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Created January 18, 2018 21:58
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Talk about ABC and Convergence
set.seed(1) # reproducibility
S <- 1000 # number of desired samples from posterior
theta_true <- 3.4 # true mean
n <- 1000 # number of data points
y <- rnorm(n, theta_true) # observed data
theta <- rnorm(S, 0, 10) # allocate chain for mean
s <- 1 # sample tracker
j <- 1 # iteration tracker (just FYI)
epsilon <- 0.5
while (s <= S) {
# 1. Draw theta_i ~ pi(theta)
theta_i <- rnorm(1, 0, 10)
# 2. Simulate x_i ~ p(x | theta_i)
x_i <- rnorm(n, theta_i)
# 3. Reject theta_i if rho(S(x_i), S(y)) > epsilon
if (abs(mean(x_i) - mean(y)) < epsilon) {
theta[s] <- theta_i
s <- s + 1
j <- j + 1
# MCMC chain plot
# posterior summaries
quantile(theta, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
# algorithm 3
theta <- rnorm(S, 0, 10) # allocate chain for mean
theta_t <- theta[1] # initialize by sampling from prior
j <- 1 # acceptance tracker (just FYI)
epsilon <- 0.5
delta <- 2 # proposal density SD
for (s in 2:S) {
# 1. Simulate theta_prime ~ F(theta_t, delta)
theta_prime <- rnorm(1, theta_t, delta)
# 2. Simulate x ~ p(x | theta_prime)
x <- rnorm(n, theta_prime)
# 3. If rho(S(x), S(y)) < epsilon
if (abs(mean(x) - mean(y)) < epsilon) {
# a. u ~ U(0, 1)
u <- log(runif(1, 0, 1))
# b. if u...
alpha <- dnorm(theta_prime, 0, 10, log=TRUE) -
dnorm(theta_t, 0, 10, log=TRUE)
if (u < alpha) {
theta[s] <- theta_prime
theta_t <- theta_prime
j <- j + 1 # track acceptance
} else {
theta[s] <- theta_t
theta[s] <- theta_t
# MCMC chain plot
# acceptance ratio
j / S
# posterior summaries
quantile(theta, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
title: "ABC and Convergence of MCMC"
author: "Jacob Carey"
date: \today
toc: true
theme: "Szeged"
slide_level: 2
fig_caption: no
# Approximate Bayesian Computation
## Posterior Approximation
>- Likelihood: $P(X | \theta)$
>- Prior: $P(\theta)$
>- Posterior: $P(\theta | X) \propto P(X | \theta) P(\theta)$
## Example - Normal Model with Known Variance
- Likelihood: $X \sim \text{Normal}(\mu)$ ($\sigma^2$ known)
- Prior: $\mu \sim \text{Normal}(\mu_0, \sigma^2_0)$
- Posterior: $P(\mu | X)$
## Metropolis-Hastings (Type of MCMC Algorithm)
>- Generic (nearly) always works instance of MCMC
>- Easy to implement
>- Draw $\theta_{t+1} \sim F(\theta | \theta_t, \delta)$ ($F$ is proposal distribution)
>- Accept $\theta_{t+1}$ with probability $\alpha=P(X | \theta_{t+1})P(\theta_{t+1})/(P(X | \theta_t)P(\theta_t))$
## MCMC Overview
- Draw $S$ samples from $P(\theta | X)$
- Repeat $L$ times (creating $L$ chains of $S$ samples each)
- Compare each set of $S$ samples to check convergence (next section!)
- Combine posterior samples from chains, determine posterior summaries (e.g. mean of samples for posterior mean), publish
## Likelihood
>- Sometimes, likelihood is computationally difficult
>- Sometimes, it's not really possible to formulate a likelihood
>- This is where Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) can help
>- Also called Likelihood-free method
>- Note: is generally slower than MH
## ABC Alg. 1
- Given observation $y$, repeat until $S$ points have been accepted
>- Draw $\theta_i \sim p(\theta)$
>- Simulate $X_i \sim p(x | \theta_i)$
>- Accept $\theta_i$ if $X_i = y$
## ABC Alg. 2
- Given observation $y$, repeat until $S$ points have been accepted
>- Draw $\theta_i \sim p(\theta)$
>- Simulate $X_i \sim p(x | \theta_i)$
>- Accept $\theta_i$ if $\rho(S(X_i), S(y)) < \epsilon$
## ABC Alg. 2 Example
See code
## ABC Alg. 3 (MCMC-ABC)
>- Draw $\theta_{t+1} \sim F(\theta | \theta_t, \delta)$ ($F$ is proposal distribution)
>- Simulate $X_i \sim p(x | \theta_i)$
>- If $\theta_i$ if $\rho(S(X_i), S(y)) < \epsilon$
>- Accept $\theta_{t+1}$ with probability $\alpha=P(\theta_{t+1})/P(\theta_t)$
>- If rejected at any point, retain previous value
## ABC Alg. 3 Example
See code
## ABC Further
- Many improvements that can be made
- One of which is assigning a prior to epsilon
- Others involve SMC
- See review by Beaumont (2010) for more information
# Convergence
## MCMC Overview
- Draw $S$ samples from $P(\theta | X)$
- Repeat $L$ times (creating $L$ chains of $S$ samples each)
- Compare each set of $S$ samples to check convergence (this section!)
- Combine posterior samples from chains, determine posterior summaries (e.g. mean of samples for posterior mean), publish
## Gelman-Rubin Diagnostic (Estimated Potential Scale Reduction Factor)
- Compute m independent Markov chains
- Compares variance of each chain to pooled variance
- Provides estimate of how much variance could be reduced by running chains longer
## R implementation (Convergence)
```{r gelm_diag}
library(coda); set.seed(1)
x <- mcmc.list(mcmc(rnorm(1000)),
## R implementation (Not converged)
```{r gelm_bad}
x <- mcmc.list(mcmc(rnorm(1000, 1)),
mcmc(rnorm(1000, 2)),
mcmc(rnorm(1000, 1)))
## Gelman-Rubin with CoGAPS
```{r cogaps, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results='hide'}
A <- vector("list", 3)
atoms <- vector("list", 3)
for (l in 1:3) {
out <- gapsRun(SimpSim.D, SimpSim.S, nFactor=3,
A[[l]] <- out$ASnapshots
atoms[[l]] <- mcmc(out$atomsASamp)
```{r cogaps-clean, echo=FALSE}
atoms_mcmc <- mcmc.list(atoms)
A_11 <- mcmc.list(mcmc(A[[1]][1, 1, ]),
mcmc(A[[2]][1, 1, ]),
mcmc(A[[3]][1, 1, ]))
## Checking Convergence
```{r convergence}
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