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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Code to create SVG images of periodic functions for my amusement
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use feature qw'say' ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use utf8 ;
use Data::Dumper ;
use Getopt::Long ;
use SVG ;
use lib '/home/jacoby/lib' ;
use Spirograph ;
my $conf = {
height => 800 ,
width => 800 ,
k => 30 ,
r => 11.5 ,
stroke => 'black' ,
fill => 'none' ,
name => 'both.svg' ,
} ;
'height=i' => \$conf->{ height } ,
'width=i' => \$conf->{ width } ,
'k=f' => \$conf->{ k } ,
'r=f' => \$conf->{ r } ,
'name=s' => \$conf->{ name } ,
) ;
my $svg = SVG->new(
height => $conf->{ height },
width => $conf->{ width },
) ;
my $grp = $svg->group(
id => 'group_y',
style => {
stroke => $conf->{ stroke } ,
fill => $conf->{ fill },
) ;
epicycloid( {
grp => $grp,
stroke => 'blue',
def => {
r => $conf->{ r },
k => $conf->{ k },
center => {
x => $conf->{ height } / 2 ,
y => $conf->{ width } / 2 ,
) ;
hypocycloid( {
grp => $grp,
stroke => 'red',
def => {
r => $conf->{ r },
k => $conf->{ k },
center => {
x => $conf->{ height } / 2 ,
y => $conf->{ width } / 2 ,
) ;
my $output = $svg->xmlify ;
if ( open my $fh , '>' , $conf->{ name } ) {
print $fh $output ;
close $fh ;
say 'Done' ;
else {
say 'fail' ;
exit ;
package Spirograph ;
use feature qw{ state say } ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use CGI ;
use Data::Dumper ;
use Exporter 'import' ;
use Math::Trig ;
use SVG ;
our @EXPORT ;
our @EXPORT = qw{
} ;
my @range = 0 .. 50_000 ;
my $denom = 400 ;
# x(angle) = r( k + 1 )cos(angle) -rcos((k+1)(angle))
# y(angle) = r( k + 1 )sin(angle) -rsin((k+1)(angle))
sub epicycloid {
my $object = shift ;
my $grp = $object->{ grp } ;
my $prev = 0 ;
my $centXY = $object->{ center } ;
my $prevXY = {} ;
my $currXY = {} ;
my $o ;
for my $i ( qw{ k r } ) {
$o->{ $i } = $object->{ def }->{ $i } ;
for my $deg ( map { $_ / $denom } @range ) {
$o->{ n } = $deg ; # deg2rad( $deg ) ;
# epicycloid ==============================================
$currXY->{ x } = eXpos( $o ) ;
$currXY->{ y } = eYpos( $o ) ;
x1 => $centXY->{ x } + $prevXY->{ x },
y1 => $centXY->{ y } - $prevXY->{ y },
x2 => $centXY->{ x } + $currXY->{ x },
y2 => $centXY->{ y } - $currXY->{ y },
style => {
stroke => $object->{ stroke },
fill => 'none',
) unless $deg == $prev ;
$prev = $deg ;
$prevXY->{ x } = $currXY->{ x } ;
$prevXY->{ y } = $currXY->{ y } ;
# epicycloid ==============================================
sub eXpos {
my $obj = shift ;
my ( $k, $r, $n ) = map { $obj->{ $_ } } qw{ k r n } ;
return ( $r * ( $k + 1 ) * cos( $n ) ) - ( $r * cos( $n * ( $k + 1 ) ) ) ;
sub eYpos {
my $obj = shift ;
my ( $k, $r, $n ) = map { $obj->{ $_ } } qw{ k r n } ;
return ( $r * ( $k + 1 ) * sin( $n ) ) - ( $r * sin( $n * ( $k + 1 ) ) ) ;
# x(angle) = r( k + 1 )cos(angle) -rcos((k+1)(angle))
# y(angle) = r( k + 1 )sin(angle) -rsin((k+1)(angle))
sub hypocycloid {
my $object = shift ;
my $grp = $object->{ grp } ;
my $prev = 0 ;
my $centXY = $object->{ center } ;
my $prevXY = {} ;
my $currXY = {} ;
my $o ;
for my $i ( qw{ k r } ) {
$o->{ $i } = $object->{ def }->{ $i } ;
for my $deg ( map { $_ / $denom } @range ) {
$o->{ n } = $deg ; # deg2rad( $deg ) ;
# epicycloid ==============================================
$currXY->{ x } = hXpos( $o ) ;
$currXY->{ y } = hYpos( $o ) ;
x1 => $centXY->{ x } + $prevXY->{ x },
y1 => $centXY->{ y } - $prevXY->{ y },
x2 => $centXY->{ x } + $currXY->{ x },
y2 => $centXY->{ y } - $currXY->{ y },
style => {
stroke => $object->{ stroke },
fill => 'none',
) unless $deg == $prev ;
$prev = $deg ;
$prevXY->{ x } = $currXY->{ x } ;
$prevXY->{ y } = $currXY->{ y } ;
# epicycloid ==============================================
sub hXpos {
my $obj = shift ;
my ( $k, $r, $n ) = map { $obj->{ $_ } } qw{ k r n } ;
return ( $r * ( $k - 1 ) * cos( $n ) ) + ( $r * cos( $n * ( $k - 1 ) ) ) ;
sub hYpos {
my $obj = shift ;
my ( $k, $r, $n ) = map { $obj->{ $_ } } qw{ k r n } ;
return ( $r * ( $k - 1 ) * sin( $n ) ) - ( $r * sin( $n * ( $k - 1 ) ) ) ;
# x(angle) = (R-r)cos(angle) + d cos((R-r)/R *(angle))
# y(angle) = (R-r)sin(angle) + d sin((R-r)/R *(angle))
sub hypotrochoid {
my $object = shift ;
my $grp = $object->{ grp } ;
my $prev = 0 ;
my $centXY = $object->{ center } ;
my $prevXY = {} ;
my $currXY = {} ;
my $o ;
for my $i ( qw{ R r d } ) {
$o->{ $i } = $object->{ def }->{ $i } ;
for my $deg ( map { $_ / $denom } @range ) {
$o->{ n } = $deg ; # deg2rad( $deg ) ;
# hypotrochoid ==============================================
$currXY->{ x } = htXpos( $o ) ;
$currXY->{ y } = htYpos( $o ) ;
x1 => $centXY->{ x } + $prevXY->{ x },
y1 => $centXY->{ y } - $prevXY->{ y },
x2 => $centXY->{ x } + $currXY->{ x },
y2 => $centXY->{ y } - $currXY->{ y },
style => {
stroke => $object->{ stroke },
fill => 'none',
) unless $deg == $prev ;
$prev = $deg ;
$prevXY->{ x } = $currXY->{ x } ;
$prevXY->{ y } = $currXY->{ y } ;
# hypotrochoid ==============================================
sub htXpos {
my $obj = shift ;
my ( $R, $r, $d, $n ) = map { $obj->{ $_ } } qw{ R r d n } ;
my $front = ( ( $R - $r ) * cos( $n ) ) ;
my $back = ( $d * cos( $n * ( $R - $r ) / $r ) ) ;
return $front + $back ;
sub htYpos {
my $obj = shift ;
my ( $R, $r, $d, $n ) = map { $obj->{ $_ } } qw{ R r d n } ;
my $front = ( ( $R - $r ) * sin( $n ) ) ;
my $back = ( $d * sin( $n * ( $R - $r ) / $r ) ) ;
return $front - $back ;
sub xPos {
my ( $length, $degrees ) = @_ ;
return ( $length * sin( deg2rad( $degrees ) ) ) ;
sub yPos {
my ( $length, $degrees ) = @_ ;
return ( $length * cos( deg2rad( $degrees ) ) ) ;
sub distance_between_2_points {
my ( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 ) = @_ ;
my $x = ( $x1 - $x2 )**2 ;
my $y = ( $y1 - $y2 )**2 ;
my $sqrt = sqrt( $x + $y ) ;
# say join "\t" , '' , map { sprintf '%.02f' , $_ } $x , $y , $sqrt ;
return $sqrt ;
1 ;
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use feature qw'say state' ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use utf8 ;
use Data::Dumper ;
use DateTime ;
use Math::Trig ;
use SVG ;
use Getopt::Long ;
use Spirograph ;
my $conf = {
height => 1000,
width => 1000,
r1 => 50,
r2 => 30,
d => 50,
stroke => 'black',
fill => 'none',
} ;
'height=i' => \$conf->{ height },
'width=i' => \$conf->{ width },
'r1=f' => \$conf->{ r1 },
'r2=f' => \$conf->{ r2 },
'distance=f' => \$conf->{ d },
) ;
my $svg = SVG->new(
height => $conf->{ height },
width => $conf->{ width },
) ;
my $grp = $svg->group(
id => 'group_y',
style => {
stroke => $conf->{ stroke },
fill => $conf->{ fill },
) ;
my $test = allPass(
sub { return 1 },
sub { my $i = shift ; return $i % 50 == 0 },
) ;
my $max = 450 ;
for my $r1 ( grep { $test->( $_ ) } 1 .. $max ) {
my $r2 = $r1 / 3 ;
my $d = 150 ;
my $color = '#0000' . sprintf( '%02x', int( 255 / $max * $r1 ) ) ;
$color = 'black' ;
say $color ;
hypotrochoid( {
grp => $grp,
stroke => $color,
def => {
R => $r1,
r => $r2,
d => $d,
center => {
x => $conf->{ height } / 2,
y => $conf->{ width } / 2,
) ;
my $output = $svg->xmlify ;
my @Rrd = map { $conf->{ $_ } } qw{ r1 r2 d } ;
my $file = 'triangles.svg' ;
if ( open my $fh, '>', $file ) {
print $fh $output ;
close $fh ;
else {
say 'fail' ;
say 'done' ;
exit ;
# take an array of code refs which SHOULD return boolean values
# allPass returns 0 if any of the coderefs doesn't return true,
# else returns true.
# anyPass returns 1 if any of the coderefs returns true, else
# returns false.
sub allPass {
return 0 if !@_ ;
my @f = @_ ;
return sub {
for my $t ( @f ) {
my $r = &$t( @_ ) ;
return 0 unless $r >= 1;
return 1 ;
sub anyPass {
return 0 if !@_ ;
my @f = @_ ;
return sub {
for my $t ( @f ) {
my $r = &$t( @_ ) ;
return 1 if $r >= 1 ;
return 0 ;
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