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Last active June 1, 2023 13:24
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The bible but it rhymes.
In the beginning god created
The Heaven and the Earth, elated.
Earth was there, but void, no pith;
No form to hold or comfort with.
Around without, was darken'd trace,
Across the deep wet water's face.
Eyes, without a seeing face performed,
The Spirit 'cross the waters warmed.
Without reference to a creed,
"Let there be light," was hearken heed.
Twas all splendid, fit, and good;
All created as Yahweh would.
And following from one makes two,
A line 'tween light and darkness drew.
Making writ the law of way
He called the light by glory "Day."
"Night," he called the darkness wrought,
For all it was, was like a blot.
From evening until morning first,
He the first day, first rehearsed.
And looking 'twixt the water and light,
Saw what's missing—what maketh right.
The air and sky materialized,
Just as Yahweh had surmised.
Betwixt the water and the water o'er
He made a place for heaven's door.
And made it all "so thus" performed,
Thus “so it is”, as all is formed.
By that dear firmament, was heaven
Given its own day, one of seven.
Then ev'ning, midnight and the morn',
Creation paced, He was not worn.
Darkness, water, light, laid before
Sky and heaven's presence now bore.
The second day, by goodly place,
Was called by him of wordly grace.
Then god bellowed to the water,
"Collect thee self to one quarter."
Obedient the water moved
To its new spot, word had proved.
Now did the dry land's rocks raise up,
A fortitude, a place to sup.
He had the names, before chose out
A name befitting, strong and stout.
“The Earth,” the rocks shall e'er be known.
And the Seas received their name to own.
All was good, for never it could
Be undone, unwound—it all was good!
Yahweh above called out at dawn,
For meadow grass and prairie lawn.
Commanded herb earthbound delivery:
The yarrow and the elderberry.
Fruit trees, planned early in creation,
He called for their teleportation.
Oranges and apples, (Granny and Stone),
They grew to be whate'er was sewn.
Thus sprang the grass, herbs and trees,
Fulfilling all the holy decrees;
Every leaf and fruit grew devout,
To the godly word before laid out.
Then came the night to cover the land;
Dark, more dark, from grove to sand.
That sealed the day, the third now called.
And the Earth was no longer bald.
From creation ‘till now Yahweh controlled,
How the light shone, passed, and lulled.
Ornaments now in the sky to guide,
Dwellers—’till then in beauty confide.
He spoke the words that moved the plan,
‘scribed star-pointed shapes for every clan.
He told the moon to raise the tide,
He told the sun to light its side.
Like well-intentioned plans all have
Multiple ends like healing salve,
The stars t’would outline the sky’s real time
For telling seasons of the lime.
Bursting into place there each star,
The formations, and patterns, their light on par.
A place for two great bodies remained.
The Sun and moon, the sky then reigned.
A greater light to rule the day,
And a less light the night to bay,
It was good, now and always
where’er befalls the sun’s straight rays.
Giving the day a name in place,
“The fourth,” he called in his great race.
From here on out the sky had signs,
Circles, and paths, orbits and lines.
God called out for living things,
That swam in water and flew with wings.
He ordered for abundant lines
Below the seas, and above the pines.
Great whales appeared.
Giant creatures, specially feared.
Fowl appeared in the sky.
Flocking countless, they sped to fly.
Yahweh saw that it was good,
Swimmers under sea, and flyers through the wood.
God blessed them! All those creatures,
“Be fruitful, multiply,” heard as whispers.
Night set in; the dark and morn'
Was the first day of all those born.
Having created winged fowl with feet,
And fish with fins, day five was complete.
God called out for living beings,
Cattle, beast, creeping bug, by all means.
They spotted the Earth,
With prestigious birth.
The kinds made he, of careful mind
Each for each, the only bind.
Each kind begat its own,
Each was given a home and zone.
Good this was to God,
Who made his voice in all things lawed.
“Let us make man” was by all the hosts heard,
“In our own image.” None contested the word.
"Let them rule over the fish, bird and cow
And creeping thing, Also for man a vow:
Over all the Earth have dominion;
From the Cape of Good Hope, to the Caribbean.
As he spoke it happened, man
And woman as only Yahweh can
Appeared created full and pure,
With all his loft and grandeur.
He waved at them, each a gem
Spoke this to both and blessed them.
"Be fruitful and multiply. I
Say replenish the Earth. My
Wish to be done is the subduing
Of All the Earth, till its undoing.
Have dominion over all the fish in the sea,
And all the fowl of the air, as you see it be.
And every thing that moveth is yours,
With herbs to keep in all the stores.
Every tree shall be, like wheat,
Unto you, appointed for meat.
And so to every beast, every fowl,
And every creeping thing on prowl,
I have given green herb."
Thus ended Yahweh's proverb.
He looked at everything he made,
Nothing undone to him yet bade,
It was very good. It was recorded:
"The sixith day", as foreboded.
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