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Created March 21, 2023 23:07
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Add group slice with DBSCAN clustering colors to a grouped dataset in FiftyOne
import open3d as o3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import fiftyone.core.utils as fou
def add_cluster_samples(dataset, eps = 0.5, min_points = 500):
cluster_samples = []
dataset.group_slice = "pcd"
filepaths, groups = dataset.values(["filepath", "group"])
with fou.ProgressBar(total=len(filepaths)) as pb:
for fp, group in pb(zip(filepaths, groups)):
sample = dataset[fp]
pcd =
labels = np.array(
max_label = labels.max()
classes = np.arange(-1, max_label+1)
cluster_clouds = [
pcd.select_by_index(np.where(labels == c)[0])
for c in classes
for cc in cluster_clouds[1:]:
colors = plt.get_cmap("tab20")(labels / (max_label if max_label > 0 else 1))
colors[labels < 0] = 0
pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors[:, :3])
new_fp = "dbscan_cluster/" + sample.filename.replace(".", "_dbscan."), pcd)
new_sample = fo.Sample(filepath=new_fp)
new_sample["group"] = group.element("pcd_cluster")
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