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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Github + Hipchat + Hubot Workflow Integration
# Description:
# Automates aspects of's current Github workflow which leverages
# Github's issue tags and commenting system. We previously used a :+1:
# comment to approve pull requests, but doing so did not affect the state of
# the the PR.
# Included is a Github webhook handler that checks for comments containing
# certain trigger words. Currently:
# :+1: The pull request is approved.
# :wave: There are changes required with the PR.
# :bell: Please review this pull request.
# :rocket: The pull request is deployable.
# Hubot will automatically @mention github users in certain cases. If your
# github login does not match your hipchat login, use the 'workflow
# aliasuser' command to define a mapping.
# Dependencies:
# "querystring": "*"
# Configuration:
# Environment Variables:
# WORKFLOW_ROOM - The channel where messages ("1203 has been approved by
# Sparks") will be sent.
# HUBOT_GITHUB_ORG - e.g. mover-io
# HUBOT_GITHUB_REPO - e.g. one,two,three
# Commands:
# hubot workflow aliasuser <github> <hipchat> - Map a github login to a hipchat login.
# hubot workflow help - Outputs some additional help instructions.
# Notes:
# The general form of github's API payload can be found here:
# Author:
# What format is this docblock you ask?
url = require 'url'
util = require 'util'
querystring = require 'querystring'
url_api_base = ""
room = process.env.WORKFLOW_ROOM
module.exports = (robot) ->
# Documentation command
robot.respond /workflow help/, (msg) ->
msg.send """
workflow aliasuser <github> <hipchat> - Maps a github login to a hipchat login.
Github Pull Request Comments:
Commenting on a github pull request with the following special emoticons triggers
custom behaviours:
:bell: - Marks an issue as needsreview.
:rocket: - Marks an issue as deployable.
:+1: - Marks an issue as approved.
:wave: - Marks an issue as changesrequired.
If you see an `@null` instead of a username, you'll want to run the aliasuser command.
github = require('githubot')(robot) "/hubot/github-workflow", (req, res) ->
query = querystring.parse(url.parse(req.url).query)
data = req.body
if typeof data == 'string'
payload = JSON.parse data.payload
catch error
console.log "Failed to parse json from Github: #{util.inspect data}"
payload = data
if payload and payload.action?
if payload.action is 'created' and payload.comment?
issue_comment github, robot, payload
res.end ""
# Allows us to map github logins to hipchat logins to map @mentions from
# github pull requests.
robot.respond /workflow aliasuser (\w*) (\w*)/, (msg) ->
unless msg.match[1] and msg.match[2]
msg.send "Please specify the github username followed by the hipchat username."
robot.brain.set "alias_#{msg.match[1]}", msg.match[2]
msg.send "Cool. Mapping #{msg.match[1]} to #{msg.match[2]} when generating @mentions."
# See
# Each of the functions below corresponds to a github event type.
# The issue modification is documented here:
# The general form of the url is:
# PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number
# ... which corresponds to the comment's pull_request_url
# Sample payloads are provided in the github_api folder. Enjoy.
# ^^^ Sorry that's in our private hubot repo - github has a pretty good
# ui for this, however.
issue_comment = (github, robot, payload) ->
add_labels = (current, new_labels) ->
current.concat new_labels
remove_labels = (current, to_remove) ->
current.filter (el) -> el not in to_remove
# Use +1 to trigger 'approved'
if payload.comment.body.match /:\+1/
robot.messageRoom room, "Pull request approved by #{payload.sender.login}: #{payload.issue.html_url}"
github.get payload.comment.issue_url, (pull_request) ->
filtered_labels = remove_labels ( for label in pull_request.labels), ['needsreview', 'changesrequired']
query =
title: pull_request.title
labels: add_labels filtered_labels, ['approved']
# Borks if you don't include a cb.
github.patch payload.comment.issue_url, query, (result) ->
# Use wave to trigger 'changesrequired'
if payload.comment.body.match /:wave:/
github.get payload.comment.issue_url, (pull_request) ->
username = robot.brain.get "alias_#{pull_request.user.login}" or pull_request.user.login
robot.messageRoom room, "@#{username}, #{payload.sender.login} thinks [ #{pull_request.title} ] needs changes #{payload.issue.html_url}"
filtered_labels = remove_labels ( for label in pull_request.labels), ['approved','needsreview', 'deployable']
github.patch payload.comment.issue_url, {
title: pull_request.title
labels: add_labels filtered_labels, ['changesrequired']
}, (result) ->
# Use bell to trigger 'needsreview'
if payload.comment.body.match /:bell:/
github.get payload.comment.issue_url, (pull_request) ->
username = robot.brain.get "alias_#{payload.sender.login}" or payload.sender.login
robot.messageRoom room, "@here #{username} wants [ #{pull_request.title} ] reviewed #{payload.issue.html_url}"
filtered_labels = remove_labels ( for label in pull_request.labels), ['approved','deployable']
github.patch payload.comment.issue_url, {
title: pull_request.title
labels: add_labels filtered_labels, ['needsreview']
}, (result) ->
# Use rocket to trigger 'deployable'
if payload.comment.body.match /:rocket:/
github.get payload.comment.issue_url, (pull_request) ->
username = robot.brain.get "alias_#{pull_request.user.login}" or pull_request.user.login
robot.messageRoom room, "Pull request [ #{pull_request.title} ] is deployable #{payload.issue.html_url}"
filtered_labels = remove_labels ( for label in pull_request.labels), ['needreview','changesrequired']
github.patch payload.comment.issue_url, {
title: pull_request.title
labels: add_labels filtered_labels, ['deployable']
}, (result) ->
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