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Created July 18, 2024 09:53
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wonnx-embeddings-repro output of `cargo tree`
wonnx-embeddings-repro v0.1.0 (C:\Users\jacob\code\wonnx-embeddings-repro)
|-- js-sys v0.3.69
| `-- wasm-bindgen v0.2.92
| |-- cfg-if v1.0.0
| `-- wasm-bindgen-macro v0.2.92 (proc-macro)
| |-- quote v1.0.36
| | `-- proc-macro2 v1.0.86
| | `-- unicode-ident v1.0.12
| `-- wasm-bindgen-macro-support v0.2.92
| |-- proc-macro2 v1.0.86 (*)
| |-- quote v1.0.36 (*)
| |-- syn v2.0.71
| | |-- proc-macro2 v1.0.86 (*)
| | |-- quote v1.0.36 (*)
| | `-- unicode-ident v1.0.12
| |-- wasm-bindgen-backend v0.2.92
| | |-- bumpalo v3.16.0
| | |-- log v0.4.22
| | |-- once_cell v1.19.0
| | |-- proc-macro2 v1.0.86 (*)
| | |-- quote v1.0.36 (*)
| | |-- syn v2.0.71 (*)
| | `-- wasm-bindgen-shared v0.2.92
| `-- wasm-bindgen-shared v0.2.92
|-- tokenizers v0.19.1
| |-- aho-corasick v1.1.3
| | `-- memchr v2.7.4
| |-- derive_builder v0.20.0
| | `-- derive_builder_macro v0.20.0 (proc-macro)
| | |-- derive_builder_core v0.20.0
| | | |-- darling v0.20.10
| | | | |-- darling_core v0.20.10
| | | | | |-- fnv v1.0.7
| | | | | |-- ident_case v1.0.1
| | | | | |-- proc-macro2 v1.0.86 (*)
| | | | | |-- quote v1.0.36 (*)
| | | | | |-- strsim v0.11.1
| | | | | `-- syn v2.0.71 (*)
| | | | `-- darling_macro v0.20.10 (proc-macro)
| | | | |-- darling_core v0.20.10 (*)
| | | | |-- quote v1.0.36 (*)
| | | | `-- syn v2.0.71 (*)
| | | |-- proc-macro2 v1.0.86 (*)
| | | |-- quote v1.0.36 (*)
| | | `-- syn v2.0.71 (*)
| | `-- syn v2.0.71 (*)
| |-- esaxx-rs v0.1.10
| |-- fancy-regex v0.13.0
| | |-- bit-set v0.5.3
| | | `-- bit-vec v0.6.3
| | |-- regex-automata v0.4.7
| | | |-- aho-corasick v1.1.3 (*)
| | | |-- memchr v2.7.4
| | | `-- regex-syntax v0.8.4
| | `-- regex-syntax v0.8.4
| |-- getrandom v0.2.15
| | |-- cfg-if v1.0.0
| | |-- js-sys v0.3.69 (*)
| | `-- wasm-bindgen v0.2.92 (*)
| |-- itertools v0.12.1
| | `-- either v1.13.0
| |-- lazy_static v1.5.0
| |-- log v0.4.22
| |-- macro_rules_attribute v0.2.0
| | |-- macro_rules_attribute-proc_macro v0.2.0 (proc-macro)
| | `-- paste v1.0.15 (proc-macro)
| |-- monostate v0.1.13
| | |-- monostate-impl v0.1.13 (proc-macro)
| | | |-- proc-macro2 v1.0.86 (*)
| | | |-- quote v1.0.36 (*)
| | | `-- syn v2.0.71 (*)
| | `-- serde v1.0.204
| | `-- serde_derive v1.0.204 (proc-macro)
| | |-- proc-macro2 v1.0.86 (*)
| | |-- quote v1.0.36 (*)
| | `-- syn v2.0.71 (*)
| |-- paste v1.0.15 (proc-macro)
| |-- rand v0.8.5
| | |-- rand_chacha v0.3.1
| | | |-- ppv-lite86 v0.2.17
| | | `-- rand_core v0.6.4
| | | `-- getrandom v0.2.15 (*)
| | `-- rand_core v0.6.4 (*)
| |-- rayon v1.10.0
| | |-- either v1.13.0
| | `-- rayon-core v1.12.1
| | |-- crossbeam-deque v0.8.5
| | | |-- crossbeam-epoch v0.9.18
| | | | `-- crossbeam-utils v0.8.20
| | | `-- crossbeam-utils v0.8.20
| | `-- crossbeam-utils v0.8.20
| |-- rayon-cond v0.3.0
| | |-- either v1.13.0
| | |-- itertools v0.11.0
| | | `-- either v1.13.0
| | `-- rayon v1.10.0 (*)
| |-- regex v1.10.5
| | |-- aho-corasick v1.1.3 (*)
| | |-- memchr v2.7.4
| | |-- regex-automata v0.4.7 (*)
| | `-- regex-syntax v0.8.4
| |-- regex-syntax v0.8.4
| |-- serde v1.0.204 (*)
| |-- serde_json v1.0.120
| | |-- itoa v1.0.11
| | |-- ryu v1.0.18
| | `-- serde v1.0.204 (*)
| |-- spm_precompiled v0.1.4
| | |-- base64 v0.13.1
| | |-- nom v7.1.3
| | | |-- memchr v2.7.4
| | | `-- minimal-lexical v0.2.1
| | |-- serde v1.0.204 (*)
| | `-- unicode-segmentation v1.11.0
| |-- thiserror v1.0.63
| | `-- thiserror-impl v1.0.63 (proc-macro)
| | |-- proc-macro2 v1.0.86 (*)
| | |-- quote v1.0.36 (*)
| | `-- syn v2.0.71 (*)
| |-- unicode-normalization-alignments v0.1.12
| | `-- smallvec v1.13.2
| |-- unicode-segmentation v1.11.0
| `-- unicode_categories v0.1.1
|-- wasm-bindgen v0.2.92 (*)
|-- wasm-bindgen-futures v0.4.42
| |-- cfg-if v1.0.0
| |-- js-sys v0.3.69 (*)
| `-- wasm-bindgen v0.2.92 (*)
|-- web-sys v0.3.61
| |-- js-sys v0.3.69 (*)
| `-- wasm-bindgen v0.2.92 (*)
`-- wonnx v0.5.1
|-- async-recursion v1.1.1 (proc-macro)
| |-- proc-macro2 v1.0.86 (*)
| |-- quote v1.0.36 (*)
| `-- syn v2.0.71 (*)
|-- bytemuck v1.16.1
|-- futures v0.3.30
| |-- futures-channel v0.3.30
| | |-- futures-core v0.3.30
| | `-- futures-sink v0.3.30
| |-- futures-core v0.3.30
| |-- futures-executor v0.3.30
| | |-- futures-core v0.3.30
| | |-- futures-task v0.3.30
| | `-- futures-util v0.3.30
| | |-- futures-channel v0.3.30 (*)
| | |-- futures-core v0.3.30
| | |-- futures-io v0.3.30
| | |-- futures-macro v0.3.30 (proc-macro)
| | | |-- proc-macro2 v1.0.86 (*)
| | | |-- quote v1.0.36 (*)
| | | `-- syn v2.0.71 (*)
| | |-- futures-sink v0.3.30
| | |-- futures-task v0.3.30
| | |-- memchr v2.7.4
| | |-- pin-project-lite v0.2.14
| | |-- pin-utils v0.1.0
| | `-- slab v0.4.9
| | [build-dependencies]
| | `-- autocfg v1.3.0
| |-- futures-io v0.3.30
| |-- futures-sink v0.3.30
| |-- futures-task v0.3.30
| `-- futures-util v0.3.30 (*)
|-- lazy_static v1.5.0
|-- log v0.4.22
|-- num v0.4.3
| |-- num-bigint v0.4.6
| | |-- num-integer v0.1.46
| | | `-- num-traits v0.2.19
| | | [build-dependencies]
| | | `-- autocfg v1.3.0
| | `-- num-traits v0.2.19 (*)
| |-- num-complex v0.4.6
| | `-- num-traits v0.2.19 (*)
| |-- num-integer v0.1.46 (*)
| |-- num-iter v0.1.45
| | |-- num-integer v0.1.46 (*)
| | `-- num-traits v0.2.19 (*)
| | [build-dependencies]
| | `-- autocfg v1.3.0
| |-- num-rational v0.4.2
| | |-- num-bigint v0.4.6 (*)
| | |-- num-integer v0.1.46 (*)
| | `-- num-traits v0.2.19 (*)
| `-- num-traits v0.2.19 (*)
|-- parking_lot v0.11.2
| |-- instant v0.1.13
| | |-- cfg-if v1.0.0
| | |-- js-sys v0.3.69 (*)
| | |-- wasm-bindgen v0.2.92 (*)
| | `-- web-sys v0.3.61 (*)
| |-- lock_api v0.4.12
| | `-- scopeguard v1.2.0
| | [build-dependencies]
| | `-- autocfg v1.3.0
| `-- parking_lot_core v0.8.6
| |-- cfg-if v1.0.0
| |-- instant v0.1.13 (*)
| `-- smallvec v1.13.2
|-- protobuf v2.28.0
| `-- bytes v1.6.1
|-- serde v1.0.204 (*)
|-- serde_derive v1.0.204 (proc-macro) (*)
|-- tera v1.20.0
| |-- globwalk v0.9.1
| | |-- bitflags v2.6.0
| | |-- ignore v0.4.22
| | | |-- crossbeam-deque v0.8.5 (*)
| | | |-- globset v0.4.14
| | | | |-- aho-corasick v1.1.3 (*)
| | | | |-- bstr v1.9.1
| | | | | `-- memchr v2.7.4
| | | | |-- log v0.4.22
| | | | |-- regex-automata v0.4.7 (*)
| | | | `-- regex-syntax v0.8.4
| | | |-- log v0.4.22
| | | |-- memchr v2.7.4
| | | |-- regex-automata v0.4.7 (*)
| | | |-- same-file v1.0.6
| | | `-- walkdir v2.5.0
| | | `-- same-file v1.0.6
| | `-- walkdir v2.5.0 (*)
| |-- lazy_static v1.5.0
| |-- pest v2.7.11
| | |-- memchr v2.7.4
| | |-- thiserror v1.0.63 (*)
| | `-- ucd-trie v0.1.6
| |-- pest_derive v2.7.11 (proc-macro)
| | |-- pest v2.7.11
| | | |-- memchr v2.7.4
| | | |-- thiserror v1.0.63
| | | | `-- thiserror-impl v1.0.63 (proc-macro) (*)
| | | `-- ucd-trie v0.1.6
| | `-- pest_generator v2.7.11
| | |-- pest v2.7.11 (*)
| | |-- pest_meta v2.7.11
| | | |-- once_cell v1.19.0
| | | `-- pest v2.7.11 (*)
| | | [build-dependencies]
| | | `-- sha2 v0.10.8
| | | |-- cfg-if v1.0.0
| | | |-- cpufeatures v0.2.12
| | | `-- digest v0.10.7
| | | |-- block-buffer v0.10.4
| | | | `-- generic-array v0.14.7
| | | | `-- typenum v1.17.0
| | | | [build-dependencies]
| | | | `-- version_check v0.9.4
| | | `-- crypto-common v0.1.6
| | | |-- generic-array v0.14.7 (*)
| | | `-- typenum v1.17.0
| | |-- proc-macro2 v1.0.86 (*)
| | |-- quote v1.0.36 (*)
| | `-- syn v2.0.71 (*)
| |-- regex v1.10.5 (*)
| |-- serde v1.0.204 (*)
| |-- serde_json v1.0.120 (*)
| `-- unic-segment v0.9.0
| `-- unic-ucd-segment v0.9.0
| |-- unic-char-property v0.9.0
| | `-- unic-char-range v0.9.0
| |-- unic-char-range v0.9.0
| `-- unic-ucd-version v0.9.0
| `-- unic-common v0.9.0
|-- thiserror v1.0.63 (*)
`-- wgpu v0.16.3
|-- arrayvec v0.7.4
|-- cfg-if v1.0.0
|-- js-sys v0.3.69 (*)
|-- log v0.4.22
|-- naga v0.12.3
| |-- bit-set v0.5.3 (*)
| |-- bitflags v1.3.2
| |-- indexmap v1.9.3
| | `-- hashbrown v0.12.3
| | [build-dependencies]
| | `-- autocfg v1.3.0
| |-- log v0.4.22
| |-- num-traits v0.2.19 (*)
| |-- rustc-hash v1.1.0
| `-- thiserror v1.0.63 (*)
|-- parking_lot v0.12.3
| |-- lock_api v0.4.12 (*)
| `-- parking_lot_core v0.9.10
| |-- cfg-if v1.0.0
| `-- smallvec v1.13.2
|-- profiling v1.0.15
|-- raw-window-handle v0.5.2
|-- smallvec v1.13.2
|-- static_assertions v1.1.0
|-- wasm-bindgen v0.2.92 (*)
|-- wasm-bindgen-futures v0.4.42 (*)
|-- web-sys v0.3.61 (*)
`-- wgpu-types v0.16.1
|-- bitflags v2.6.0
|-- js-sys v0.3.69 (*)
`-- web-sys v0.3.61 (*)
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