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Last active January 29, 2018 02:31
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Title Author
Powerful Patty McCord
The Square and the Tower Niall Ferguson
Why We Sleep Matthew Walker
Principles Ray Dalio
The Art of Doing Science and Engineering Richard W. Hamming
Grit Angela Duckworth
Red Notice Bill Bowder
Troublemakers Leslie Berlin
Behave Robert Sapolsky
7 Powers Hamilton Helmer
Life 3.0 Max Tegmark
The Vanishing American Adult Ben Sasse
LIFE: The Movie Neal Gabler
Grant Ron Chernow
Leonardo Da Vinci Walter Isaacson
The TB12 Method Tom Brady
Alone Michael Korda
A dozen Lessons for Entrepreneurs Tren Griffin
Life in Code Ellen Ullman
Finding the Winning Edge Bill Walsh
The One Device - the secret history of the iPhone Brian Merchant
Machine Platform Crowd Andrew McAfee, Erik Brynjolfsson
Adaptive Markets Andrew W. Lo
The End of Theory Richard Bookstaber
Psyched Up Daniel McGinn
The Telomere Effect Elizabeth Blackburn, Elissa Epel
The Leader's Bookshelf James Stavridis,R. Manning Ancell
Deep Thinking Gary Kasparov
Algorithms to Live By Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths
High Output Management Andrew Grove
The Death of Expertise Tom Nichols
The Upstarts Brad Stone
Reality Is Not What It Seems Carlo Rovelli
Stealing Fire Steven Kotler, Jame Wheal
The Airbnb Story Leigh Gallagher
Modern Monopolies Alex Moazed, Nicholas L. Johnson
Reagan Iwan Morgan
Hit Makers Derek Thompson
I Contain Multitudes Ed Yong
How Not to Die Michael Greger
When Genius Failed Roger Lowenstein
A Field Guide to Lies Daniel Levitin
The Vital Question Nick Lane
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