import fs from "node:fs" |
import fse from "fs-extra" |
import path from "node:path" |
import globToRegex from "glob-to-regexp" |
function findConfig( |
dir: string, |
basename: string, |
extensions: string[], |
): string | undefined { |
for (let ext of extensions) { |
let name = basename + ext |
let file = path.join(dir, name) |
if (fse.existsSync(file)) return file |
} |
return undefined |
} |
let paramPrefixChar = "$" as const |
let escapeStart = "[" as const |
let escapeEnd = "]" as const |
let optionalStart = "(" as const |
let optionalEnd = ")" as const |
const routeModuleExts = [".js", ".jsx", ".ts", ".tsx", ".md", ".mdx"] |
function isSegmentSeparator(checkChar: string | undefined) { |
if (!checkChar) return false |
return ["/", ".", path.win32.sep].includes(checkChar) |
} |
interface ConfigRoute { |
path?: string |
index?: boolean |
caseSensitive?: boolean |
id: string |
parentId?: string |
file: string |
} |
interface RouteManifest { |
[routeId: string]: ConfigRoute |
} |
function normalizeSlashes(file: string) { |
return file.split(path.win32.sep).join("/") |
} |
const PrefixLookupTrieEndSymbol = Symbol("PrefixLookupTrieEndSymbol") |
type PrefixLookupNode = { |
[key: string]: PrefixLookupNode |
} & Record<typeof PrefixLookupTrieEndSymbol, boolean> |
class PrefixLookupTrie { |
root: PrefixLookupNode = { |
[PrefixLookupTrieEndSymbol]: false, |
} |
add(value: string) { |
if (!value) throw new Error("Cannot add empty string to PrefixLookupTrie") |
let node = this.root |
for (let char of value) { |
if (!node[char]) { |
node[char] = { |
[PrefixLookupTrieEndSymbol]: false, |
} |
} |
node = node[char] |
} |
node[PrefixLookupTrieEndSymbol] = true |
} |
findAndRemove( |
prefix: string, |
filter: (nodeValue: string) => boolean, |
): string[] { |
let node = this.root |
for (let char of prefix) { |
if (!node[char]) return [] |
node = node[char] |
} |
return this.#findAndRemoveRecursive([], node, prefix, filter) |
} |
#findAndRemoveRecursive( |
values: string[], |
node: PrefixLookupNode, |
prefix: string, |
filter: (nodeValue: string) => boolean, |
): string[] { |
for (let char of Object.keys(node)) { |
this.#findAndRemoveRecursive(values, node[char], prefix + char, filter) |
} |
if (node[PrefixLookupTrieEndSymbol] && filter(prefix)) { |
node[PrefixLookupTrieEndSymbol] = false |
values.push(prefix) |
} |
return values |
} |
} |
/** |
* @param appDirectory The base directory of your app |
* @param ignoredFilePatterns An array of glob patterns to ignore |
*/ |
export function routeExtensions( |
appDirectory: string, |
ignoredFilePatterns: string[] = [], |
) { |
let ignoredFileRegex = ignoredFilePatterns.map((pattern) => { |
return globToRegex(pattern) |
}) |
let rootRoute = findConfig(appDirectory, "root", routeModuleExts) |
if (!rootRoute) { |
throw new Error( |
`Could not find a root route module in the app directory: ${appDirectory}`, |
) |
} |
// Only read the routes directory |
let entries = fs.readdirSync(appDirectory, { |
withFileTypes: true, |
encoding: "utf-8", |
}) |
let routes: string[] = [] |
for (let entry of entries) { |
// If it's a directory, recurse into it |
if (entry.isDirectory()) { |
const routesInFolders = findRouteModulesForFolder( |
appDirectory, |
entry.name, |
ignoredFileRegex, |
) |
if (routesInFolders.length) { |
routes.push(...routesInFolders) |
} |
} else if (entry.isFile()) { |
const route = findRouteModuleForFile(entry.name, ignoredFileRegex) |
if (route) { |
routes.push(route) |
} |
} |
} |
console.log({ routes }) |
let routeManifest = routeExtensionsImpl(appDirectory, routes) |
return routeManifest |
} |
export function routeExtensionsImpl( |
appDirectory: string, |
routes: string[], |
): RouteManifest { |
let urlConflicts = new Map<string, ConfigRoute[]>() |
let routeManifest: RouteManifest = {} |
let prefixLookup = new PrefixLookupTrie() |
let uniqueRoutes = new Map<string, ConfigRoute>() |
let routeIdConflicts = new Map<string, string[]>() |
// id -> file |
let routeIds = new Map<string, string>() |
for (let file of routes) { |
let normalizedFile = normalizeSlashes(file) |
let routeExt = path.extname(normalizedFile) |
let normalizedApp = normalizeSlashes(appDirectory) |
let basename = path.basename(file) |
let routeId = basename.slice(0, 0 - routeExt.length - ".route".length) |
let conflict = routeIds.get(routeId) |
if (conflict) { |
let currentConflicts = routeIdConflicts.get(routeId) |
if (!currentConflicts) { |
currentConflicts = [path.posix.relative(normalizedApp, conflict)] |
} |
currentConflicts.push(path.posix.relative(normalizedApp, normalizedFile)) |
routeIdConflicts.set(routeId, currentConflicts) |
continue |
} |
routeIds.set(routeId, normalizedFile) |
} |
let sortedRouteIds = Array.from(routeIds).sort( |
([a], [b]) => b.length - a.length, |
) |
for (let [routeId, file] of sortedRouteIds) { |
let routeIdNoFeature = routeId.slice(0) |
let noRouteEnding = routeIdNoFeature.replace(".route", "") |
let isIndex = noRouteEnding.endsWith("_index") |
let [segments, raw] = getRouteSegments(noRouteEnding) |
let pathname = createRoutePath(segments, raw, isIndex) |
routeManifest[routeId] = { |
file, |
id: routeId, |
path: pathname, |
} |
if (isIndex) routeManifest[routeId].index = true |
let childRouteIds = prefixLookup.findAndRemove(routeId, (value) => { |
return [".", "/"].includes(value.slice(routeId.length).charAt(0)) |
}) |
prefixLookup.add(routeId) |
if (childRouteIds.length > 0) { |
for (let childRouteId of childRouteIds) { |
routeManifest[childRouteId].parentId = routeId |
} |
} |
} |
// path creation |
let parentChildrenMap = new Map<string, ConfigRoute[]>() |
for (let [routeId] of sortedRouteIds) { |
let config = routeManifest[routeId] |
if (!config.parentId) continue |
let existingChildren = parentChildrenMap.get(config.parentId) || [] |
existingChildren.push(config) |
parentChildrenMap.set(config.parentId, existingChildren) |
} |
for (let [routeId] of sortedRouteIds) { |
let config = routeManifest[routeId] |
let originalPathname = config.path || "" |
let pathname = config.path |
let parentConfig = config.parentId ? routeManifest[config.parentId] : null |
if (parentConfig?.path && pathname) { |
pathname = pathname |
.slice(parentConfig.path.length) |
.replace(/^\//, "") |
.replace(/\/$/, "") |
} |
let conflictRouteId = originalPathname + (config.index ? "?index" : "") |
let conflict = uniqueRoutes.get(conflictRouteId) |
if (!config.parentId) config.parentId = "root" |
config.path = pathname || undefined |
uniqueRoutes.set(conflictRouteId, config) |
if (conflict && (originalPathname || config.index)) { |
let currentConflicts = urlConflicts.get(originalPathname) |
if (!currentConflicts) currentConflicts = [conflict] |
currentConflicts.push(config) |
urlConflicts.set(originalPathname, currentConflicts) |
continue |
} |
} |
if (routeIdConflicts.size > 0) { |
for (let [routeId, files] of routeIdConflicts.entries()) { |
console.error(getRouteIdConflictErrorMessage(routeId, files)) |
} |
} |
// report conflicts |
if (urlConflicts.size > 0) { |
for (let [path, routes] of urlConflicts.entries()) { |
// delete all but the first route from the manifest |
for (let i = 1; i < routes.length; i++) { |
delete routeManifest[routes[i].id] |
} |
let files = routes.map((r) => r.file) |
console.error(getRoutePathConflictErrorMessage(path, files)) |
} |
} |
return routeManifest |
} |
function findRouteModuleForFile( |
filepath: string, |
ignoredFileRegex: RegExp[], |
): string | null { |
let ext = path.extname(filepath) |
let basename = path.basename(filepath, ext) |
if (!basename.endsWith(".route")) return null |
let isIgnored = ignoredFileRegex.some((regex) => regex.test(filepath)) |
if (isIgnored) return null |
return filepath |
} |
function findRouteModulesForFolder( |
appDirectory: string, |
filepath: string, |
ignoredFileRegex: RegExp[], |
): string[] { |
let dirEntries = fs.readdirSync(path.join(appDirectory, filepath), { |
withFileTypes: true, |
encoding: "utf-8", |
}) |
let filesOrDirs = dirEntries.filter((e) => { |
if (e.isDirectory()) return true |
let ext = path.extname(e.name) |
let base = path.basename(e.name, ext) |
return base.endsWith(".route") |
}) |
let routes: string[] = [] |
for (let fileOrDir of filesOrDirs) { |
if (!fileOrDir) continue |
let isIgnored = ignoredFileRegex.some((regex) => regex.test(fileOrDir.name)) |
if (isIgnored) continue |
if (fileOrDir.isDirectory()) { |
routes.push( |
...findRouteModulesForFolder( |
appDirectory, |
path.join(filepath, fileOrDir.name), |
ignoredFileRegex, |
), |
) |
} else { |
routes.push(path.join(filepath, fileOrDir.name)) |
} |
} |
return routes |
} |
type State = |
| // normal path segment normal character concatenation until we hit a special character or the end of the segment (i.e. `/`, `.`, '\') |
// we hit a `[` and are now in an escape sequence until we hit a `]` - take characters literally and skip isSegmentSeparator checks |
| "ESCAPE" |
// we hit a `(` and are now in an optional segment until we hit a `)` or an escape sequence |
// we previously were in a opt fional segment and hit a `[` and are now in an escape sequence until we hit a `]` - take characters literally and skip isSegmentSeparator checks - afterwards go back to OPTIONAL state |
export function getRouteSegments(routeId: string): [string[], string[]] { |
let routeSegments: string[] = [] |
let rawRouteSegments: string[] = [] |
let index = 0 |
let routeSegment = "" |
let rawRouteSegment = "" |
let state: State = "NORMAL" |
let pushRouteSegment = (segment: string, rawSegment: string) => { |
if (!segment) return |
let notSupportedInRR = (segment: string, char: string) => { |
throw new Error( |
`Route segment "${segment}" for "${routeId}" cannot contain "${char}".\n` + |
`If this is something you need, upvote this proposal for React Router https://github.com/remix-run/react-router/discussions/9822.`, |
) |
} |
if (rawSegment.includes("*")) { |
return notSupportedInRR(rawSegment, "*") |
} |
if (rawSegment.includes(":")) { |
return notSupportedInRR(rawSegment, ":") |
} |
if (rawSegment.includes("/")) { |
return notSupportedInRR(segment, "/") |
} |
routeSegments.push(segment) |
rawRouteSegments.push(rawSegment) |
} |
while (index < routeId.length) { |
let char = routeId[index] |
index++ //advance to next char |
switch (state) { |
case "NORMAL": { |
if (isSegmentSeparator(char)) { |
pushRouteSegment(routeSegment, rawRouteSegment) |
routeSegment = "" |
rawRouteSegment = "" |
state = "NORMAL" |
break |
} |
if (char === escapeStart) { |
state = "ESCAPE" |
rawRouteSegment += char |
break |
} |
if (char === optionalStart) { |
state = "OPTIONAL" |
rawRouteSegment += char |
break |
} |
if (!routeSegment && char == paramPrefixChar) { |
if (index === routeId.length) { |
routeSegment += "*" |
rawRouteSegment += char |
} else { |
routeSegment += ":" |
rawRouteSegment += char |
} |
break |
} |
routeSegment += char |
rawRouteSegment += char |
break |
} |
case "ESCAPE": { |
if (char === escapeEnd) { |
state = "NORMAL" |
rawRouteSegment += char |
break |
} |
routeSegment += char |
rawRouteSegment += char |
break |
} |
case "OPTIONAL": { |
if (char === optionalEnd) { |
routeSegment += "?" |
rawRouteSegment += char |
state = "NORMAL" |
break |
} |
if (char === escapeStart) { |
rawRouteSegment += char |
break |
} |
if (!routeSegment && char === paramPrefixChar) { |
if (index === routeId.length) { |
routeSegment += "*" |
rawRouteSegment += char |
} else { |
routeSegment += ":" |
rawRouteSegment += char |
} |
break |
} |
routeSegment += char |
rawRouteSegment += char |
break |
} |
if (char === escapeEnd) { |
state = "OPTIONAL" |
rawRouteSegment += char |
break |
} |
routeSegment += char |
rawRouteSegment += char |
break |
} |
} |
} |
// process remaining segment |
pushRouteSegment(routeSegment, rawRouteSegment) |
return [routeSegments, rawRouteSegments] |
} |
export function createRoutePath( |
routeSegments: string[], |
rawRouteSegments: string[], |
isIndex?: boolean, |
) { |
let result: string[] = [] |
if (isIndex) { |
routeSegments = routeSegments.slice(0, -1) |
} |
for (let index = 0; index < routeSegments.length; index++) { |
let segment = routeSegments[index] |
let rawSegment = rawRouteSegments[index] |
// skip pathless layout segments |
if (segment.startsWith("_") && rawSegment.startsWith("_")) { |
continue |
} |
// remove trailing slash |
if (segment.endsWith("_") && rawSegment.endsWith("_")) { |
segment = segment.slice(0, -1) |
} |
result.push(segment) |
} |
return result.length ? result.join("/") : undefined |
} |
export function getRoutePathConflictErrorMessage( |
pathname: string, |
routes: string[], |
) { |
let [taken, ...others] = routes |
if (!pathname.startsWith("/")) { |
pathname = "/" + pathname |
} |
return ( |
`⚠️ Route Path Collision: "${pathname}"\n\n` + |
`The following routes all define the same URL, only the first one will be used\n\n` + |
`🟢 ${taken}\n` + |
others.map((route) => `⭕️️ ${route}`).join("\n") + |
"\n" |
) |
} |
export function getRouteIdConflictErrorMessage( |
routeId: string, |
files: string[], |
) { |
let [taken, ...others] = files |
return ( |
`⚠️ Route ID Collision: "${routeId}"\n\n` + |
`The following routes all define the same Route ID, only the first one will be used\n\n` + |
`🟢 ${taken}\n` + |
others.map((route) => `⭕️️ ${route}`).join("\n") + |
"\n" |
) |
} |