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Last active February 5, 2018 01:55
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Makes *buffextras messages look better
import hexchat
import re
import collections
__module_name__ = "Pretty Buffextras"
__module_version__ = "1.1"
__module_description__ = "Makes *buffextras messages look better"
__module_author__ = "Mrprocom"
# How to add more messages
# The key is for the regex. Group the parts of the buffextras message
# that should be arguments of the hexchat.emit_print() function
# The key is for the emit_print function arguments, it starts with the event name
# The numbers there indicate the order of the grouped strings from the regex match
msg_types = collections.OrderedDict({
re.compile(r"^([^!]+)!([^@]+@\S+) quit(?: with message)?: \[?(.*)\]?$"): ("Quit", 0, 2, 1),
re.compile(r"^([^!]+)!([^@]+@\S+) joined$"): ("Join", 0, "<channel>", 1),
re.compile(r"^([^!]+)![^@]+@\S+ is now known as (\S+)$"): ("Change Nick", 0, 1),
re.compile(r"^([^!]+)!([^@]+@\S+) parted(?: with message)?: \[?\]?$"): ("Part", 0, 1, "<channel>"),
re.compile(r"^([^!]+)!([^@]+@\S+) parted(?: with message)?: \[?(.+)\]?$"): ("Part with Reason", 0, 1, "<channel>", 2),
re.compile(r"^([^!]+)![^@]+@\S+ kicked (\S+) (?:with reason|Reason): \[?(.*)\]?$"): ("Kick", 0, 1, "<channel>", 2),
re.compile(r"^([^!]+)!([^@]+@\S+)? changed the topic to: (.+)$"): ("Topic Change", 0, 2, "<channel>")
moderegex = re.compile(r"^\S+(!\S+@\S+)? set mode: ((-|\+)?\w+)+ .*$")
modes = {
"+b": "Channel Ban",
"+e": "Channel Exempt",
"+I": "Channel INVITE",
"+k": "Channel Set Key",
"+l": "Channel Set Limit",
"+o": "Channel Operator",
"+q": "Channel Quiet",
"+v": "Channel Voice",
"-b": "Channel UnBan",
"-e": "Channel Remove Exempt",
"-I": "Channel Remove Invite",
"-k": "Channel Remove Keyword",
"-l": "Channel Remove Limit",
"-o": "Channel DeOp",
"-q": "Channel UnQuiet",
"-v": "Channel DeVoice"
def buffextras_msg(word, word_eol, userdata, attributes):
# Check if the message was sent by *buffextras, then check what type of message it was
if hexchat.strip(word[0]) == "*buffextras":
for msg_reg, args in msg_types.items():
match = re.match(msg_reg, word[1])
if match:
# Replace all numbers with their match.groups()[index]
args = [match.groups()[i] if isinstance(i, int) else hexchat.get_info("channel") if i == "<channel>" else i for i in args]
hexchat.emit_print(*args, time=attributes.time)
return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
# Check if the message is a mode change
if re.match(moderegex, word[1]):
setter = word[1].split("!")[0].split(" ")[0]
targets = word[1].split()[4:]
minus = word[1].split()[3].startswith("-")
for char in word[1].split()[3]:
if char == "+":
minus = False
elif char == "-":
minus = True
mode_sign = "-" if minus else "+"
mode_char = mode_sign + char
if char in "beIoqvk" or (not minus and char in "l"):
mode_target = targets[0]
del targets[0]
mode_target = hexchat.get_info("channel")
if mode_char in modes:
hexchat.emit_print(modes[mode_char], setter, mode_target, time=attributes.time)
hexchat.emit_print("Channel Mode Generic", setter, mode_sign, char, mode_target, time=attributes.time)
return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
hexchat.hook_print_attrs("Channel Message", buffextras_msg)
hexchat.hook_print_attrs("Channel Msg Hilight", buffextras_msg)
print("loaded pretty buffextras script")
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