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Last active February 4, 2020 00:10
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[DISCORD BOT] Commands - ShineLight

-- About ShineLight --

ShineLight is a bot with commands made to help you use Discord. While providing a basic amount of commands in the best way possible. ✨

Each command has a none-embed version of the command to make it better formatted for mobile users. Every command has a none-embed version, just some of them don't have an embeded version. 📱

-- Note --

The commands use the prefix; "sl..". You HAVE to put that infornt of the command for it to work. This does not apply to "ShineLight?" as you don't need to use the prefix for that command.

Each command has a nonembed version for mobile. (Example; "mhelp") If a command does not give you an example of the mobile freindly version of that command. It means that command does not have an embeded version!

Any command that has, "(text)", in it's name means your text goes there. (Example; "sl..suggest We need more Shine!")

-- Basic Commands --

Command Name Command Info
ShineLight? Shows if ShineLight is online. (Example; "ShineLight?") - DOES NOT USE PREFIX.
help Gives you basic help information. (Example; "") - Mobile freindly version; "mhelp".
ping Gives you the ping/response-time of the bot. (Example; "") - Mobile freindly version; "mping".
credits Gives you the credits for ShineLight. (Example; "sl..credits") - Mobile freindly version; "mcredits".
myavatar Shows you your amazing avatar. (Example; "sl..myavatar") - Mobile freindly version; "mmyavatar".
support Gives you the invite link to ShineLight's support Server. (Example; "")
stats Shows you how many servers & users ShineLight can see. (Example; "sl..stats") - Mobile freindly version; "mstats".
vote Shows you the links to vote for ShineLight. (Example; "")
invite Shows you the links to invite ShineLight to your server! (Example; "sl..invite")

-- Moderation Commands --

Command Name Command Info
kick (user mention) Use this to Kick a member of the server. (Example; "sl..kick @Jacob#4354")
ban (user mention) Use this to Ban a member of the server. (Example; "sl..ban @ShineLight#5589")

-- Moderation Commands Note --

You need to have a role named "Moderator" to use any of the moderation commands. If you're having proplems with Moderation Commands, join ShineLight's Support Server. (

-- Fun Commands --

Command Name Command Info
party Use this to throw a party! (Example; "")
vparty Use this to throw a party in a voice channel! (Example; "sl..vparty")
bparty Use this command to throw a Birthday party! (Example; "sl..bparty")

-- Fun Commands Note --

For the party commands you need a role named "Party Host".

-- Suggestions --

Command Name Command Info
suggest (text) Use this command to make a suggestion for ShineLight! (Example; "sl..suggest More Commands!")

-- Suggestions Note --

Suggestions are sent to our support server!

-- Support --

If you ever need help, join ShineLight's support Server:

You can ask for support in "support" or "support-2" channel.

-- Credits --

Jacob#4354 — Creator and Lead Scripter. (Made this bot information as well.)

TehPig_YT#9063 — Secondary Scripter, Manages Hosting and Codes amazing functions for ShineLight!

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