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Created March 9, 2021 19:01
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script runs OUTSIDE docker, and uses pgosm-flex to load a PBF file into postgres
# then generates a dump, which is used later to rebuild a DB from scratch
# Usage: ./ some-file.osm.pbf
# exit on error
set -e
echo "Input file: $1"
docker run --name pgosm -d \
-v $(pwd):/app/input \
-v /tmp/schema_data:/app/output \
-p 5459:5432 -d rustprooflabs/pgosm-flex
docker cp pgosm:/app
docker exec pgosm sh -c 'chmod +x /app/'
docker exec pgosm sh -c 'until pg_isready; do echo "Waiting for the DB to be up..."; sleep 4; done'
docker exec pgosm sh -c "/app/ $1 500 run-all"
# the container did generate the SQL dump, remove it
docker kill pgosm
docker rm pgosm
docker run --name postgis-test-db \
-p 15432:5432 \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=testpassword \
-v /tmp/schema_data:/input \
-d postgis/postgis:13-master
docker exec postgis-test-db sh -c 'until pg_isready; do echo "Waiting for the DB to be up..."; sleep 4; done'
# sometimes there's a random restart, especially with low memory. Wait some extra time
# meh...
sleep 5
docker exec -it postgis-test-db /usr/bin/createdb -U postgres osm_data
docker exec -it postgis-test-db /usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;" osm_data
# ingest back
docker exec postgis-test-db sh -c "psql -U postgres -f /input/$1.sql osm_data"
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