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Last active April 18, 2016 08:04
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Free monad interpreter in F# (based on:
type DSL<'next> =
| Get of string * (string -> 'next)
| Set of string * string * 'next
| End
with static member fmap f = function
| Get (k, c) -> Get (k, f << c)
| Set (k, v, c) -> Set (k, v, f c)
| End -> End
type FreeDSL<'a> =
| Free of DSL<FreeDSL<'a>>
| Return of 'a
with static member fmap f x =
let rec go = function
| Return a -> Return (f a)
| Free fa -> Free (DSL<FreeDSL<'a>>.fmap go fa)
go x
let ex1 = Set ("alma", "bela", (Get ("alma", (fun s -> End))))
let exF1 = Free (Set ("alma", "bela", (Free (Get ("alma", (fun s -> Return End))))))
let flip f a b = f b a
let rec bindFreeDSL<'a, 'b> (ma : FreeDSL<'a>) (f : 'a -> FreeDSL<'b>) =
match ma with
| Return x -> f x
| Free dsl -> Free (DSL<FreeDSL<'a>>.fmap ((flip bindFreeDSL) f) dsl)
type FreeDSLBuilder () =
member this.Return = Return
member this.ReturnFrom x = x
member this.Bind (ma, f) = bindFreeDSL ma f
let domain = FreeDSLBuilder ()
let liftFreeDSL (action : DSL<'a>) = Free (DSL<FreeDSL<'a>>.fmap Return action)
let get key = liftFreeDSL (Get (key, id))
let set key value = liftFreeDSL (Set (key, value, ()))
let end'<'a> = liftFreeDSL End
let exF2 = domain.Bind(set "foo" "bar", (fun _ -> get "foo"))
let app<'a> = domain {
do! set "foo" "bar"
let! value = get "foo"
do! set "x" value
return! end'
// val it : FreeDSL<obj> =
// Free (Set ("foo","bar",Free (Get ("foo",<fun:fmap@11-1>))))
module Auth =
type ConsumerData = { Name : string; Locale : string }
type ConsumerDomainModel = { Name : string ; IsActive : bool }
type ConsumerId = ConsumerId of string
type AuthDSL<'next> =
| GetConsumer of ConsumerId * (Option<ConsumerDomainModel> -> 'next)
| Activate of ConsumerDomainModel * 'next
// | AcccptTerms of Consumer * (Consumer -> 'next)
// | ConnectWithFacebook of Consumer * (Consumer -> 'next)
// | CreateConsumer of ConsumerData * (Consumer -> 'next)
| Commit
with static member fmap f = function
| GetConsumer (cId, next) -> GetConsumer (cId, f << next)
| Activate (consumer, next) -> Activate (consumer, f next)
| Commit -> Commit
type FreeAuthDSL<'a> =
| Free of AuthDSL<FreeAuthDSL<'a>>
| Return of 'a
with static member fmap f x =
let rec go = function
| Return a -> Return (f a)
| Free fa -> Free (AuthDSL<FreeAuthDSL<'a>>.fmap go fa)
go x
let rec bindFreeDSL<'a, 'b> (ma : FreeAuthDSL<'a>) (f : 'a -> FreeAuthDSL<'b>) =
match ma with
| Return x -> f x
| Free dsl -> Free (AuthDSL<FreeAuthDSL<'a>>.fmap ((flip bindFreeDSL) f) dsl)
let liftFreeDSL (action : AuthDSL<'a>) = Free (AuthDSL<FreeAuthDSL<'a>>.fmap Return action)
type AuthDSLBuilder () =
member this.Return = Return
member this.ReturnFrom x = x
member this.Bind (ma, f) = bindFreeDSL ma f
let auth = AuthDSLBuilder ()
let getConsumer consumerId = liftFreeDSL (GetConsumer (consumerId, id))
let activate consumer = liftFreeDSL (Activate (consumer, ()))
let commit<'a> = liftFreeDSL Commit
let authApp<'a> =
auth {
let consumerId = ConsumerId "dingo"
let! consumer = getConsumer consumerId
match consumer with
| None -> return! commit
| Some c -> do! activate c
return! commit
type Database =
{ LookupById : ConsumerId -> Option<ConsumerDomainModel>
Activate : ConsumerDomainModel -> unit }
let rec execute program (consumer : Option<ConsumerDomainModel>) (database : Database) =
match program with
| Free Commit -> consumer
| Free (GetConsumer (consumerId, next)) ->
let consumer = database.LookupById consumerId
execute (next consumer) consumer database
| Free (Activate (consumer, next)) ->
database.Activate consumer
let cnext = { consumer with IsActive = true }
execute next (Some cnext) database
| Return value -> value
let simpleDatabase =
let lookup id =
Some { Name = "dingo"; IsActive = false }
let activate _ = ()
{ LookupById = lookup
Activate = activate }
module SeqAuth =
type AuthOp =
| GetConsumer of ConsumerId
| Activate
let consumerId = ConsumerId "dingo"
let program =
seq {
let consumer = GetConsumer consumerId
yield GetConsumer consumerId
yield Activate
let main argv =
printfn "%A" argv
let result = execute authApp None simpleDatabase
//prettyPrint stringApp
0 // return an integer exit code
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