnPVVvhS6kHQCX4Dpa9zauHj9raRB",
    "txid": "0a2adb164356427ed46758a6c0e9e89614fda2faf2d741598c88eb4f05fa0bbb",
    "vout": 2,
    "scriptPubKey": "76a914700f4c9c534270b41ba885ad44c1929652efa83788ac",
    "amount": 0.00493617,
    "satoshis": 493617,
    "height": 492686,
    "confirmations": 10571


  • GET /addrs/:address/utxo
    • btcd Method: searchrawtransactions
    • Note: Endpoint will modify format of responses

Current Exchange Prices

This endpoint is undocumented in the Insight API Docs

  • GET /currency
  "status": 200,
  "data": {
    "bitstamp": 15000


  • GET /currency
    • Insight only implements one exchange right now. We could easily make this more pluggable

Get block details given block hash

Get block details given the block hash

  "hash": "000000000000000000319a2a35a3ca0ed8b0f72a59beb8bbf7e13039ac47fc88",
  "size": 978216,
  "height": 503252,
  "version": 536870912,
  "merkleroot": "01536676a4e2ee5806b594259b2d5584f4484077017e628a0b8b5992b8883ba6",
  "tx": [
  "time": 1515456523,
  "nonce": 2150682718,
  "bits": "180091c1",
  "difficulty": 1931136454487.7163,
  "chainwork": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e38c4c63724d016d9e9313",
  "confirmations": 4,
  "previousblockhash": "0000000000000000000b386bafcbff0da97ddb6e4e24eb94db101004342b519c",
  "nextblockhash": "0000000000000000007cc5e3f0ae181a5cbc6551b60a49144bb200f2bcf74c71",
  "reward": 12.5,
  "isMainChain": true,
  "poolInfo": {}


  • GET /block/:blockHash
    • btcd Method: getblock

Block Summaries

Fetch the Block summaries by date.

NOTE: There appears to be more to this api. It's not returning all the blocks on a given date

  "blocks": [
      "height": 503252,
      "size": 978216,
      "hash": "000000000000000000319a2a35a3ca0ed8b0f72a59beb8bbf7e13039ac47fc88",
      "time": 1515456523,
      "txlength": 2923,
      "poolInfo": { }
  "length": 1,
  "pagination": {
    "next": "2018-01-10",
    "prev": "2018-01-08",
    "currentTs": 1515542399,
    "current": "2018-01-09",
    "isToday": true,
    "more": false


  • GET /blocks?limit={{ .limit }}&blockDate={{ .blockDate }}
    • No obvious method, easy to string together a couple

Block Hash

Fetch the block hash by block height

  "blockHash": "00000000000000000024fb37364cbf81fd49cc2d51c09c75c35433c3a1945d04"


  • GET /block-index/:blockHeight
    • btcd Method: getblockindex

Get Diagnostic Info From Node

Get diagnostic info from the BTC node backing this API. Query can be:

  • getInfo
  • getDifficulty
  • getBestBlockHash
  • getLastBlockHash
  "info": {
    "version": 120100,
    "protocolversion": 70012,
    "blocks": 503251,
    "timeoffset": 0,
    "connections": 8,
    "proxy": "",
    "difficulty": 1931136454487.716,
    "testnet": false,
    "relayfee": 0.00001,
    "errors": "Warning: unknown new rules activated (versionbit 1)",
    "network": "livenet"


  • GET /status?q={{ .query }}
    • btcd Method: getinfo, getdifficulty, getbestblockhash

Get Node Sync Staus

  "status": "finished",
  "blockChainHeight": 503251,
  "syncPercentage": 100,
  "height": 503251,
  "error": null,
  "type": "bitcore node"


  • GET /sync
    • btcd Method: getinfo?
    • May need to check against other nodes?

Get Node Peer Status

  "connected": true,
  "host": "",
  "port": null
  • GET /peer
    • btcd Method: getpeerinfo



Unsure what this endpoint does, undocumented

  • POST /messages/verify
    • POST Body
  "address": "1FhNPRh1TxVidoKkWFEpdmK5RXw9vG1KUb",
  "signature": "a signature",
  "message": "foobar"
  • Return JSON
  "nodata": "nodata"

Send Transaction

This endpoint broadcasts a formatted bitcoin transaction

  "rawtx": "01000000017b1eabe0209b1fe794124575ef807057c77ada2138ae4fa8d6c4de0398a14f3f00000000494830450221008949f0cb400094ad2b5eb399d59d01c14d73d8fe6e96df1a7150deb388ab8935022079656090d7f6bac4c9a94e0aad311a4268e082a725f8aeae0573fb12ff866a5f01ffffffff01f0ca052a010000001976a914cbc20a7664f2f69e5355aa427045bc15e7c6c77288ac00000000"
  • Return JSON
  "txid": "c7736a0a0046d5a8cc61c8c3c2821d4d7517f5de2bc66a966011aaa79965ffba"


  • POST /tx/send
    • btcd Method: sendrawtransaction
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