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Custom string routines for use with my non-standard variant of Windows 1252
; This has some custom string routines for use with my non-standard variant of
; Windows 1252.
.assume adl=1
.def _strupper
.def _strlower
.def _isgreek
.def _disable_greek_case_change
.def _enable_greek_case_change
end if
; Converts a string to all uppercase.
; Arguments:
; - arg0: Pointer to string
; Returns:
; - Nothing
pop de
pop hl
push hl
push de
ld hl, .data
ld bc, 0
ld a, (de)
or a, a
ret z
ld c, a
add hl, bc
ld a, (hl)
sbc hl, bc
ld (de), a
inc de
jr .loop
db $00, $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $06, $06, $08, $09, $09, $0B, $0C, $0D, $0E, $0F
db $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $1A, $1B, $1C, $1D, $1E, $1F
db ' ', '!', '\"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/'
db '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?'
db '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O'
db 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_'
db '`', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O'
db 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '{', '|', '}', '~', $7F
db $80
db $81, $82, $83, $84, $85, $86, $87, $88, $89, $8A, $8B, $8C, $8D, $8E, $8F
db $90, $91, $92, $93, $94, $95, $96, $97, $98, $99, $8A, $9B, $8C, $9D, $8E, $9F
db $A0, $A1, $A2, $A3, $A4, $A5, $A6, $A7, $A8, $A9, $AA, $AB, $AC, $AD, $AE, $AF
db $B0, $B1, $B2, $B3, $B4, $B5, $B6, $B7, $B8
db $B9, $BA, $BB, $BC, $BD, $BE, $BF
db $C0, $C1, $C2, $C3, $C4, $C5, $C6, $C7, $C8, $C9, $CA, $CB, $CC, $CD, $CE, $CF
db $D0, $D1, $D2, $D3, $D4, $D5, $D6, $D7, $D8, $D9, $DA, $DB, $DC, $DD, $DE, $DF
db $C0, $C1, $C2, $C3, $C4, $C5, $C6, $C7, $C8, $C9, $CA, $CB, $CC, $CD, $CE, $CF
db $D0, $D1, $D2, $D3, $D4, $D5, $D6, $F7, $D8, $D9, $DA, $DB, $DC, $DD, $DE, $9F
db $90, $82, 'E', $84, 'A', $86, $87, $88, $89, $8A, $8B, $8C, $8D, $8E, $8F
db $90, $91, $92, $93, $94, $95, $96, $97, $98, $99, $8A, $9B, $8C, $8D, $8E, $9F
db $A0, $A1, $A2, $A3, $A4, $A5, $A5, $A7, $A8, 'H', $AA, $AB, $AC, $AD, $AE, $AE
db $B0, $B1, $B2, $B3, $B4, 'M', $B6, $B7, $A8
_strupper.greek_len := _strupper.greek_end - _strupper.greek
end if
; Converts a string to all lower-case.
; Arguments:
; - arg0: Pointer to string
; Returns:
; - Nothing
pop de
pop hl
push hl
push de
ld hl, .data
ld bc, 0
ld a, (de)
or a, a
ret z
ld c, a
add hl, bc
ld a, (hl)
sbc hl, bc
ld (de), a
inc de
jr .loop
db $00, $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $07, $07, $08, $0A, $0A, $0B, $0C, $0D, $0E, $0F
db $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $1A, $1B, $1C, $1D, $1E, $1F
db ' ', '!', '\"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/'
db '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?'
db '@', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o'
db 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_'
db '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o'
db 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', $7F
db $80, $81, $82, $83, $84, $85, $86, $87, $88, $89, $8A, $8B, $9C
db $8D, $9E, $8F
db $90, $91, $92, $93, $94, $95, $96, $97, $98, $99, $8A, $9B, $9C, $9D, $9E, $FF
db $A0, $A1, $A2, $A3, $A4, $A5, $A6, $A7, $A8, $A9, $AA, $AB, $AC, $AD, $AE, $AF
db $B0, $B1, $B2, $B3, $B4, $B5, $B6, $B7, $B8, $B9, $BA, $BB, $BC, $BD, $BE, $BF
db $E0, $E1, $E2, $E3, $E4, $E5, $E6, $E7, $E8, $E9, $EA, $EB, $EC, $ED, $EE, $EF
db $F0, $F1, $F2, $F3, $F4, $F5, $F6, $D7, $F8, $F9, $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $DF
db $E0, $E1, $E2, $E3, $E4, $E5, $E6, $E7, $E8, $E9, $EA, $EB, $EC, $ED, $EE, $EF
db $F0, $F1, $F2, $F3, $F4, $F5, $F6, $F7, $F8, $F9, $FA, $FB, $FC, $FD, $FE, $FF
db $9D, $9E, $8F
db $81, $91, $92, $93, $94, $95, $96, $97, $98, $99, $8A, $9B, $9C, $9D, $9E, $FF
db $A0, $A1, $A2, $A3, $A4, $A6, $A6, $A7, $B8, $A9, $AA, $AB, $AC, $AD, $AF
_strlower.greek_len := _strlower.greek_end - _strlower.greek
end if
; Tests whether a given character is a special Greek alphabet letter.
; Arguments:
; - arg0: Character code to test
; Returns:
; - true: The character is in the class of Greek letters
; - false: The character is something other than Greek
pop de
pop hl
push hl
push de
ld a, e
ld hl, .data
ld bc, .data_end - .data
ld a, c
ret nz
inc a
db $81, $83, $85, $8F, $90, $98, $99, $9D, $A5, $A6, $A8, $A9, $AE, $AF, $B4, $B5, $B8
; Disables changing case on Greek letters.
; Arguments:
; - None
; Returns:
; - Nothing
ld hl, _strupper.greek + 3
bit 7, (hl)
ret z
jr _enable_greek_case_change.start
; Enables changing case on Greek letters.
; Arguments:
; - None
; Returns:
; - Nothing
ld hl, _strupper.greek + 2
bit 7, (hl)
ret nz
dec hl
dec hl
ld de, _strupper.nogreek
ld bc, _strupper.greek_len
call .exchange
ld hl, _strlower.greek
ld de, _strlower.nogreek
ld bc, _strlower.greek_len
ld a, (de)
dec hl
ld (hl), a
inc hl
jp pe, .exchange
end if
; Not used because it's a fair bit bigger. Note that using this also requires
; expanding the lowercase Greek table to match the uppercase one.
; Disables changing case on Greek letters.
; Arguments:
; - None
; Returns:
; - Nothing
ld hl, _strupper.greek + 2
bit 7, (hl)
ret z
jr _enable_greek_case_change.start
; Enables changing case on Greek letters.
; Arguments:
; - None
; Returns:
; - Nothing
ld hl, _strupper.greek + 2
bit 7, (hl)
ret nz
dec hl
dec hl
ld de, _strupper.nogreek
call .exchange
ld hl, _strlower.greek
ld de, _strlower.nogreek
push hl
push de
ld iy, -greek_len
add iy, sp
ld sp, iy
; (HL) -> stack
lea de, iy - greek_len
ld bc, greek_len
; (DE) -> (HL)
ld hl, (iy + 0)
ld de, (iy + 3)
ld bc, greek_len
; stack -> (HL)
lea hl, iy - greek_len
ld de, (iy + 3)
ld bc, greek_len
lea iy, iy + greek_len + 6
ld sp, iy
end if
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