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Created December 4, 2021 23:44
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// Teste de construção de um CNPJ e CPF Format sem view
class CNPJAndCPFInputFormat extends TextInputFormatter {
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) {
var value = _prepareValue(newValue);
if (value.isNotEmpty && value.length <= 11) {
value = _appendMask(value, '###.###.###-##');
} else if (value.isNotEmpty && value.length <= 14) {
value = _appendMask(value, '##.###.###/####-##');
} else if (value.length > 14) {
return oldValue;
return newValue.copyWith(
text: value,
selection: TextSelection.fromPosition(
TextPosition(offset: value.length),
String _prepareValue(TextEditingValue newValue) {
var value = newValue.text;
value = value.replaceAll(RegExp(r'[^\d]'), '');
return value;
String _appendMask(String value, String mask) {
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
mask = mask.replaceFirst('#', value[i]);
var lastHash = mask.indexOf('#');
if (lastHash != -1) {
mask = mask.characters.getRange(0, lastHash).join();
if (RegExp(r'[^\d]').hasMatch(mask.characters.last)) {
mask = mask.characters.getRange(0, mask.length - 1).join();
return mask;
import 'package:flutter_playground/src/cnpj_and_cpf_input_format.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
void main() {
final formatter = CNPJAndCPFInputFormat();
test('Should return empty when type letter', () {
var newValue3 = const TextEditingValue(text: 'jac');
newValue3 = formatter.formatEditUpdate(newValue3, newValue3);
expect(newValue3.text, '');
group('CPF', () {
test('Should format CPF when has 3 digit', () {
var newValue3 = const TextEditingValue(text: '111');
newValue3 = formatter.formatEditUpdate(newValue3, newValue3);
expect(newValue3.text, '111');
test('Should format CPF when has 4 digit', () {
const newValue4 = TextEditingValue(text: '1111');
expect(formatter.formatEditUpdate(newValue4, newValue4).text, '111.1');
test('Should format CPF when has 6 digit', () {
const newValue7 = TextEditingValue(text: '111111');
expect(formatter.formatEditUpdate(newValue7, newValue7).text, '111.111');
test('Should format CPF when has 7 digit', () {
const newValue7 = TextEditingValue(text: '1111111');
expect(formatter.formatEditUpdate(newValue7, newValue7).text, '111.111.1');
test('Should format CPF when has 10 digit', () {
const newValue10 = TextEditingValue(text: '111.111.1112');
expect(formatter.formatEditUpdate(newValue10, newValue10).text, '111.111.111-2');
test('Should format CPF when has 11 digit', () {
const newValue11 = TextEditingValue(text: '111.111.11122');
expect(formatter.formatEditUpdate(newValue11, newValue11).text, '111.111.111-22');
group('CNPJ', () {
test('Should format CNPJ when has 12 digit', () {
const newValue11 = TextEditingValue(text: '111.111.110-001');
expect(formatter.formatEditUpdate(newValue11, newValue11).text, '11.111.111/0001');
test('Should format CNPJ when has 14 digit', () {
const newValue11 = TextEditingValue(text: '11.111.111/000111');
expect(formatter.formatEditUpdate(newValue11, newValue11).text, '11.111.111/0001-11');
test('Should ignore if typed more less 14', () {
const oldValue11 = TextEditingValue(text: '11.111.111/0001-11');
const newValue11 = TextEditingValue(text: '11.111.111/0001-111');
expect(formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue11, newValue11).text, '11.111.111/0001-11');
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