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Created September 26, 2013 22:09
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Save jacobsimeon/6721283 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# FancyCheckbox: A customizable checkbox tool.
# Hides a given checkbox and replaces it with a div, binding the appropriate
# event handlers to manipulate the real, underlying checkbox.
# Also copies any existing label into the replacement markup.
# DOM tree looks like this:
# <input name="john-doe" type="checkbox" style="display: none;">
# <div class="fancy-checkbox-container">
# <div class="fancy-checkbox-label-wrapper">
# <!-- Existing label is moved here -->
# <label for="john-doe" class="fancy-checkbox-label">John Doe</label>
# </div>
# <div class="fancy-checkbox-checkmark-wrapper">
# <span class="fancy-checkbox-checkmark icon-checkbox-active"></span>
# </div>
# </div>
class FancyCheckbox
constructor: (@el, options={}) ->
buildOptions: (options) ->
defaults =
checkedClass: "icon-checkbox-checked",
uncheckedClass: "icon-checkbox-unchecked"
changed: ->
@options = $.extend(defaults, options)
hideCheckboxAndLabel: ->
insertReplacementMarkup: ->
@container = @nodeWithClass("div", "container")
bindEvents: -> @toggle
buildDisplayLabel: ->
@label = $("label[for='#{@el.attr('name')}']")
@label.addClass "fancy-checkbox-label"
@displayLabelWrapper = @nodeWithClass("div", "label-wrapper")
buildCheckbox: ->
@checkBox = @nodeWithClass("span", "checkmark")
@checkBoxWrapper = @nodeWithClass("div", "checkmark-wrapper")
appendToDom: ->
@container.append @displayLabelWrapper, @checkBoxWrapper
@el.after @container
initializeCheckboxState: ->
if @el.prop("checked")
@checkBox.addClass @options.checkedClass
@checkBox.addClass @options.uncheckedClass
toggle: =>
@el.prop("checked", !@el.prop("checked"))
nodeWithClass: (nodeName, className) ->
$ ->
$.fn.fancyCheckbox = (options) -> -> new FancyCheckbox($(@), options)
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