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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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# Re-try function with exponential back-off time
# `max`: Maximum amount of attempts
# `wait`: Wait time between attemps, in milliseconds
# `attempt`: Function to make one attempt, accepts arguments <nth try>, <callback upon success>
gently = @gently = (max, wait, attempt) ->
new Promise (fulfill, fail) ->
recur = (max, wait, attempt, n) ->
pending = setTimeout (->
if n is max
clearTimeout pending
fail n
else recur max, 2*wait, attempt, n+1
), wait
attempt n, ->
clearTimeout pending
fulfill n
recur max, wait, attempt, 1
@tryit = (attempts) ->
attempt = (n, done) ->
if n is attempts then done()
else console.log "My hypothetical request no #{n}..."
# Try it maximum 4 times with initial wait time of 130ms:
gently(4, 130, attempt).then(
((n) -> console.log " ..succeeded on attempt #{n}"),
((n) -> console.log " ..failed after attempt #{n}") )
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