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Created September 20, 2017 17:03
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# replacement of the shell-based, using, both for me
# to gain experience with Expect and to keep control over output so I do not
# get mail on successful operation.
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state } ;
no warnings qw{ experimental::postderef experimental::signatures } ;
use Carp ;
use DateTime ;
use Expect ;
use File::Path qw{ make_path } ;
use Getopt::Long ;
use IO::Interactive qw{ is_interactive } ;
use YAML qw{ DumpFile LoadFile Dump Load } ;
# Expect automates shell commands
# I prefer auto-verbose when running on command-line and
# auto-quiet when running in batch/cron mode
# and is_interactive gives me that, but added
# the --debug flag to show verbose output in
# non-interactive contexts, so
# say 'SOMETHING' if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ;
my $config = config() ;
my $tarball = make_tarball( $config ) ;
handle_tarball( $config, $tarball ) ;
exit ;
# extract and return configuration for the file
# this is where I should add help and Pod::Usage
sub config () {
my $identities = identities() ;
my $config ;
'debug' => \$config->{ debug },
'full' => \$config->{ full },
'identity=s' => \$config->{ identity },
) ;
map { $config->{ $_ } = $config->{ $_ } || 0 } qw{ debug full } ;
croak 'Cannot run without identity' unless $config->{ identity } ;
croak 'Need valid identity'
unless $identities->{ $config->{ identity } } ;
$config->{ identities_obj } = $identities->{ $config->{ identity } } ;
( $config->{ date }, $config->{ newer } ) = handle_date( $config ) ;
return $config ;
# all date handling is in this function
# we need date for the tarball file name
# we need newer for incremental backups, changed within last two days
sub handle_date ($config) {
my $day = DateTime->now->set_time_zone( 'floating' ) ;
my $date = $day->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M' ) ;
my $newer = $config->{ newer } = '' ;
if ( !$config->{ full } ) {
$day->subtract( days => 2 ) ;
my $tardate = $day->strftime( '%Y%m%d' ) ;
$newer = "--newer=$tardate" ;
return ( $date, $newer ) ;
# extract and return identities file, which determines what will be done
# backups:
# model:
# base: /directory/being/backed/up
# comment: JSON has no comments, but it DOES have non-used fields
# dir:
# - subdirectories_to_back_up
# - an/array/so/more/than/one
# fort: where/on/fortress/it/goes
# identity: model
# name: user whose directory is being backed up. Not used.
# outfile: format and location tarball is created
# scratch: directory location tarball is written
sub identities () {
my $identities_file = join '/', $ENV{ HOME }, '.expect_backups.yml' ;
my $identities ;
if ( -f $identities_file ) {
my $hash = LoadFile( $identities_file ) ;
$identities = $hash->{ backups } ;
else {
croak 'no identities file' ;
return $identities ;
# configure and return an Expect object
sub set_up_expect () {
my $bash = '/usr/local/bin/bash' ;
my $prompt = 'XXX $' ;
my $ps1 = qq{PS1='$prompt '\n} ;
my $e = Expect->new ;
$e->log_stdout( 0 ) ; # removes echos (?)
$e->raw_pty( 1 ) ; # disables echoing
$e->spawn( $bash ) or die ; # now we have a bash shell
$e->send( $ps1 ) ; # sets PS1 to simplified version rather than .bashrc
$e->expect( 5, $prompt ) ; # within 5 seconds, get back $prompt
$e->clear_accum ; # flush expect buffers
return $e ;
# given the configuration, makes the tarball, return the tarball's file location
sub make_tarball ( $config ) {
my $scratch = $config->{ identities_obj }{ scratch } ;
if ( !-d $scratch ) {
my @dirs = make_path( $scratch ) ;
my $base = $config->{ identities_obj }{ base } ;
my $tarball = $config->{ identities_obj }{ outfile } ;
$tarball =~ s{DATE}{$config->{date}}mix ;
$tarball =~ s{NAME}{$config->{identity}}mix ;
if ( $config->{ full } ) { $tarball =~ s{FULL}{full}mix }
else { $tarball =~ s{FULL}{partial}mix }
my $tar = '/bin/tar' ;
my $prompt = 'XXX $' ;
my $e = set_up_expect() ;
for my $d ( $config->{ identities_obj }{ dir }->@* ) {
my $dir = join '/', $base, $d ;
my $cmd = join ' ', $tar, '--append', "--file=$tarball", $config->{ newer }, $dir, "\n" ;
say $cmd if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ;
$e->send( $cmd ) ;
$e->expect( 60, $prompt ) ;
say 'B: ' . $e->before
if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ; # output of the tar command
$e->clear_accum ;
$e->close ;
return $tarball ;
# 'handling' the tarball means
# * pulling an index so you know which tarball to pull
# * gzipping the tarball (indexing is why zipping doesn't occur first)
# * putting the tarball on Fortress
# * cleaning up the scratch directory
sub handle_tarball ( $config, $tarball ) {
my $e = set_up_expect() ;
my $index = $tarball ;
$index =~ s{tar$}{txt} ;
my ( $filename ) = reverse split m{/}, $tarball ;
my $remote = join '/', $config->{ identities_obj }{ fort }, $filename . '.gz' ;
my $put = join ' ', 'put', $tarball . '.gz', ':', $remote, "\n" ;
my @post ;
push @post, "/bin/tar tvf $tarball > $index" ; # creating index for later lookup
push @post, "/bin/mv $index ~/.backup_index/." ; # moving backup to home dir
push @post, "/bin/gzip $tarball" ; # gzipping tarball
push @post, "/opt/hsi/bin/hsi $put " ; # putting tarball into fortress
push @post, "/bin/rm $tarball" ; # clearing local tarball
push @post, "/bin/rm $tarball.gz" ; # clearing local gzipped tarball
for my $cmd ( map { $_ . "\n" } @post ) {
do_command( $e, $cmd ) ;
$e->close ;
return 1 ;
# actually use expect to do the command
sub do_command ( $e, $cmd ) {
my $prompt = 'XXX $' ;
my $timeout = 10 ;
$timeout = 600 if $cmd =~ /gz/mix ; # we expect gzip and transfer to take longe
say 'COMMAND:' . $cmd if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ;
say 'TIMEOUT:' . $timeout if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ;
$e->send( $cmd ) ;
$e->expect( $timeout, $prompt ) ;
say 'BEFORE: ' . $e->before if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ;
say 'FLAKE! ' . $cmd unless defined $e->match ; # no matter what -- shows error in batch mode
say 'MATCH: ' . $e->match if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ;
say 'AFTER: ' . $e->after if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ;
$e->clear_accum ;
# actually use expect to do the command
sub do_command_alternative ( $cmd ) {
# SHOULD call set_up_expect() once
# and keep the $e in local scope each time.
# I lose the good way to $e->close() ,
# but that'll happen when program closees anyway.
state $e = set_up_expect() ;
my $prompt = 'XXX $' ;
my $timeout = 10 ;
$timeout = 600 if $cmd =~ /gz/mix ; # we expect gzip and transfer to take longe
say 'COMMAND:' . $cmd if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ;
say 'TIMEOUT:' . $timeout if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ;
$e->send( $cmd ) ;
$e->expect( $timeout, $prompt ) ;
say 'BEFORE: ' . $e->before if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ;
say 'FLAKE! ' . $cmd unless defined $e->match ; # no matter what -- shows error in batch mode
say 'MATCH: ' . $e->match if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ;
say 'AFTER: ' . $e->after if is_interactive() || $config->{ debug } ;
$e->clear_accum ;
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