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Created July 28, 2015 16:24
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package MyDB ;
=head1 NAME
MyDB - Module handling access to MySQL databases
Mostly used within, which handles the actual queries. This handles
connecting to the actual databases.
# 201303 DAJ Adapted to GCore usage and added POD
# 201306 DAJ Moved the YAML hit to the begin block so it isn't hit
# every time a DB routine is called
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Carp ;
use DBI ;
use YAML qw{ LoadFile } ;
use Exporter qw(import) ;
our @EXPORT = qw{ db_connect } ;
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( db_connect ) ], ) ;
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{ 'all' } } ) ;
our $VERSION = 0.0.1 ;
my $_db_params = '' ; # String of current database parameters.
my $_dbh ; # Save the handle.
my $config_obj ;
# moved to the begin block so the expensive repeated hits
# to the config are reduced to one.
my $config_file = '/depot/gcore/apps/config/my.yaml' ;
$config_file = -f $config_file ? $config_file : '/home/ltl/.my.yaml' ;
$config_file = -f $config_file ? $config_file : '/home/djacoby/.my.yaml' ;
$config_file = -f $config_file ? $config_file : '/home/jacoby/.my.yaml' ;
if ( defined $config_file && -f $config_file ) {
my $z = LoadFile( $config_file ) ;
$config_obj = $z->{ clients } ;
else {
croak $! ;
=over 12
=item B<db_connect>
Connect to a database. Configuration aliases for different mysql servers
exist in /depot/gcore/apps/config/my.yaml. Pass a correct alias, or nothing
to get the default database. Returns a DBI object.
sub db_connect {
my ( $param_ptr, $attr_ptr ) = @_ ;
my $port = '3306' ;
# If database is already opened then check for a fast return.
if ( defined $_dbh
&& ( !defined $param_ptr || $param_ptr eq '' ) ) {
return $_dbh ;
# Check for a different set of parameters to use via a the name (string)
# of the parameter (e.g., 'test').
my $which_db = 'default' ;
if ( defined $param_ptr && ref( $param_ptr ) eq '' && $param_ptr ne '' ) {
if ( defined $config_obj->{ $param_ptr } ) {
$which_db = $param_ptr ;
else {
croak "No connection parameters for '$param_ptr'" ;
# Get the base parameters ... copy and flatten from global array
my %params = () ;
my %attr = () ;
foreach ( keys %{ $config_obj->{ $param_ptr || 'default' } } ) {
$params{ $_ } = $config_obj->{ $param_ptr || 'default' }{ $_ } ;
$params{ port } = $port ;
if ( defined $attr_ptr && ref( $attr_ptr ) eq 'HASH' ) {
foreach ( keys %$attr_ptr ) { $attr{ $_ } = $attr_ptr->{ $_ } }
# Now make up an order string of the parameters so that we can compare
# them to the old ones.
my $new_db_params = '' ;
foreach ( sort keys %params ) { $new_db_params .= $params{ $_ } }
# Can also do a quick return if params are same as old ones
if ( defined $_dbh && $new_db_params eq $_db_params ) {
return $_dbh ;
# At this point either the database has never been opened or
# new parameters are to be used. Close database and reopen.
$_db_params = $new_db_params ;
#if ( defined $_dbh ) { $_dbh->disconnect } # no error check
my $source = "dbi:mysql:$params{database}:$params{host}:$params{port}" ;
# consider move to Lab production
$attr{ RaiseError } = 1 ;
$attr{ ShowErrorStatement } = 1 ;
$attr{ PrintError } = 0 ;
$attr{ mysql_enable_utf8 } = 1 ;
$_dbh = DBI->connect(
$params{ user },
$params{ password }, \%attr )
or croak $DBI::errstr ;
if ( !defined $_dbh ) {
#croak q{can't open DB} ;
## no critic -- can't use $dbh since there is none
#$_error_message = 'db_connect: ' . $DBI::errstr;
## use critic
return $_dbh ;
} # End of db_connect
1 ;
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