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Created January 23, 2011 21:19
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(in /Users/jacortinas/hack/mongoid)
/Users/jacortinas/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p136/bin/ruby -S bundle exec rspec spec/integration/mongoid/attributes_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/callback_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/config/database_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/config/replset_database_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/config_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/contexts/enumerable_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/contexts/mongo_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/criteria_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/criterion/creational_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/criterion/destructive_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/criterion/exclusion_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/criterion/inclusion_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/criterion/inspection_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/criterion/modification_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/default_scope_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/dirty_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/document_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/extensions_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/finders_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/inheritance_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/modifiers/inc_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/named_scope_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/nested_attributes_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/paranoia_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/persistence/insert_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/persistence/update_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/persistence_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/accessors_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/auto_save_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/builders/referenced/in_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/builders/referenced/many_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/builders/referenced/many_to_many_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/builders/referenced/one_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/cascading_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/embedded/in_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/embedded/many_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/embedded/one_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/referenced/in_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/relations/referenced/one_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/safety_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/serialization_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/validations/associated_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/validations/uniqueness_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/validations_spec.rb spec/integration/mongoid/versioning_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/atomicity_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/attributes_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/callbacks_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/collection_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/collections/cyclic_iterator_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/collections/master_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/collections/slaves_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/collections_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/contexts/enumerable/sort_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/contexts/enumerable_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/contexts/mongo_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/contexts_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/copyable_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/criteria_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/criterion/complex_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/criterion/creational_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/criterion/exclusion_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/criterion/inclusion_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/criterion/optional_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/criterion/selector_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/cursor_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/default_scope_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/dirty_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/document_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/errors_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/array/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/array/parentization_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/big_decimal/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/binary/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/boolean/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/date/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/datetime/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/false_class/equality_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/float/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/hash/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/hash/criteria_helpers_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/hash/scoping_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/integer/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/nil/collectionization_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/object/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/object/yoda_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/objectid/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/proc/scoping_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/set/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/string/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/string/inflections_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/symbol/conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/symbol/inflections_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/time_conversions_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extensions/true_class/equality_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/extras_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/factory_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/field_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/fields_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/finders_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/hierarchy_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/identity_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/indexes_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/inspection_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/javascript_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/json_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/keys_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/locales_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/logger_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/matchers/all_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/matchers/default_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/matchers/exists_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/matchers/gt_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/matchers/gte_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/matchers/in_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/matchers/lt_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/matchers/lte_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/matchers/ne_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/matchers/nin_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/matchers/size_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/matchers_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/modifiers/inc_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/modifiers_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/multi_database_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/multi_parameter_attributes_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/named_scope_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/nested_attributes_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/paranoia_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/paths_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/persistence/insert_embedded_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/persistence/insert_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/persistence/remove_all_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/persistence/remove_embedded_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/persistence/remove_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/persistence/update_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/persistence_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/railties/document_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/accessors_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/bindings/embedded/in_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/bindings/embedded/many_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/bindings/embedded/one_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/bindings/referenced/in_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/bindings/referenced/one_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/builders/embedded/in_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/builders/embedded/many_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/builders/embedded/one_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/builders/nested_attributes/many_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/builders/nested_attributes/one_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/builders/referenced/in_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/builders/referenced/many_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/builders/referenced/many_to_many_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/builders/referenced/one_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/builders_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/cascading/delete_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/cascading/destroy_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/cascading/nullify_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/cascading_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/constraint_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/cyclic_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/embedded/in_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/embedded/many_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/embedded/one_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/macros_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/metadata_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/polymorphic_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/referenced/in_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/referenced/many_to_many_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/referenced/one_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations/reflections_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/relations_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/safety_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/scope_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/serialization_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/state_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/timestamps_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/validations/associated_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/validations/uniqueness_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/validations_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid/versioning_spec.rb spec/unit/mongoid_spec.rb spec/unit/rails/mongoid_spec.rb
The Mongoid configuration specs require 2 slave databases to be
running in order to properly be tested. Those specs are skipped when
the slaves are not running locally.
See the following configuration files for assistance:
A user needs to be configured for authentication, otherwise some
configuration specs will not get run. You may set it up from the
mongo console:
$ use mongoid_test;
$ db.addUser("mongoid", "test");
The Mongoid configuration specs require an internet connection to
connect to the test mongohq database, or require the username and
password set as environment variables. If you need the credentials
and want these specs to run, please contact durran at gmail dot com.
The Mongoid configuration specs require a secondary master with 2
secondary slave databases to be running in order to properly be
tested. For multi-database configurations. Those specs are skipped
when those 3 databases are not running locally.
See the following configuration files for assistance:
when persisting nil attributes
has an entry in the attributes
with a default last_drink_taken_at
saves the default
when default values are defined
does not override the default
callback on valid?
should go in all validation callback in good order
when creating child documents in callbacks
does not duplicate the child documents
when configuring a master instance
when provided a uri
when the uri is on mongohq
when no pool size provided
when a pool size is provided
when no uri provided
when a host is provided
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the node host to the uri host
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the node port to the uri port
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the database name to the uri database name
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the pool size to 1
when no host is provided
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the node host to localhost
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the node port to the uri port
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the database name to the uri database name
when a port is provided
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the node host to localhost
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the node port to the uri port
when no port is provided
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the node host to localhost
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the node port to the uri port
when a username and password are provided
when configuring a slave instances
when provided a uri
when no pool size provided
when a pool size is provided
when no uri provided
when hosts are provided
when no host is provided
when a username and password are provided
returns a replica set connection
sets slave ok to true
does not configure specific slaves
when adding a language
adds the language
returns a list of method names
when using a standard configuration
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the master db
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets allow_dynamic_fields
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets include_root_in_json
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets reconnect_time
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets parameterize keys
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets persist_in_safe_mode
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets raise_not_found_error
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
returns nil, which is interpreted as the local time_zone
when configuring with slaves
when configuring with utc time
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
sets the utc flag
when configuring with multiple databases
when configuring with mongohq
when configured with replset
should create a regular Mongo::ReplSetConnection
returns the config logger
sets the logger on the config
when a database was set
returns the database
when provided a mongo database
sets the master
when not provided a mongo database
raises an error
creates a getter for the option
creates a setter for the option
creates a conditional for the option
allows the setting of a default value
when defining options
defaults to true
defaults to false
defaults to true
defaults to false
defaults to true
defaults to 3
defaults to false
defaults to false
defaults to nil
clears out the settings
when slaves exist
when no slaves exist
when provided databases
when not provided databases
returns the specified number of documents
paginates the embedded documents
sorts by a simple key
sorts by a compound key
sorts by a simple key
sorts by a compound key
with ascending and descending
sorts by ascending first
sorts by descending first
returns the first element
skips to the next value
excludes the specified number of document
when no documents are in the collection
returns nil
when documents exist in the collection
returns the average for the field
when documents exist in the collection
without skip or limit
returns the number of documents
with skip and limit
by default
ignores previous offset/limit statements
when passed 'true'
includes previous offset/limit statements
when passed 'false'
ignores previous offset/limit statements
when no documents are in the collection
returns nil
when documents are in the collection
returns the maximum for the field
when no documents are in the collection
returns nil
when documents are in the collection
returns the minimum for the field
when no documents are in the collection
returns nil
when documents are in the collection
returns the sum for the field
when caching
iterates over the cursor only once
when using object ids
should find object with String args
should find object with BSON::ObjectId args
when not using object ids
should find object with String args
should not find object with BSON::ObjectId args
returns the results as a json string
when provided a valid selector
inserts a new document into the database
returns the document
sets the top level attributes
when provided invalid selectors
ignores the attributes
when removing root documents
deletes the removes the documents from the database
returns the number removed
when removing embedded documents
deletes the removes the documents from the database
returns the number removed
when removing root documents
deletes the removes the documents from the database
returns the number removed
when removing embedded documents
deletes the removes the documents from the database
returns the number removed
when removing root documents
deletes the removes the documents from the database
returns the number removed
when removing embedded documents
deletes the removes the documents from the database
returns the number removed
when removing root documents
deletes the removes the documents from the database
returns the number removed
when removing embedded documents
deletes the removes the documents from the database
returns the number removed
when passed id
it properly excludes the documents
when passed _id
it properly excludes the documents
when the field value is nil
when searching for any value
returns the matching documents
when the field value is false
when searching for any value
returns the matching documents
with a single match
returns any matching documents
when chaining for multiple matches
returns any matching documents
when finding by an id
when the id is found
returns the matching document
when the id is not found
when raising a not found error
raises an error
when not raising a not found error
returns nil
when finding by an array of ids
when the id is found
returns the matching document
when the id is not found
when raising a not found error
raises an error
when not raising a not found error
returns an empty array
chaining multiple wheres
when chaining on the same key
overrides the previous key
with untyped criteria
typecasts integers
typecasts datetimes
typecasts dates
typecasts times with zones
typecasts array elements
typecasts size criterion to integer
typecasts exists criterion to boolean
with multiple complex criteria
returns those matching both criteria
returns nothing if in and nin clauses cancel each other out
returns nothing if in and nin clauses cancel each other out ordered the other way
returns the intersection of in and nin clauses
with complex criterion
returns those matching an all clause
returns those matching an exists clause
returns those matching a gt clause
returns those matching a gte clause
returns those matching an in clause
returns those matching a lt clause
returns those matching a lte clause
returns those matching a ne clause
returns those matching a nin clause
returns those matching a size clause
returns those matching a partial element in a list
when documents match in the database
returns the selector, options, and empty array
when no documents match in the database
returns the selector, options, and empty array
when updating the root document
when updating with a criteria
updates all the matching documents
when updating all directly
updates all the matching documents
when updating an embedded document
updates all the matching documents
does not update non matching documents
when updating a relation
when the relation is an embeds many
when updating the relation directly
updates the first document
updates the last document
when updating the relation through a criteria
updates the matching documents
does not update non matching documents
when the relation is a references many
when updating the relation directly
updates the first document
updates the last document
when updating the relation through a criteria
updates the matching documents
does not update non matching documents
when the relation is a references many to many
when updating the relation directly
updates the first document
updates the last document
when updating the relation through a criteria
updates the matching documents
does not update non matching documents
when updating the root document
when updating with a criteria
updates all the matching documents
when updating all directly
updates all the matching documents
when updating an embedded document
updates all the matching documents
does not update non matching documents
when updating a relation
when the relation is an embeds many
when updating the relation directly
updates the first document
updates the last document
when updating the relation through a criteria
updates the matching documents
does not update non matching documents
when the relation is a references many
when updating the relation directly
updates the first document
updates the last document
when updating the relation through a criteria
updates the matching documents
does not update non matching documents
when the relation is a references many to many
when updating the relation directly
updates the first document
updates the last document
when updating the relation through a criteria
updates the matching documents
does not update non matching documents
returns them in the correct order
respects other scopes
when fields are getting changed
marks the document as changed
marks field changes
marks changed fields
marks the field as changed
stores previous field values
marks field changes
allows reset of field changes
after a save
clears changes
stores previous changes
when the previous value is nil
removes the attribute from the document
when associations are getting changed
should not set the association to nil when hitting the database
defining a BSON::ObjectId as a field
persists the correct type
has the correct value
creating anonymous documents
when defining collection
allows the creation
returns the mongo database
when document contains a hash field
properly gets and sets the has attributes
on a subclass of a root document
returns the root document collection
on a namespaced document
gets a new or current database connection
returns the count
persists a new record to the database
when creating a has many
should create and save the entire graph
chaining criteria scopes
finds by the merged criteria
on a root document
deletes the document
marks the document as destroyed
on an embedded document
deletes the document
when the document is found
returns the document
when the document is not found
creates a new document
when the document is found
returns the document
when the document is not found
returns a new document
finding all documents
returns an array of documents based on the selector provided
finding first document
returns the first document based on the selector provided
finding by id
finds the document by the supplied id
limiting result fields
adds the type field to the options
returns grouped documents
when address is a has one
is a single object and not an array
returns paginated documents
returns a proper count
when paginating $or queries
returns the proper page
returns the proper number per page
returns the proper count
returns the proper total entries
reloads the object attributes from the db
reload should return self
when document not saved
when raising not found error
raises an error
when embedded documents change
should reload (unmemoize) the associations
with relational associations
for a references_one
should reload the association
for a referenced_in
should reload the association
on a has_one association
saves the parent document
without validation
always persists
with failing validation
returns false
switches the database collection
when has many exists through a has one
can clear the association
the lot
allows adding multiples on an embeds_many in a row
when saving on a has_one
saves the entire graph up from the has_one
when saving on an embeds_many
saves the entire graph up from the embeds_many
setting embedded_in
allows the parent reference to change
on a new document
returns the json string
should return the id field correctly
on a persisted document
returns the json string
should return the id field correctly
properly casts dates and times
first save
creates a new version
multiple saves
creates new versions
executing criteria with date comparisons
handling specific dates
handles comparisons with todays date
handles conparisons with a date range
handles false comparisons in a date range
handles comparisons with date objects
setting floating point numbers
when value is an empty string
does not set the value
setting association foreign keys
when value is an empty string
should set the foreign key to empty
when value is a populated string
should set the foreign key as ObjectID
when value is a ObjectID
should keep the the foreign key as ObjectID
when using string ids
with an id as an argument
when the document is found
returns the document
when the document is not found
raises an error
when passed an array of ids
when the documents are found
returns an array of the documents
when no documents found
raises an error
when passing an empty array
returns an empty array
when using object ids
when passed a BSON::ObjectId as an argument
when the document is found
returns the document
when the document is not found
raises an error
when passed a string id as an argument
when the document is found
returns the document
when the document is not found
raises an error
when passed an array of ids as args
when the documents are found
returns an array of the documents
when no documents found
raises an error
when the document is a subclass of a root class
persists the versions
persists the type
persists the attributes
when the document is a subclass of a subclass
persists the versions
persists the type
persists the attributes
returns the document when querying for superclass
returns the document when querying for root class
should returns on of this subclasses if you find by _type
when the document has associations
properly persists the one-to-one type
properly persists the one-to-one relations
properly persists the one-to-many type
properly persists the one-to-many relations
properly sets up the parent relation
properly sets up the entire hierarchy
when document has subclasses
returns subclasses for querying parents
deleting subclasses
deletes from the parent class collection
deletes all documents except for those belonging to parent class collection
when document is a subclass and its parent is an embedded document
properly saves the subclasses
Creating references_many documents from a parent association
should allow STI from << using
should allow STI from << using model.create
should allow STI from the build call
should allow STI from the build call
increments the field by the value
updates the database with the new value
accessing a single named scope
returns the document
chaining named scopes
returns the document
mixing named scopes and class methods
returns the document
using order_by in a named scope
sorts the results
when the relation is an embeds one
sets the nested attributes
when the relation is an embeds many
sets the nested attributes
when the relation is an embedded in
sets the nested attributes
when the relation is a references one
sets the nested attributes
when the relation is a references many
sets the nested attributes
when the relation is a references and referenced in many
sets the nested attributes
when the relation is a referenced in
sets the nested attributes
when the parent document is new
when the relation is an embeds one
when a reject proc is specified
when the attributes match
does not add the document
when the attributes do not match
adds the document
when :reject_if => :all_blank is specified
when all attributes are empty
does not add the document
when an attribute is non-empty
adds the document
when no id has been passed
with no destroy attribute
builds a new document
with a destroy attribute
when allow_destroy is true
does not build the document
when allow_destroy is false
builds the document
with empty attributes
does not build the document
when there is an existing document
with no destroy attribute
replaces the document
with a destroy attribute
when allow_destroy is true
does not replace the document
when allow_destroy is false
replaces the document
when an id is passed
when there is an existing record
when the id matches
when passed keys as symbols
updates the existing document
when passed keys as strings
updates the existing document
when allow_destroy is true
when passed 1 with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed 1 with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed true with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed true with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed 0 with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed 0 with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed false with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed false with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when allow destroy is false
when a destroy attribute is passed
does not destroy the document
when update only is true
when the id matches
updates the existing document
when the id does not match
updates the existing document
when passed a destroy truth
destroys the existing document
when the relation is embedded in
when the child is new
when no id has been passed
when no destroy attribute passed
builds a new document
when a destroy attribute is passed
when allow_destroy is true
does not build a new document
when allow_destroy is false
builds a new document
when an id has been passed
when no destroy attribute passed
when the id matches
updates the existing document
when there is an existing document
when allow destroy is true
when passed 1 with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed 1 with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed true with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed true with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed 0 with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed 0 with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed false with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed false with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when allow destroy is false
when a destroy attribute is passed
does not delete the document
when update only is true
when the id matches
updates the existing document
when the id does not match
updates the existing document
when passed a destroy truth
deletes the existing document
when the relation is an embeds many
when a limit is specified
when more are provided than the limit
raises an error
when less are provided than the limit
sets the documents on the relation
when ids are passed
when no destroy attributes are passed
when the ids match
updates the first existing document
updates the second existing document
does not add new documents
when the ids do not match
raises an error
when destroy attributes are passed
when the ids match
when allow_destroy is true
when passed a 1 with destroy
deletes the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 1 with destroy
deletes the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a true with destroy
deletes the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a true with destroy
deletes the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when allow_destroy is false
when passed a 1 with destroy
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a 1 with destroy
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a true with destroy
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a true with destroy
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when allow_destroy is undefined
when passed a 1 with destroy
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a 1 with destroy
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a true with destroy
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a true with destroy
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when no ids are passed
when no destroy attributes are passed
builds a new first document
builds a new second document
builds a new third document
does not add extra documents
adds the documents in the sorted hash key order
when a reject block is supplied
when the attributes match
does not add the new document
when the attributes do not match
adds the new document
sets the correct attributes
when :reject_if => :all_blank is supplied
when all attributes are empty
does not add the new document
when an attribute is not-empty
adds the new document
sets the correct attributes
when destroy attributes are passed
when allow_destroy is true
when passed a 1 with destroy
ignores the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
when passed a 1 with destroy
ignores the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
when passed a true with destroy
ignores the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
when passed a true with destroy
ignores the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when allow destroy is false
when passed a 1 with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a 1 with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a true with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a true with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when allow destroy is not defined
when passed a 1 with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a 1 with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a true with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a true with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when the relation is a references one
when a reject proc is specified
when the attributes match
does not add the document
when the attributes do not match
adds the document
when reject_if => :all_blank is specified
when all attributes are empty
does not add the document
when an attribute is non-empty
adds the document
when no id has been passed
with no destroy attribute
builds a new document
with a destroy attribute
when allow_destroy is true
does not build the document
when allow_destroy is false
builds the document
with empty attributes
does not build the document
when there is an existing document
with no destroy attribute
replaces the document
with a destroy attribute
when allow_destroy is true
does not replace the document
when allow_destroy is false
replaces the document
when an id is passed
when there is an existing record
when the id matches
when passed keys as symbols
updates the existing document
when passed keys as strings
updates the existing document
when allow_destroy is true
when passed 1 with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed 1 with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed true with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed true with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed 0 with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed 0 with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed false with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed false with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when allow destroy is false
when a destroy attribute is passed
does not destroy the document
when update only is true
when the id matches
updates the existing document
when the id does not match
updates the existing document
when passed a destroy truth
destroys the existing document
when the relation is referenced in
when the child is new
when no id has been passed
when no destroy attribute passed
builds a new document
when a destroy attribute is passed
when allow_destroy is true
does not build a new document
when allow_destroy is false
builds a new document
when an id has been passed
when no destroy attribute passed
when the id matches
updates the existing document
when there is an existing document
when allow destroy is true
when passed 1 with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed 1 with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed true with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed true with destroy
destroys the existing document
when passed with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed 0 with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed 0 with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed false with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when passed false with destroy
does not destroy the existing document
when allow destroy is false
when a destroy attribute is passed
does not delete the document
when update only is true
when the id matches
updates the existing document
when the id does not match
updates the existing document
when passed a destroy truth
deletes the existing document
when the relation is a references many
when a limit is specified
when more are provided than the limit
raises an error
when less are provided than the limit
sets the documents on the relation
when ids are passed
when no destroy attributes are passed
when the ids match
when reloading the document
updates the first existing document
updates the second existing document
does not add new documents
when the ids do not match
raises an error
when destroy attributes are passed
when the ids match
when allow_destroy is true
when passed a 1 with destroy
when reloading the documents
deletes the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 1 with destroy
when reloading the documents
deletes the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a true with destroy
when reloading the documents
deletes the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a true with destroy
when reloading the documents
deletes the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
when reloading the document
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
when reloading the document
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
when reloading the document
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
when reloading the document
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when allow_destroy is false
when passed a 1 with destroy
when reloading the document
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a 1 with destroy
when reloading the document
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a true with destroy
when reloading the document
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a true with destroy
when reloading the document
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
when reloading the documents
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
when reloading the documents
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
when reloading the documents
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
when reloading the documents
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when allow_destroy is undefined
when passed a 1 with destroy
when reloading
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a 1 with destroy
when reloading
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a true with destroy
when reloading
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a true with destroy
when reloading
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
when reloading
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
when reloading
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
when reloading
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
when reloading
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when no ids are passed
when no destroy attributes are passed
builds a new first document
builds a new second document
builds a new third document
does not add extra documents
adds the documents in the sorted hash key order
when a reject block is supplied
when the attributes match
does not add the new document
when the attributes do not match
adds the new document
sets the correct attributes
when :reject_if => :all_blank is supplied
when all attributes are blank
does not add the new document
when an attribute is non-empty
adds the new document
sets the correct attributes
when destroy attributes are passed
when allow_destroy is true
when passed a 1 with destroy
ignores the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
when passed a 1 with destroy
ignores the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
when passed a true with destroy
ignores the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
when passed a true with destroy
ignores the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when allow destroy is false
when passed a 1 with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a 1 with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a true with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a true with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when allow destroy is not defined
when passed a 1 with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a 1 with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a true with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a true with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when the relation is a references many to many
when a limit is specified
when more are provided than the limit
raises an error
when less are provided than the limit
sets the documents on the relation
when ids are passed
when no destroy attributes are passed
when the ids match
when reloading the document
updates the first existing document
updates the second existing document
does not add new documents
when the ids do not match
raises an error
when destroy attributes are passed
when the ids match
when allow_destroy is true
when passed a 1 with destroy
when reloading the documents
deletes the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 1 with destroy
when reloading the documents
deletes the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a true with destroy
when reloading the documents
deletes the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a true with destroy
when reloading the documents
deletes the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
when reloading the document
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
when reloading the document
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
when reloading the document
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
when reloading the document
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when allow_destroy is false
when passed a 1 with destroy
when reloading the document
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a 1 with destroy
when reloading the document
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a true with destroy
when reloading the document
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a true with destroy
when reloading the document
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
when reloading the documents
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
when reloading the documents
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
when reloading the documents
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
when reloading the documents
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when allow_destroy is undefined
when passed a 1 with destroy
when reloading
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a 1 with destroy
when reloading
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a true with destroy
when reloading
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a true with destroy
when reloading
does not ignore the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
does not add additional documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
when reloading
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
when reloading
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
when reloading
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when passed a false with destroy
when reloading
does not delete the marked document
does not delete the unmarked document
when no ids are passed
when no destroy attributes are passed
builds a new first document
builds a new second document
builds a new third document
does not add extra documents
adds the documents in the sorted hash key order
when a reject block is supplied
when the attributes match
does not add the new document
when the attributes do not match
adds the new document
sets the correct attributes
when :reject_if => :all_blank is supplied
when all attributes are empty
does not add the new document
when an attribute is non-empty
adds the new document
sets the correct attributes
when destroy attributes are passed
when allow_destroy is true
when passed a 1 with destroy
ignores the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
when passed a 1 with destroy
ignores the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
when passed a true with destroy
ignores the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
when passed a true with destroy
ignores the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when allow destroy is false
when passed a 1 with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a 1 with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a true with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a true with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when allow destroy is not defined
when passed a 1 with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a 1 with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a true with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a true with destroy
adds the the marked document
adds the new unmarked document
adds the correct number of documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a 0 with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
when passed a false with destroy
adds the new marked document
adds the new unmarked document
does not add extra documents
a soft deleted item
should have a deletion date
should be restorable
should be invisible to searches
should be found using the deleted named scope
should be hard-destroyable
when the document is not embedded
runs the before_create callback once
when the document is embedded
runs the before_create callback once
when the document has changed
updates the document in the database
when the document has not changed
returns true
when providing attributes
it saves the document
returns the document
on an embedded document
should be persisted
should be a kind of Address
when passing in a block
sets the attributes
persists the document
inserting with a field that is not unique
when a unique index exists
raises an error
when passing in a block
sets the attributes
persists the document
when setting the composite key
saves the document
when removing a root document
deletes the document from the collection
returns true
when removing an embedded document
when the document is not yet saved
removes the document from the parent
removes the attributes from the parent
when the document has been saved
removes the object from the parent and database
when removing deeply embedded documents
when the document has been saved
removes the object from the parent and database
when removing a root document
deletes the document from the collection
returns true
when removing an embedded document
when the document is not yet saved
removes the document from the parent
removes the attributes from the parent
when the document has been saved
removes the object from the parent and database
when removing deeply embedded documents
when the document has been saved
removes the object from the parent and database
when validation passes
returns true
when validation fails
has the appropriate errors
when modifying the entire hierarchy
when performing modification and insert ops
saves the root document
saves embedded many relations
saves embedded one relations
persists with proper set and push modifiers
when combining modifications and pushes
saves modifications to existing embedded docs
saves modifications to new embedded docs
saves modifications to deeply embedded docs
when removing elements without using delete or destroy
saves the hierarchy
inserting with a field that is not unique
when a unique index exists
raises an error
when provided a symbol attribute name
when the document is valid
sets the attribute
saves the document
when the document is invalid
sets the attribute
saves the document
when provided a string attribute name
when the document is valid
sets the attribute
saves the document
when the document is invalid
sets the attribute
saves the document
when validation passes
returns true
saves the attributes
when updating through a one-to-one relation
saves the attributes
on a new record
saves the new record
when passing in a relation
when providing a parent to a referenced in
when the relation has not yet been touched
sets the instance of the relation
sets properly through method_missing
persists the reference
when the relation has been touched
sets the instance of the relation
sets properly through method_missing
persists the reference
removes all the documents
returns the number of documents removed
removes all the documents
returns the number of documents removed
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the relation is a many to many
when reloading the relation directly
reloads the correct documents
reloads a new instance
when reloading via the base document
reloads the correct documents
reloads a new instance
when performing a fresh find on the base
reloads the correct documents
when the relation is a many to one
when reloading the relation directly
reloads the correct documents
reloads a new instance
when reloading via the base document
reloads the correct documents
reloads a new instance
when performing a fresh find on the base
reloads the correct documents
when the relation is a references one
when reloading the relation directly
reloads the correct documents
reloads a new instance
when reloading via the base document
reloads the correct documents
reloads a new instance
when performing a fresh find on the base
reloads the correct documents
when the relation is polymorphic
when accessing a referenced in
returns the correct type
returns the correct document
when accessing a references many
returns the correct documents
when accessing a references one
returns the correct document
when the option is not provided
when saving the parent document
does not save the relation
when the option is true
when the relation is a references many
when saving a new parent document
saves the relation
when saving an existing parent document
does not save the relation
when the relation is a references one
when saving a new parent document
saves the relation
when saving an existing parent document
does not save the relation
when no document found in the database
when the id is nil
returns nil
when the id is incorrect
returns nil
when no documents found in the database
when the ids are empty
returns an empty array
Github 246: Should return documents in same order as ids (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
when no documents found in the database
when the ids are empty
returns an empty array
when the ids are incorrect
returns an empty array
when the document is not found
returns nil
when cascading removals
when dependent is delete
deletes the associated documents
when dependent is destroy
destroys the associated documents
when dependent is nullify
when nullifying a references many
removes the references to the removed document
when nullifying a references one
when the relation exists
removes the references to the removed document
when the relation is nil
returns nil
when nullifying a many to many
removes the references from the removed document
removes the references to the removed document
when cascading removals
when dependent is delete
deletes the associated documents
when dependent is destroy
destroys the associated documents
when dependent is nullify
when nullifying a references many
removes the references to the removed document
when nullifying a references one
when the relation exists
removes the references to the removed document
when the relation is nil
returns nil
when nullifying a many to many
removes the references from the removed document
removes the references to the removed document
when creating the tree through initialization
saves the child
indexes the child
saves the first location with the correct index
saves the second location with the correct index
has the locations in the association array
when instantiating a new child with a persisted parent
does not save the child
does not save the deeply embedded children
when the inverse of an embeds one
when the child is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
saves the base
when the inverse of an embeds many
when the child is a new record
sets the target of the relation
appends the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance in the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the same instance in the inverse relation
appends the base on the inverse relation
#= nil
when the inverse of an embeds one
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to nil
removes the inverse relation
when the inverse is already nil
sets the relation to nil
removes the inverse relation
when the documents are not new records
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
deletes the child document
when the inverse of an embeds many
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to nil
removes the inverse relation
when the inverse is already nil
sets the relation to nil
when the documents are not new records
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
deletes the child document
when a child already exists on the parent
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
deletes the child document
reindexes the children
when validating the parent before accessing the child
when saving
does not lose the parent reference
when updating attributes
does not lose the parent reference
when the parent is a new record
appends to the target
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the new document
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
when the parent is not a new record
saves the new document
when the parent and child have a cyclic relation
when the parent is a new record
appends to the target
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the new document
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
when the parent is not a new record
saves the new document
when the parent is a new record
appends to the target
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the new document
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
when the parent is not a new record
saves the new document
when the parent and child have a cyclic relation
when the parent is a new record
appends to the target
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the new document
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
when the parent is not a new record
saves the new document
when the parent is a new record
appends to the target
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the new document
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
when the parent is not a new record
saves the new document
when the parent and child have a cyclic relation
when the parent is a new record
appends to the target
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the new document
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
when the parent is not a new record
saves the new document
when the parent is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
when the parent is not a new record
saves the target
when replacing an existing relation
deletes the old documents
when the relation has an unusual name
allows creation of the embedded document
saves the relation
remains on reload
when the relation has address in the name
requires an inflection to determine the class
when the parent and child have a cyclic relation
when the parent is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
when the parent is not a new record
saves the target
#= nil
when the relationship is polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to empty
removes the inverse relation
when the inverse is already nil
sets the relation to empty
when the documents are not new records
sets the relation to empty
removed the inverse relation
deletes the child document
when the relationship is cyclic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to empty
removes the inverse relation
when the inverse is already nil
sets the relation to empty
when the documents are not new records
sets the relation to empty
removed the inverse relation
deletes the child document
when the relation is not cyclic
appends to the target
sets the base on the inverse relation
does not save the new document
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
writes to the attributes
when the relation is cyclic
appends to the target
sets the base on the inverse relation
does not save the new document
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
writes to the attributes
when the relation is not cyclic
appends to the target
sets the base on the inverse relation
does not save the new document
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
writes to the attributes
when the relation is cyclic
appends to the target
sets the base on the inverse relation
does not save the new document
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
writes to the attributes
when the parent has been persisted
when the children are persisted
clears out the relation
marks the documents as deleted
deletes the documents from the db
returns the relation
when the children are not persisted
clears out the relation
when the parent is not persisted
clears out the relation
returns the number of persisted documents
appends to the target
sets the base on the inverse relation
saves the document
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
writes to the attributes
when embedding a multi word named document
saves the embedded document
when validation passes
appends to the target
sets the base on the inverse relation
saves the document
sets the parent on the child
sets the metadata on the child
sets the index on the child
writes to the attributes
when validation fails
raises an error
when the document exists in the relation
deletes the document
reindexes the relation
returns the document
when the document does not exist
returns nil
when the documents are new
when conditions are provided
removes the matching documents
returns the number deleted
when conditions are not provided
removes all documents
returns the number deleted
when the documents persisted
when conditions are provided
deletes the matching documents from the db
returns the number deleted
when conditions are not provided
deletes all the documents from the db
returns the number deleted
when removing and resaving
removes the documents
allows addition and a resave
when the documents are new
when conditions are provided
removes the matching documents
returns the number deleted
when conditions are not provided
removes all documents
returns the number deleted
when the documents persisted
when conditions are provided
deletes the matching documents from the db
returns the number deleted
when conditions are not provided
deletes all the documents from the db
returns the number deleted
when removing and resaving
removes the documents
allows addition and a resave
when documents exist in the database
returns true
when no documents exist in the database
returns false
when providing an id
when the id matches
returns the matching document
when the id does not match
when config set to raise error
raises an error
when config set not to raise error
returns nil
when providing an array of ids
when the ids match
returns the matching documents
when the ids do not match
when config set to raise error
raises an error
when config set not to raise error
returns an empty array
when finding first
when there is a match
returns the first matching document
when there is no match
returns nil
when finding last
when there is a match
returns the last matching document
when there is no match
returns nil
when finding all
when there is a match
returns the matching documents
when there is no match
returns an empty array
when the document exists
returns the document
when the document does not exist
sets the new document attributes
returns a newly persisted document
when the document exists
returns the document
when the document does not exist
sets the new document attributes
returns a non persisted document
when providing a single criteria
applies the criteria to the documents
when providing a criteria class method
applies the criteria to the documents
when chaining criteria
applies the criteria to the documents
when delegating methods
returns the distinct values for the fields
when provided page and per page options
returns the correct number of documents
returns the supplied page of documents
returns the number of persisted documents
returns the number of persisted documents
when deeply embedding documents
when building the tree through pushes
sets up the hierarchy
when building the tree through builds
sets up the hierarchy
when creating a persisted tree
sets up the hierarchy
when reloading
reloads the entire tree
when the relation is not cyclic
when the parent is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
saves the target
when the relation is cyclic
when the parent is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
saves the target
#= nil
when the relation is not cyclic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to nil
removes the inverse relation
when the inverse is already nil
sets the relation to nil
when the documents are not new records
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
deletes the child document
when the relation is cyclic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to nil
removes the inverse relation
when the inverse is already nil
sets the relation to nil
when the documents are not new records
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
deletes the child document
when the relation is not cyclic
when the parent is a new record
when not providing any attributes
when building once
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets no attributes
does not save the target
when building twice
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets no attributes
does not save the target
when passing nil as the attributes
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets no attributes
does not save the target
when providing attributes
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
when the parent is not a new record
does not save the target
when the relation is cyclic
when the parent is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
when the parent is not a new record
does not save the target
when the parent is a new record
when not providing any attributes
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets no attributes
saves the target
when passing nil as the attributes
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets no attributes
saves the target
when providing attributes
sets the target of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
saves the target
when the parent is not a new record
does not save the target
when the inverse relation has no reference defined
sets the relation
sets the foreign_key
when referencing a document from an embedded document
sets the relation
does not erase the metadata
allows saving of the embedded document
when the parent is a references one
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the child is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the child is not a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not saves the target
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the child is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the child is not a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not saves the target
when the parent is a references many
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the child is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the child is not a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not saves the target
when the relation is polymorphic
when the child is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the child is not a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
does not saves the target
#= nil
when the inverse relation has no reference defined
removes the relation
removes the foreign_key
when the parent is a references one
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
when the parent is not a new record
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
does not delete the child
when the relation is polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
when the parent is not a new record
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
when the parent is a references many
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
when the parent is not a new record
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
when the relation is polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
when the parent is not a new record
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
when the relations are not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when the relations are polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when the relations are not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when the relations are polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when the relations are not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when the relations are polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
saves the target
when the relation is polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
saves the target
#= nil
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to an empty array
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
when the parent is not a new record
sets the relation to empty
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
deletes the target from the database
when the relation is polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to an empty array
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
when the parent is not a new record
sets the relation to empty
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
deletes the target from the database
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
does not perform validation
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
when the relation is polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
does not perform validation
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
does not perform validation
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
when the relation is polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
does not perform validation
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent has been persisted
when the children are persisted
clears out the relation
marks the documents as deleted
deletes the documents from the db
returns the relation
when the children are not persisted
clears out the relation
when the parent is not persisted
clears out the relation
when the relation is polymorphic
when the parent has been persisted
when the children are persisted
clears out the relation
marks the documents as deleted
deletes the documents from the db
returns the relation
when the children are not persisted
clears out the relation
when the parent is not persisted
clears out the relation
when documents have been persisted
returns the number of persisted documents
when documents have not been persisted
returns 0
when new documents exist in the database
when the documents are part of the relation
returns the count from the db
when the documents are not part of the relation
returns the count from the db
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
raises an unsaved document error
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when the relation is polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
raises an unsaved document error
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
raises an unsaved document error
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when validation fails
raises an error
when the relation is polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
raises an unsaved document error
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when validation fails
raises an error
when the relation is not polymorphic
when conditions are provided
removes the correct posts
deletes the documents from the database
returns the number of documents deleted
when conditions are not provided
removes the correct posts
deletes the documents from the database
returns the number of documents deleted
when the relation is polymorphic
when conditions are provided
removes the correct ratings
deletes the documents from the database
returns the number of documents deleted
when conditions are not provided
removes the correct ratings
deletes the documents from the database
returns the number of documents deleted
when the relation is not polymorphic
when conditions are provided
removes the correct posts
deletes the documents from the database
returns the number of documents deleted
when conditions are not provided
removes the correct posts
deletes the documents from the database
returns the number of documents deleted
when the relation is polymorphic
when conditions are provided
removes the correct ratings
deletes the documents from the database
returns the number of documents deleted
when conditions are not provided
removes the correct ratings
deletes the documents from the database
returns the number of documents deleted
when documents exist in the database
returns true
when no documents exist in the database
returns false
when the relation is not polymorphic
when providing an id
when the id matches
returns the matching document
when the id matches but is not scoped to the relation
raises an error
when the id does not match
when config set to raise error
raises an error
when config set not to raise error
returns nil
when providing an array of ids
when the ids match
returns the matching documents
when the ids do not match
when config set to raise error
raises an error
when config set not to raise error
returns an empty array
when finding first
when there is a match
returns the first matching document
when there is no match
returns nil
when finding last
when there is a match
returns the last matching document
when there is no match
returns nil
when finding all
when there is a match
returns the matching documents
when there is no match
returns an empty array
when the relation is polymorphic
when providing an id
when the id matches
returns the matching document
when the id does not match
when config set to raise error
raises an error
when config set not to raise error
returns nil
when providing an array of ids
when the ids match
returns the matching documents
when the ids do not match
when config set to raise error
raises an error
when config set not to raise error
returns an empty array
when finding first
when there is a match
returns the first matching document
when there is no match
returns nil
when finding last
when there is a match
returns the last matching document
when there is no match
returns nil
when finding all
when there is a match
returns the matching documents
when there is no match
returns an empty array
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the document exists
returns the document
when the document does not exist
sets the new document attributes
returns a newly persisted document
when the relation is polymorphic
when the document exists
returns the document
when the document does not exist
sets the new document attributes
returns a newly persisted document
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the document exists
returns the document
when the document does not exist
sets the new document attributes
returns a non persisted document
when the relation is polymorphic
when the document exists
returns the document
when the document does not exist
sets the new document attributes
returns a non persisted document
when providing a single criteria
applies the criteria to the documents
when providing a criteria class method
applies the criteria to the documents
when chaining criteria
applies the criteria to the documents
when delegating methods
returns the distinct values for the fields
when the relation is not polymorphic
removes all the foreign keys from the target
removes all the references from the target
saves the documents
when the relation is polymorphic
removes all the foreign keys from the target
removes all the references from the target
when documents have been persisted
returns 0
when documents have not been persisted
returns the total number of documents
when documents have been persisted
returns 0
when documents have not been persisted
returns the total number of documents
when the relations are not polymorphic
when the inverse relation is not defined
appends the document to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
when the parent is a new record
adds the documents to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the foreign key on the inverse relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
adds the correct number of documents
when the parent is not a new record
adds the documents to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the foreign key on the inverse relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when the relations are not polymorphic
when the inverse relation is not defined
appends the document to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
when the parent is a new record
adds the documents to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the foreign key on the inverse relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
adds the correct number of documents
when the parent is not a new record
adds the documents to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the foreign key on the inverse relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when the relations are not polymorphic
when the inverse relation is not defined
appends the document to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
when the parent is a new record
adds the documents to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the foreign key on the inverse relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
adds the correct number of documents
when the parent is not a new record
adds the documents to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the foreign key on the inverse relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the foreign key on the inverse relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the foreign key on the inverse relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
saves the target
when overwriting an existing relation
sets the relation
saves the target
does not leave foreign keys of the previous relation
#= nil
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the inverse relation is not defined
clears the relation
clears the foreign keys
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to an empty array
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key values
removes the inverse foreign key values
when the parent is not a new record
sets the relation to an empty array
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key values
removes the inverse foreign key values
deletes the target from the database
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
adds the document to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the inverse foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the correct number of documents
when the parent is not a new record
adds the document to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the inverse foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the correct number of documents
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
adds the document to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the inverse foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the correct number of documents
when the parent is not a new record
adds the document to the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the inverse foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the correct number of documents
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent has been persisted
when the children are persisted
clears out the relation
removes the parent from the inverse relation
removes the foreign keys
removes the parent key from the inverse
marks the documents as deleted
deletes the documents from the db
returns the relation
when the children are not persisted
clears out the relation
when the parent is not persisted
clears out the relation
when documents have been persisted
returns the number of persisted documents
when documents have not been persisted
returns 0
when new documents exist in the database
when the documents are part of the relation
returns the count from the db
when the documents are not part of the relation
returns the count from the db
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the foreign key on the inverse relation
adds the document
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the foreign key on the inverse relation
adds the document
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the foreign key on the inverse relation
adds the document
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
does not save the target
adds the document to the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the foreign key on the inverse relation
adds the document
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the attributes
saves the target
adds the document to the target
when validation fails
when the relation is not polymorphic
raises an error
when the document exists
removes the document from the relation
returns the document
removes the document key from the foreign key
removes the inverse reference
removes the base id from the inverse keys
when the document does not exist
returns nil
does not modify the relation
does not modify the keys
when the relation is not polymorphic
when conditions are provided
removes the correct preferences
deletes the documents from the database
returns the number of documents deleted
when conditions are not provided
removes the correct preferences
deletes the documents from the database
returns the number of documents deleted
when the relation is not polymorphic
when conditions are provided
removes the correct preferences
deletes the documents from the database
returns the number of documents deleted
when conditions are not provided
removes the correct preferences
deletes the documents from the database
returns the number of documents deleted
when documents exist in the database
returns true
when no documents exist in the database
returns false
when the relation is not polymorphic
when providing an id
when the id matches
returns the matching document
when the id matches but is not scoped to the relation
raises an error
when the id does not match
when config set to raise error
raises an error
when config set not to raise error
returns nil
when providing an array of ids
when the ids match
returns the matching documents
when the ids do not match
when config set to raise error
raises an error
when config set not to raise error
returns an empty array
when finding first
when there is a match
returns the first matching document
when there is no match
returns nil
when finding last
when there is a match
returns the last matching document
when there is no match
returns nil
when finding all
when there is a match
returns the matching documents
when there is no match
returns an empty array
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the document exists
returns the document
when the document does not exist
sets the new document attributes
returns a newly persisted document
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the document exists
returns the document
when the document does not exist
sets the new document attributes
returns a non persisted document
when providing a single criteria
applies the criteria to the documents
when providing a criteria class method
applies the criteria to the documents
when chaining criteria
applies the criteria to the documents
when delegating methods
returns the distinct values for the fields
removes the foreign key from the base document
removes the foreign key from the target documents
removes the reference from the base document
removes the reference from the target documents
saves the documents
when documents have been persisted
returns the number of documents
when documents have not been persisted
returns the total number of documents
when documents have been persisted
returns the number of documents
when documents have not been persisted
returns the total number of documents
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
saves the target
when the relation is polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key on the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
does not save the target
when the parent is not a new record
sets the target of the relation
sets the foreign key of the relation
sets the base on the inverse relation
sets the same instance on the inverse relation
saves the target
#= nil
when the relation is not polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
when the parent is not a new record
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
deletes the target from the database
when the relation is polymorphic
when the parent is a new record
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
when the parent is not a new record
sets the relation to nil
removed the inverse relation
removes the foreign key value
deletes the target from the database
when the relation is not polymorphic
when using object ids
returns a new document
sets the foreign key on the document
sets the inverse relation
does not save the built document
when providing no attributes
sets the foreign key on the document
sets the inverse relation
does not save the built document
when providing nil attributes
sets the foreign key on the document
sets the inverse relation
does not save the built document
when the relation is polymorphic
when using object ids
returns a new document
sets the foreign key on the document
sets the inverse relation
does not save the built document
when the relation is not polymorphic
returns a new document
sets the foreign key on the document
sets the inverse relation
saves the document
when providing no attributes
sets the foreign key on the document
sets the inverse relation
saves the document
when providing nil attributes
sets the foreign key on the document
sets the inverse relation
saves the document
when the relation is polymorphic
returns a new document
sets the foreign key on the document
sets the inverse relation
saves the document
removes the foreign key from the target
removes the reference from the target
removes the reference from the base
when global safe mode is false
inserts the document
overrides the global config option
when including relations
when including a single relation
when including an embeds many
when providing the include as a symbol
includes the first relation
includes the second relation
when providing the include as an array
includes the first relation
includes the second relation
when providing the include as a hash
when including one level deep
includes the first relation sans exceptions
includes the second relation sans exceptions
when including multiple levels deep
includes the specified relation
when defining a default exclusion
does not contain the root exclusion
does not include the embedded many exclusion
does not include the embedded one exclusion
when including an embeds one
when providing the include as a symbol
includes the specified relation
when providing the include as an array
includes the specified relation
when providing the include as a hash
includes the specified relation sans exceptions
when including a references many
when providing the include as a symbol
includes the specified relation
includes the first document related fields
includes the second document related fields
when providing the include as an array
includes the specified relation
includes the first document related fields
includes the second document related fields
when providing the include as a hash
includes the specified relation
includes the first document related fields
includes the second document related fields
does not include the first document exceptions
does not include the second document exceptions
when including a references many to many
when providing the include as a symbol
includes the specified relation
includes the first document related fields
includes the second document related fields
when providing the include as an array
includes the specified relation
includes the first document related fields
includes the second document related fields
when providing the include as a hash
includes the specified relation
includes the first document related fields
includes the second document related fields
does not include the first document exceptions
does not include the second document exceptions
does not include the root exceptions
when including root in json
uses the mongoid configuration
when not including root in json
uses the mongoid configuration
when an Array field is defined
properly types the array
serializes the array
when a Hash field is defined
properly types the hash
serializes the hash
when validating associated on both sides
when the documents are valid
only validates the parent once
only validates the child once
when the documents are not valid
only validates the parent once
adds the errors from the relation
only validates the child once
when the document has no composite keys defined
when no documents are saved
returns true
when documents exist in the database
when the document is not new
returns true
when there is a field conflict
returns false
when there is a field similarity
returns true
when there is a case insensitive conflict
returns false
when providing escapable characters
returns true
when document is new
when there is a uniqueness conflict
returns false
contains uniqueness errors
when there is a case insensitive conflict
returns false
when providing escapable characters
returns true
when the document has keys defined
when no record in the database
passes validation
with a record in the database
when the document is new
fails validation
contains uniqueness errors
when the document is not new
when the key has changed
fails validation
when the key has not changed
passes validation
when the parent document embeds_many
when no record in the database
passes validation
with a record in the database
when document is not new
passes validation
fails validation when another document has the same unique field
with case insensitive validation
fails validation when another document has the same unique field with a different case
when document is new
fails validation
contains uniqueness errors
with case insensitive validation
fails validation when another document has the same unique field with a different case
when the parent document embeds_one
passes validation
when replacing with a new record with the same value
passes validation
when provided a context
uses the provided context
when not provided a context
when the document is new
defaults the context to :create
when the document is persisted
defaults the context to :update
when the document is new
defaults to 1
after the document's first save
returns 1
when saving multiple times
increments the version by 1
when version is less than the maximum
retains all versions
retains the correct values
when version is over the maximum
retains the set number of most recent versions
retains the most recent values
when the document is persisted
when the document is modified
returns the atomic updates
when an embeds many child is added
returns a $set and $pushAll for modifications
when an embeds one child is added
returns a $set for modifications
when an existing embeds many gets modified
returns the $set with correct position and modifications
when an existing 2nd level embedded child gets modified
returns the $set with correct positions and modifications
when a 2nd level embedded child gets added
returns the $set with correct positions and modifications
when adding a new second level child
returns the $set for 1st level and other for the 2nd level
when adding new embedded docs at multiple levels
returns the proper $sets and $pushAlls for all levels
when attribute does not exist
returns the default value
when attribute is not accessible
returns the value
when setting the attribute to nil
does not use the default value
when field has a default value
should allow overwriting of the default value
when the field is not _id
prevents setting via mass assignment
when the field is _id
prevents setting via mass assignment
when using instantiate
ignores any protected attribute
when the field is not _id
prevents setting via mass assignment
when the field is _id
prevents setting via mass assignment
when using instantiate
ignores any protected attribute
delegates to #id
when using object ids
when providing an object id
sets the id as the object id
when providing a string
sets the id as the object id
when providing an integer
sets the id as the supplied value to_s
when using string ids
when providing an object id
sets the id as the string of the object id
when providing a string
sets the id as the string
when providing an integer
sets the id as the supplied value to_s
when using integer ids
when providing a string
sets the id as the integer
when providing an integer
sets the id as the supplied value
when an attribute exists
allows the getter
allows the setter
returns true for respond_to?
when passing non accessible fields
does not set the value
when attributes dont have fields defined
when allowing dynamic fields
when attribute is a string
adds the string to the attributes
when attribute is not a string
adds a cast value to the attributes
when not allowing dynamic fields
raises an error
when supplied hash has string values
casts integers
casts booleans
casts ids
sets empty strings to nil
when associations provided in the attributes
when association is a has_one
sets the associations
when association is a references_one
sets the associations
when association is a embedded_in
sets the association
when non-associations provided in the attributes
calls the setter for the association
when an empty array is provided in the attributes
sets the empty array
when an empty hash is provided in the attributes
sets the empty hash
updating when attributes already exist
only overwrites supplied attributes
when attribute does not exist
returns the default value
when attribute is not accessible
returns the value
when attribute does not exist
returns false
when attribute does exist
returns true
when the attribute exists
removes the attribute
when the attribute does not exist
does nothing
when attribute does not exist
returns the default value
when setting the attribute to nil
does not use the default value
when field has a default value
should allow overwriting of the default value
when the key has been specified as a field
retuns the typed value
when the key has not been specified as a field
returns the value
typecasts proc values
properly casts values
allows passing of nil
on a parent document
when the parent has a has many through a has one
does not overwrite child attributes if not in the hash
on a child document
when child is part of a has one
sets the child attributes on the parent
when child is part of a has many
updates the child attributes on the parent
properly casts values
allows passing of nil
on a parent document
when the parent has a has many through a has one
does not overwrite child attributes if not in the hash
on a child document
when child is part of a has one
sets the child attributes on the parent
when child is part of a has many
updates the child attributes on the parent
includes the before_create callback
includes the after_create callback
includes the before_destroy callback
includes the after_destroy callback
includes the before_save callback
includes the after_save callback
includes the before_update callback
includes the after_update callback
includes the before_validation callback
includes the after_validation callback
includes the after_initialize callback
runs after document instantiation
callback returns true
should get saved
callback returns false
should not get saved
Mongo::Collection write operations
defines <<
defines create_index
defines drop
defines drop_index
defines drop_indexes
defines insert
defines remove
defines rename
defines save
defines update
Mongo::Collection read operations
defines []
defines db
defines count
defines distinct
defines find
defines find_one
defines group
defines index_information
defines map_reduce
defines mapreduce
defines stats
defines options
master and slave
when the database is named
should use the named database master
should use the named database slaves
when an enslave option is not passed
uses the default
when an enslave option is passed
overwrites the default
when cached option is passed
removed the cache option
when no block supplied
finds return a cursor
when a block is supplied
yields to the cursor and closes it
when an enslave option exists
sends the query to the slave pool
deletes the enslave option
when an enslave option does not exist
sends the query to the master
when an enslave option exists
sends the query to the slave pool
deletes the enslave option
when an enslave option does not exist
sends the query to the master
defaults the counter to -1
when the iterator has just been created
returns the first element
when the iterator is in the middle
returns the next element given the index
when the iterator is on the last element
returns the first element
resets the counter
Mongo::Collection operations
defines []
defines db
defines count
defines distinct
defines find
defines find_one
defines group
defines index_information
defines map_reduce
defines mapreduce
defines stats
defines options
defines <<
defines create_index
defines drop
defines drop_index
defines drop_indexes
defines insert
defines remove
defines rename
defines save
defines update
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
when the slaves exist
returns false
when the slaves do not exist
returns true
when the slaves are nil
returns true
Mongo::Collection operations
defines []
defines db
defines count
defines distinct
defines find
defines find_one
defines group
defines index_information
defines map_reduce
defines mapreduce
defines stats
defines options
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
delegates to the collection
sets the collection name to the class pluralized
when the document is embedded
when there is no cyclic relation
raises an error
when a cyclic relation exists
returns the collection
on a parent class
sets the collection name on the document class
on a subclass
sets the collection name for the entire hierarchy
returns index information from the collection
sets the logger on the connection
on a parent class
sets the collection name and collection for the document
on a subclass
changes the collection name for the entire hierarchy
sets the value
sets the sort order
when direction is :asc
should be true
when direction is :desc
should be false
when a is nil
and b is nil
should == 0
and b is not nil
should == 1
when a is not nil
and b is nil
should == -1
and b is not nil
should use default comparison
when direction is ascending
returns the results of compare
when direction is descending
returns the inverse of compare
groups by the fields provided in the options
stores the counts in proper groups
returns the avg value for the supplied field
returns the size of the enumerable
when the criteria is limited
returns an array of distinct values for the field
when the criteria is not limited
returns an array of distinct values for the field
calls sort on the filtered collection
when the selector is present
returns the matching documents from the array
when selector is empty
returns all the documents
when skip and limit are in the options
properly narrows down the matching results
when limit is set without skip in the options
properly narrows down the matching results
when skip is set without limit in the options
properly skips the specified records
when a selector is present
returns the first that matches the selector
groups by the fields provided in the options
stores the documents in proper groups
sets the selector
sets the options
sets the documents
executes the criteria
when the selector is present
returns the last matching in the enumerable
returns the max value for the supplied field
returns the min value for the supplied field
when the selector is present
returns the first matching in the enumerable
when the page option exists
returns the page option
when the page option does not exist
returns 1
executes and paginates the results
when a limit option exists
returns 20
when a limit option does not exist
returns the limit
with no sort options
returns the documents as is
with sort options
sorts by the key
returns the sum of all the field values
with a single argument
when the document is found
returns a matching document
when the document is not found
raises an error
multiple arguments
when an array of ids
when documents are found
returns matching documents
when documents are not found
raises an error
when an array of object ids
when documents are found
returns matching documents
when documents are not found
raises an error
when klass not provided
calls group on the collection with the aggregate js
calls group on the collection with the aggregate js
when a document exists
returns false
when a document does not exist
returns true
when criteria has not been executed
returns a count from the cursor
when criteria has been executed
returns the count from the cursor without creating the documents
returns delegates to distinct on the collection
when not paginating
calls find on the collection
when paginating
returns the cursor
should find the count from the cursor
when field options are supplied
when _type not in the field list
adds _type to the fields
when klass provided
calls group on the collection with the aggregate js
when hereditary
set the selector to query across the _type when it is hereditary
when not hereditary
does not add the type to the selector
when not caching
executes the criteria
when caching
when executing once
executes the criteria
when executing twice
executes only once and it caches the result
when there is no block
executes the context
when documents exist
calls find on the collection with the selector and sort options reversed
when no documents exist
returns nil
when no sorting options provided
defaults to sort by id
calls group on the collection with the aggregate js
calls group on the collection with the aggregate js
when documents exist
calls find on the collection with the selector and options
when no documents exist
returns nil
when the page option exists
returns the page option
when the page option does not exist
returns 1
executes and paginates the results
#paginate use last passed arguments
uses last passed per_page and page value
returns the first document
updates the criteria with the new skip value
when klass not provided
calls group on the collection with the aggregate js
with a single argument
when the document is found
returns a matching document
when the document is not found
raises an error
multiple arguments
when an array of ids
when documents are found
returns matching documents
when documents are not found
raises an error
when an array of object ids
when documents are found
returns matching documents
when documents are not found
raises an error
when criteria is for a top-level document
creates a Mongo context
when criteria is for an embedded document
creates an Enumerable context
when versions exist
returns a new document
has an id
has a different id from the original
does not clone the versions
unmemoizes the relations
returns a new instance
dups @accessed
dups @attributes
dups @metadata
dups @modifications
dups @previous_modifications
when versions exist
returns a new document
has an id
has a different id from the original
does not clone the versions
unmemoizes the relations
returns a new instance
dups @accessed
dups @attributes
dups @metadata
dups @modifications
dups @previous_modifications
when the other object is a Criteria
returns true
when the other object is not compatible
returns false
when the criteria has not been executed
executes the criteria and concats the results
when the other is a criteria
concats the results
when the criteria has not been executed
executes the criteria and returns the difference
when the criteria has not been executed
executes the criteria and returns the element at the index
when methods delegate to the context
delegates to the context
delegates to the context
when the context is blank
returns true
when the context is not blank
returns false
delegates to the context
delegates to the context
when there are documents in the db
call the count context and return true if there are element
when there are no documents in the db
call the count context and return false if there are no element
delegates to the context
delegates to the context
delegates to the context
delegates to the context
delegates to the context
delegates to the context
delegates to the context
delegates to the context
delegates to the context
delegates to the context
copies the selector
copies the options
copies the embedded flag
references the class
references the documents
when the context has been set
returns the memoized context
when the context has not been set
creates a new context
when the class is embedded
returns an enumerable context
when the class is not embedded
returns a mongo context
filters out empty page params
filters out empty per page params
when type is :all
does not add the count instance variable
when type is not :first
calls find on the collection with the selector and options
when the criteria has not been executed
executes the criteria
when the criteria has been executed
calls each on the existing results
when no block is passed
returns self
when caching
caches the results of the cursor iteration
sets the selector to an empty hash
sets the options to an empty hash
sets the documents to an empty array
sets the klass to the given class
with another criteria
when the other has a selector and options
merges the selector
merges the options
when the other has no selector or options
merges the selector
merges the options
when the other has a document collection
merges the documents collection in
merges the criteria with the next one
chaining more than one scope
returns the final merged criteria
always returns a new criteria
when returning a non-criteria object
does not attempt to merge
when expecting behaviour of an array
collects the criteria and calls []
collects the criteria and call rand
when the options contain sort criteria
changes sort to order_by
with a single argument
when the arg is a string
delegates to #id_criteria
when the arg is an object id
delegates to #id_criteria
multiple arguments
when an array of ids
delegates to #id_criteria
when Person, :conditions => {}
returns a criteria with a selector from the conditions
returns a criteria with klass Person
when Person, :conditions => {:id => id}
returns a criteria with a selector from the conditions
returns a criteria with klass Person
when :all, :conditions => {}
returns a criteria with a selector from the conditions
returns a criteria with klass Person
when :last, :conditions => {}
returns a criteria with a selector from the conditions
returns a criteria with klass Person
when options are provided
sets the selector
sets the options
when providing a selector
adds the selector
when providing a selector and options
adds the selector
adds the options
when chaining criteria after an initial execute
should not carry scope to cloned criteria
sets the key
sets the operator
when comparing equivalent objects
is identifiable as equal
hashes to the same value
when comparing different objects
is identifiable as different
hashes to a different value
when provided a valid selector
calls create on the class with the attributes
when provided invalid selectors
ignores the attributes
adds the $ne query to the selector
returns a copy
when passing an id
when setting the field as id
updates the selector
when setting the field as _id
updates the selector
when existing ne criteria exists
appends to the selector
adds the exclusion to the selector
returns a copy
when existing nin criteria exists
appends to the nin selector
when args are provided
adds the options for limiting by fields
returns a copy
when no args provided
does not add the field option
adds the $all query to the selector
returns a copy
when all criteria exists
appends to the existing criteria
returns a copy
when provided a hash
adds the clause to the selector
when provided a string
adds the $where clause to the selector
aliases to #in
when provided a hash
on different fields
adds the $or criteria to the selector
on the same fields
adds the $or criteria to the selector
when supplying an array
adds the $or criteria to the selector
adds the $in clause to the selector
returns a copy
when existing in criteria exists
appends to the existing criteria
adds the $near modifier to the selector
returns a copy
when provided a hash
with simple hash keys
adds the clause to the selector
when field defined as an array
allows a single value to be passed
with complex criterion
returns a selector matching an all clause
returns a selector matching an exists clause
returns a selector matching a gt clause
returns a selector matching a gte clause
returns a selector matching an in clause
returns a selector matching a lt clause
returns a selector matching a lte clause
returns a selector matching a ne clause
returns a selector matching a ne clause
returns a selector matching a nin clause
returns a selector matching a size clause
returns a selector matching a ne clause
when provided a string
adds the $where clause to the selector
when providing a field
adds the ascending sort criteria
when providing nothing
does not modify the sort criteria
when providing a field
adds the ascending sort criteria
when providing nothing
does not modify the sort criteria
sets the cache option on the criteria
returns a copy
when the criteria has a cache option
returns true
when the criteria has no cache option
returns false
when chaining sort criteria
does not overwrite any previous criteria
when providing a field
adds the descending sort criteria
when providing nothing
does not modify the sort criteria
when providing a field
adds the descending sort criteria
when providing nothing
does not modify the sort criteria
sets the enslaved option on the criteria
returns a copy
returns a copy
when page is provided
sets the limit and skip options
when per_page is provided
sets the limit and skip options
when page and per_page both provided
sets the limit and skip options
when extras are provided
adds the extras to the options
with not using object ids
when passing a single id
when the id is a string
adds the _id query to the selector
returns a copy
when the id is an object id
adds the _id query to the selector
returns a copy
when passing in an array of ids
adds the _id query to the selector
when passing in an array with only one id
adds the _id query to the selector
when using object ids
when passing a single id
when the id is a string
adds the _id query to the selector convert like BSON::ObjectId
returns a copy
when the id is an object id
adds the _id query to the selector without cast
returns a copy
when passing in an array of ids
adds the _id query to the selector with all ids like BSON::ObjectId
returns a copy
when value provided
adds the limit to the options
when value not provided
defaults to 20
when the per_page option exists
returns the per_page option
when the skip option exists
returns the skip option
when an argument is provided
delegates to skip
when no option exists
when page option exists
returns the proper skip number
sets the proper skip option
when page option does not exist
returns nil
returns a copy
when field names and direction specified
adds the sort to the options
when providing a hash of options
adds the sort to the options
when providing multiple symbols
adds the sort to the options
when the page option exists
returns the page option
when the page option does not exist
returns 1
returns a copy
when value provided
adds the skip value to the options
when value not provided
defaults to zero
when the type is a string
adds the _type query to the selector
returns a copy
when the type is an Array of type
adds the _type query to the selector
returns a copy
should store the class
should store the values provided
should typecast values when possible
should typecast complex conditions
should typecast values when possible
should typecast values when possible
when the key is not a declared field
returns the value
when the key is a declared field
returns the typecast value
when the value is simple
should delegate to the field to typecast
when the field is an array
allows the simple value to be set
when the value is a regex
should return the regex unmodified
when the value is an array
and the field type is array
should let the field typecast the value
and the field type is not array
should typecast each value
when the value is a hash
and the field type is not hash
should not modify the original value
when the hash is an $exists query
should not typecast the hash
typecasts the value
when the hash is a $size query
should not typecast the hash
typecasts the value
and the field type is a hash
should let the field typecast the value
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
delegates to the proxy
returns the mongoid collection
yields to the next document
returns the next document from the proxied cursor
converts the proxy cursor to an array of documents
should == {:sort=>[[:name, :asc]]}
combined with a named scope
should == {:sort=>[[:name, :asc]]}
should == {:status=>"active"}
when the attribute has changed
returns an array of the old value and new value
allows access via (attribute)_change
when the attribute changes multiple times
returns an array of the original value and new value
allows access via (attribute)_change
when the attribute is modified in place
when the attribute is an array
returns an array of the original value and new value
allows access via (attribute)_change
when the attribute changes multiple times
returns an array of the original value and new value
when the attribute is a hash
returns an array of the original value and new value
allows access via (attribute)_change
when the attribute changes multiple times
returns an array of the original value and new value
when the attribute has not changed
returns an empty array
when the attribute has been set with the same value
returns an empty array
when the attribute is removed
returns an empty array
when the attribute has changed
returns true
allows access via (attribute)_changed?
when the attribute has not changed
returns false
when the attribute has changed
returns the old value
allows access via (attribute)_was
when the attribute has not changed
returns the original value
when the document has changed
returns an array of changed field names
when the document has not changed
returns an empty array
when the document has changed
returns true
when the document has not changed
returns false
when the document has changed
returns a hash of changes
when the document has not changed
returns an empty hash
when the document has changed
when the document is a root document
returns a hash of field names and new values
when the document is embedded
returns a hash of field names and new values
when the document is embedded multiple levels
returns the proper hash with locations
when the document has not changed
returns an empty hash
when the document has been saved
returns the changes before the save
when the document has not been saved
returns an empty hash
when the attribute has changed
resets the value to the original
allows access via reset_(attribute)!
removes the field from the changes
when the attribute has not changed
does nothing
when the attribute has changed
does not reset the value
removes the note of the change
does not respond to _destroy
when comparable is not a document
returns false
when comparable is a document
when it has the same id
returns true
when it has a different id
when the instances are the same
returns true
when the instances are different
returns false
when comparable is an instance of this document
returns true
when comparable is a relation of this document
returns true
when comparable is the same class
returns true
when comparable is the same type
returns true
compares based on the document id
when the document is subclassed
includes the root
includes the subclasses
when the document is not subclassed
returns the document
returns the attributes with indifferent access
when comparable is not a document
returns false
when comparable is a document
when it has the same id
returns true
when it has a different id
when the instances are the same
returns true
when the instances are different
returns false
returns the id hash
creates a new identity
sets persisted to false
creates an id for the document
sets the attributes
when initialize callbacks are defined
runs the callbacks
when defaults are defined
sets the default values
when a block is provided
yields to the block
when an id exists
sets the attributes
sets persisted to true
when attributes are nil
creates a new document
creates an id
returns the internal attributes
when the document has been persisted
reloads the attributes
reloads the relations
when the document is new
when raising a not found error
raises an error
when not raising a not found error
sets the attributes to empty
when a relation is set as nil
removes the instance variable
when child is an embeds one
removes the relation instance
when child is an embeds many
removes the document from the relation target
returns the document in an array
includes embeds one attributes
includes embeds many attributes
includes second level embeds many attributes
when the document is new
returns nil
when the document is not new
returns the id in an array
when the document is new
returns nil
when the document is not new
returns the id as a string
attribute readers
exists for @identifiers
exists for @klass
contains document not found
returns that create can not be called
returns the class name
returns a message with the bad db object class
returns a message with the bad type and supplied value
returns a message with the bad version and good version
contains the errors' full messages
contains the a reference to the document
contains class is not allowed
contains class is not allowed
contains error message
when the value is not an array
raises an error
when the value is nil
returns nil
when the value is an array
returns the array
when the value is not an array
raises an error
when the value is nil
returns nil
when the value is an array
returns the array
sets the parent on each element
converts the string to a big decimal
when nil
returns nil
converts the big decimal to a string
when nil
returns nil
returns self
returns self
when 'true'
returns true
when 'false'
returns false
when 0
returns false
when 1
returns true
when nil
returns nil
returns the boolean
when given nil
returns nil
when string is empty
returns nil
when given a string
converts to a utc time
returns the right day
returns a utc date from the string
when given a DateTime
returns a time
when given a Time
converts to a utc time
strips miliseconds
returns utc times the same day, but at midnight
returns the date for the time
when given an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
converts it to utc
when given a Date
converts to a utc time
when given an Array
converts to a utc time
converts the time back to a date
when the time zone is not defined
when the local time is not observing daylight saving
returns the same day
when the local time is observing daylight saving
returns the same day
when the time zone is defined as UTC
returns the same day
when time is nil
returns nil
round trip - set then get
when the time zone is not defined
when the local time is not observing daylight saving
does not change the day
when the local time is observing daylight saving
does not change the day
converts to a datetime
when provided a Boolean
returns true
when provided a FalseClass
returns true
when provided a TrueClass
returns false
when provided an invalid class
returns false
when the value is a number
converts the number to a float
when the value is not a number
when the value is non numerical
returns the string
when the string is numerical
returns the float value for the string
when the string is empty
returns 0.0
when the string is nil
returns 0.0
returns the float
returns the hash
returns the hash
expands complex criteria to form a valid `where` hash
merges multiple complex criteria to form a valid `where` hash
returns self
when the value is a number
converts the number to an integer
when the string is not a number
when the string is non numerical
returns the string
when the string is numerical
returns the integer value for the string
when the string is empty
returns an empty string
when the string is nil
returns nil
returns the integer
returns ''
when the value is a mongoid document
instantiates a new class from the attributes
when the value is a primitive type
it returns the value
when the value is nil
returns nil
when object has attributes
converts the object to a hash
when the object is nil
returns nil
when the object is not nil
when the object responds to the method
returns the result of the method
when the object does not respond to the method
returns the result of the method
when not using object ids
returns args
when using object ids
transforms String args to BSON::ObjectIds
transforms all Strings inside an Array
when casting is false
doesnt change the argument types
returns self
with a blank string
returns nil
with a populated string
returns ObjectID
with an ObjectID
returns self
when the proc accessed a hash
calls the hash with the args
when the proc calls a criteria
returns the criteria scoped
returns the set if Array
returns an array
returns an array even if the value is a set
returns the string
when the value is not nil
returns the object to_s
when the value is nil
returns nil
returns an array with the string in it
when class is namepaced
returns an underscored tableized name
when class is not namespaced
returns an underscored tableized name
when parameterizing composite keys
converts the string to all lowercase and dashed
when not parameterizing keys
does nothing to the keys
returns the underscored name humanized
when singular
returns true
when string is added to inflections
returns true
when plural
returns false
when string is added to inflections
returns false
when singular
returns false
when string is added to inflections
returns false
when plural
returns true
when string is added to inflections
returns true
when asc
returns desc
when ascending
returns descending
when desc
returns asc
when descending
returns ascending
when string is a reader
returns self
when string is a writer
returns the reader
when string is a reader
returns false
when string is a writer
returns true
when given nil
returns nil
when string is empty
returns nil
when given a symbol
returns the symbol
when given a string
returns the symbol
returns a symbol
returns the same symbol
when singular
returns true
when plural
returns false
when singular
returns false
when plural
returns true
when :asc
returns :desc
when :ascending
returns :descending
when :desc
returns :asc
when :descending
returns :ascending
returns :"foo $gt"
returns :"foo $near"
returns :foo $within
when given nil
returns nil
when string is empty
returns nil
when given a string
converts to a utc time
uses Time.parse - note that this returns the wrong day due sometimes since it ignores the time zone
returns a local date from the string due to a limitation in Time.parse
when using the ActiveSupport time zone
when the local time is not observing daylight saving
returns the local time
when the local time is observing daylight saving
returns the local time
when given a DateTime
returns a time
when using the ActiveSupport time zone
assumes the given time is local
when given a Time
converts to a utc time
strips miliseconds
returns utc times unchanged
returns the time as utc
when given an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
converts it to utc
when given a Date
converts to a utc time
when using the ActiveSupport time zone
assumes the given time is local
when given an array
returns a time
when using the ActiveSupport time zone
assumes the given time is local
when the time zone is not defined
when the local time is not observing daylight saving
returns the local time
when the local time is observing daylight saving
returns the local time
when we have a time close to midnight
change it back to the equivalent local time
when using the ActiveSupport time zone
returns an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
when the local time is not observing daylight saving
returns the local time
when the local time is observing daylight saving
returns the local time
when we have a time close to midnight
change it back to the equivalent local time
when the time zone is defined as UTC
returns utc
when using the ActiveSupport time zone
returns utc
returns an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
when time is nil
returns nil
round trip - set then get
when the time zone is not defined
when the local time is not observing daylight saving
returns the local time
when the local time is observing daylight saving
returns the local time
when we have a time close to midnight
does not change a local time
when the time zone is defined as UTC
when the local time is not observing daylight saving
returns UTC
when the local time is observing daylight saving
returns UTC
when we have a time close to midnight
changes the day since UTC is behind Stockholm
when provided a Boolean
returns true
when provided a FalseClass
returns false
when provided a TrueClass
returns true
when provided an invalid class
returns false
sets the cached boolean on the class
when the class is cached
returns true
when the class is not cached
returns false
returns the class cached? value
sets the enslaved boolean on the class
when the class is enslaved
returns true
when the class is not enslaved
returns false
returns the class enslaved? value
when the _type attribute is present
instantiates based on the type
when _type is not preset
instantiates based on the type
returns the default option
returns the typed value
when the field is an array
when the array is user defined
dups the array
when the array is object ids
when using object ids
performs conversion on the ids if strings
when not using object ids
does not convert
when the field is a hash
dups the hash
when the field name is invalid
raises an error
when the default value does not match the type
raises an error
returns the name
defaults to Object
defaults to nil
allows a label to be set an retrieved
nil is provided
returns the default value
value is provided
sets the value
returns the value
stores the arbitrary options
returns a hash of all the default values
with defaults specified as a non-primitive
should not return the same object when calling defaults with a default hash
should not return the same object when calling defaults with a default array
on parent classes
does not return subclass defaults
on subclasses
has the parent and child defaults
with no options
adds a reader for the fields defined
adds a writer for the fields defined
adds an reader method with a question mark
adds field methods in a module to allow overriding and preserve inheritance
when the type is an object
returns the given value
when type is a mongoid document
allows proper access to the object
adds an reader method with a question mark
when type is a boolean
adds an accessor method with a question mark
when as is specified
uses the alias to write the attribute
uses the alias to read the attribute
uses the alias for the query method
on parent classes
does not return subclass fields
on subclasses
has the parent and child fields
when a selector is provided
finds from the collection and instantiate objects for each returned
when a selector is not provided
finds from the collection and instantiate objects for each returned
returns a new criteria with select conditions added
returns a new criteria with select conditions added
with options provided
delegates to the criteria api
when no options provided
adds in the default parameters
when options are provided
when count is greater than zero
returns true
when the count is zero
returns false
when no options are provided
when count is greater than zero
returns true
when the count is zero
returns false
returns a new criteria with select conditions added
when an id is provided
when a document is found
returns the document
when no document is found
raises an error
when it is called with a nil value
raises an InvalidOptions error
when an array of ids is passed in
when a document is found
returns the document
when no document is found
raises an error
when finding first
delegates to criteria
when finding all
delegates to find_all
when sorting
adds the sort parameters for the collection call
when the document is found
returns the document
when the document is not found
creates a new document
sets the attributes
when the document is found
returns the document
when the document is not found
creates a new document
sets the attributes
when a selector is provided
returns the first document in the collection
when a selector is not provided
finds the first document from the collection and instantiates it
finds the last document by the id
returns the sum of a new criteria
returns the sum of a new criteria
returns a new criteria with select conditions added
when pagination parameters are passed
delegates to will paginate with the results
when pagination parameters are not passed
delegates to will paginate with default values
returns a new criteria with select conditions added
returns the sum of a new criteria
returns a new criteria with select conditions added
returns a new criteria with select conditions added
with one level of embedding
includes embeds_one documents
includes embeds_many documents
with multiple levels of embedding
includes embeds_one documents
includes embeds_many documents
includes embedded documents multiple levels deep
when the document is a subclass
returns true
when the document is not a subclass
returns false
when the document is a subclass
returns true
when the document is not a subclass
returns false
sets the parent document
when the document is not the root
returns the root
when the document is the root
returns self
when the class is polymorphic
sets the document type to the class name
when class is inherited
sets the document _type to the class name
when class is a subclass
sets the document _type to the class name
when not using inheritance
does not set the type
when the document has a primary key
sets the id to the composite key
when the document has no primary key
when the document has no id
when using object ids
sets the id to a mongo object id
when not using object ids
sets the id to a mongo object id string
when the document has an id
returns the existing id
adds an index_options accessor
defaults index_options to empty hash
creates the indexes
when indexes have not been added
adds the _type index
when indexes have been added
ignores the request
when unique
creates a unique index on the collection
when not unique
creates an index on the collection
with allow_dynamic_fields = false
returns a pretty string of class name and attributes
with allow_dynamic_fields = true
returns a pretty string of class name, attributes, and dynamic attributes
returns the aggregate function
returns the group function
returns the max function
returns the min function
returns the sum function
when config set to true
returns true
when config set to false
returns false
when provided a type
sets the type of the id
when key is single field
adds the callback for primary key generation
changes the _id_type to a string
when key is composite
combines all fields
when key is on a subclass
sets the key for the entire hierarchy
when id type is an object id
returns true
when id type is not an object id
returns false
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/bg.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/de.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/en.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/es.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/fr.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/hu.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/it.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/kr.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/nl.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/pl.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/pt-br.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/pt.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/ro.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/sv.yml
no parsing errors for locale lib/config/locales/zh-CN.yml
returns Mongoid's configured logger
with a logger set
info delegates to the configured logger
debug delegates to the configured logger
warn delegates to the configured logger
error delegates to the configured logger
fatal delegates to the configured logger
with a nil logger
info does nothing
debug does nothing
warn does nothing
error does nothing
fatal does nothing
when the values are equal
returns true
when the values are not equal
returns false
when the values are equal
returns true
when the values are not equal
returns false
#matches? when comparing a String to an Array attribute
when the attribute contains the value
returns true
when the attribute does not contain the value
returns false
when checking for existence
when the value exists
returns true
when the value does not exist
returns false
when checking for nonexistence
when the value exists
returns false
when the value does not exist
returns true
when the value is larger
returns true
when the value is smaller
returns false
when the value is nil
returns false
when the value is larger
returns true
when the value is smaller
returns false
when the value is equal
returns true
when the value is nil
returns false
when the values includes the attribute
returns true
when the values dont include the atribute
returns false
when the value is larger
returns false
when the value is smaller
returns true
when the value is nil
returns false
when the value is larger
returns false
when the value is smaller
returns true
when the value is equal
returns true
when the value is nil
returns false
when the values are not equal
returns true
when the values are equal
returns false
when the values do not contain the attribute
returns true
when the values contain the attribute
returns false
when the attribute is the same size
returns true
when the attribute is not the same size
returns false
when performing simple matching
when the attributes match
returns true
when the attributes dont match
returns false
when performing complex matching
with an $all selector
when the attributes match
returns true
when the attributes do not match
returns false
with an $exists selector
when the attributes match
returns true
when the attributes do not match
returns false
with a $gt selector
when the attributes match
returns true
when the attributes do not match
returns false
with a $gte selector
when the attributes match
returns true
when the attributes do not match
returns false
with an $in selector
when the attributes match
returns true
when the attributes do not match
returns false
with a $lt selector
when the attributes match
returns true
when the attributes do not match
returns false
with a $lte selector
when the attributes match
returns true
when the attributes do not match
returns false
with an $ne selector
when the attributes match
returns true
when the attributes do not match
returns false
with a $nin selector
when the attributes match
returns true
when the attributes do not match
returns false
with a $size selector
when the attributes match
returns true
when the attributes do not match
returns false
when safe mode provided
increments with the safe mode in the options
when safe mode not provided
increments with safe mode as globally defined
in conjunction with dirty attributes
does not mark the field as dirty
persists the $inc modifier
returns the new field value
sets the database key on the class
creating a post
should set a multi-parameter Time attribute correctly
should not leave ugly attributes on the model
creating a person
with a valid DOB
should set a multi-parameter Date attribute correctly
with an invalid DOB
should raise an exception
with a blank DOB
should not raise an exception
should generate a nil date
with a partially blank DOB
should not raise an exception
should set empty date's parts to 1
adds a class method for the scope
adds the scope to the scopes
when options are a hash
adds the selector to the scope
when options are a criteria
adds the selector to the scope
when options are a proc
when the proc delegates to a hash
adds the selector to the scope
when the proc delegates to a criteria
adds the selector to the scope
when a block is supplied
adds a class method for the scope
adds the scope to the scopes
aliases to named_scope
chained scopes
when chaining two named scopes
merges the criteria
when chaining named scoped with criteria class methods
merges the criteria
adds a method for handling the attributes
adds the method name to the nested attributes list
removes the document from the database
sets destroyed to true
when the document was marked as deleted
returns true
when the document was not marked as deleted
returns true
sets the deleted_at flag in the database
sets the deleted flag
removes the deleted_at flag from the database
removes the deleted flag
when document is root
returns nil
when document is an embeds_one
returns $unset
when document is an embeds_many
returns $pull
when document is root
returns nil
when document is an embeds_one
returns $set
when document is an embeds_many
returns $push
when the document is a parent
returns an empty string
when the document is embedded
returns the inverse_of value of the association
when document embedded multiple levels
returns the JSON notation to the document
when the document is a parent
returns an id._selector
when the document is embedded
returns the association with id._selector
when document embedded multiple levels
returns the JSON notation to the document with ids
when the document is a parent
returns an empty string
when the document is embedded
when the document is new
returns the._path without index
when the document is not new
returns the._path plus index
when document embedded multiple levels
when the document is new
returns the._path with parent indexes
when the document is not new
returns the._path plus index
when the document is a parent
returns an empty string
when the document is embedded
when the document is not new
returns the._path without the index
and there are 10 or more documents
returns the._path without the index
when document embedded multiple levels
when the document is not new
returns the._path plus index
when the embedded document is an embeds_one
when the parent is new
notifies its changes to parent and inserts the parent
when the parent is not new
performs an in place $set on the embedded document
sets new_record to false
when the embedded document is an embeds_many
when the parent is new
notifies its changes to the parent and inserts the parent
sets new_record to false
when the parent is not new
performs a $push on the embedded array
when we add the parent to the child
performs a $push on the embedded array
sets the document
sets the collection
defaults validation to true
sets the options
when the document is valid
inserts the new document
returns the document
sets new_record to false
when the document is not valid
returns the document
leaves the document as a new record
when not validating
inserts the document in the database
when the document is embedded
delegates to the embedded persister
sets the collection
sets the options
sets the selector
when the document is a root document
remove_alls the document from the collection
returns the count of documents removed
when the embedded document is an embeds_one
when the parent is new
notifies its changes to parent and removes the parent
when the parent is not new
performs an in place $set on the embedded document
when the embedded document is an embeds_many
when the parent is new
notifies its changes to the parent and removes the document
when the parent is not new
performs a $pull on the embedded array
when embedded multiple levels
performs a $pull on the embedded array
sets the document
sets the collection
defaults validation to true
sets the options
when the document is a root document
removes the document from the collection
when the document is embedded
delegates to the embedded persister
sets the document
sets the collection
defaults validation to true
when the document is changed
when the document is a tree (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
when the document is valid
performs a $set for changed fields
moves the changed fields to previously changed
when the document is not valid
returns false
when not validating
updates the document in the database
when the document is embedded
performs a $set for the embedded changed fields
delegates to the insert persistence command
returns the new document
when validation passes
returns the new document
when validation fails
raises an error
when conditions provided
removes all documents from the collection for the conditions
returns the number of documents removed
when conditions not provided
removes all documents from the collection
returns the number of documents removed
when conditions provided
destroys each found document
returns the number destroyed
when conditions not provided
destroys each found document
returns the number destroyed
delegates to the remove persistence command
delegates to the remove persistence command
delegates to the insert persistence command
delegates to the remove persistence command
when the document is new
delegates to the insert persistence command
returns a boolean
when the document is not new
delegates to the update persistence command
returns a boolean
when validation passes
returns true
when validation failes
raises an error
delegates to the update persistence command
writes attributes and performs an update
when validation passes
writes attributes and performs an update
when validation fails
raises an error
when passing a hash as a validation parameter
delegates to the insert persistence command
when the document is new
when validation passes
delegates to the insert persistence command
returns a boolean
when validation fails
returns false
when the document is not new
delegates to the update persistence command
returns a boolean
A document loaded from rails
defines a _destroy method
always returns false
when the child of an embeds one
when the document is bindable
parentizes the documents
sets the inverse relation
when the document is not bindable
does nothing
when the child of an embeds many
when the document is bindable
parentizes the documents
sets the inverse relation
when the document is not bindable
does nothing
when the child of an embeds one
when the document is unbindable
removes the inverse relation
when the document is not unbindable
does nothing
when the child of an embeds many
when the document is unbindable
removes the inverse relation
when the document is not unbindable
does nothing
when the documents are bindable
parentizes the documents
sets the inverse relation
when the documents are not bindable
does nothing
when the document is bindable
parentizes the document
sets the inverse relation
when the document is not bindable
does nothing
when the documents are unbindable
removes the inverse relation
when the documents are not unbindable
does nothing
when the document is bindable
parentizes the documents
sets the inverse relation
when the document is not bindable
does nothing
when the document is unbindable
removes the inverse relation
when the document is not unbindable
does nothing
when a document is provided
returns the document
when attributes are provided
returns a new document
sets the attributes on the document
when passed an array of documents
returns an array of documents
when the array is empty
returns an empty array
when passed nil
returns an empty array
when no type is in the object
returns an array of documents
creates the correct type of documents
sets the object on the documents
when a type is in the object
returns an array of documents
creates the correct type of document
sets the object on the document
when provided nil
returns nil
when provided a document
returns the document
when no type is in the object
creates the correct type of document
sets the object on the document
when a type is in the object
creates the correct type of document
sets the object on the document
when the option is provided
returns the option
when the option is not provided
returns false
when attributes are over limit
raises an error
when rejectable
rejects the matching attributes
when ids are present
updates existing documents
when ids are not present
adds new documents
sorts the attributes
when the proc is provided
when the proc matches
returns true
when the proc does not match
returns false
when the proc is not provided
returns false
when the option is provided
returns the option
when the option is not provided
returns false
when the option is provided
returns the option
when the option is not provided
returns false
when attributes are rejectable
does not change the relation
when attributes are updatable
updates the relation
when attributes are replacable
updates the relation
when attributes are deletable
deletes the relation
when the attribute exists
returns the value
when the attribute does not exist
returns nil
when the proc is provided
when the proc matches
returns true
when the proc does not match
returns false
when the proc is not provided
returns false
when the option is provided
returns the option
when the option is not provided
returns false
when provided an id
when the object is an object id
sets the document
when the object is an integer
sets the document
when provided a object
returns the object
when provided an id
sets the documents
when provided a object
returns the object
when provided ids
sets the documents
when provided a object
when the object is not nil
returns the objects
when the object is nil
returns the object
when provided an id
sets the document
when provided a object
returns the object
when the documents exist
deletes all documents in the relation
when no documents exist
does not delete anything
when the documents exist
destroys all documents in the relation
when no documents exist
does not destroy anything
nullifies the relation
when a dependent option is provided
adds the action to the cascades
returns self
when no dependent option is provided
does not add an action to the cascades
returns self
when the id's class stores object ids
when provided an object id
returns the object id
when provided a string
returns an object id from the string
when the id's class does not store object ids
returns the object
creates the parent relation
creates the child relation
creates the parent relation
creates the child relation
when the proxied document is same class
returns true
when building
does not save the document
when not building
does not save the target
returns the embedded one builder
returns true
parentizes the child
returns embeds_one
returns the single nested builder
when passing a document
sets a new target
returns the relation
when passing nil
sets a new target
returns the relation
when the target is persisted
when the base has not been destroyed
deletes the base
when the base is already destroyed
does not delete the target
when the target is not persisted
does not delete the base
when the base is persisted
appends the document to the target
adds the metadata to the target
indexes the target
when the base is not persisted
does not save the target
when the base is persisted
appends the document to the target
adds the metadata to the target
indexes the target
when the base is not persisted
does not save the target
when the base is persisted
appends the document to the target
adds the metadata to the target
indexes the target
when the base is not persisted
does not save the target
when building
does not save the target docs
when not building
when the base is persisted
saves all target docs
when the base is not persisted
does not save any docs
binds the document
appends a new document to the target
identifies the document
indexes the document
sets the parent on the document
sets the metadata on the document
returns the many builder
returns the number of persisted documents
builds and saves a new document
when validation passes
builds and saves a new document
when validation fails
raises an error
when the document is in the target
removes the document from the target
reindexes the target
returns the matching document
when the document is not in the target
returns nil
when conditions are provided
removes the matching documents
reindexes the target
when no conditions are provided
removes all documents
when conditions are provided
removes the matching documents
reindexes the target
when no conditions are provided
removes all documents
returns true
when providing an id
when the id matches
returns the matching document
when the id does not match
when config set to raise error
raises an error
when config set not to raise error
returns nil
when providing an array of ids
when the ids match
returns the matching documents
when the ids do not match
when config set to raise error
raises an error
when config set not to raise error
returns an empty array
when finding first
when there is a match
returns the first matching document
when there is no match
returns nil
when finding last
when there is a match
returns the last matching document
when there is no match
returns nil
when finding all
when there is a match
returns the matching documents
when there is no match
returns an empty array
when the document exists
returns the document
when the document does not exist
creates the document
when the document exists
returns the document
when the document does not exist
returns a new document
returns embeds_many
returns the many nested builder class
when provided page and per page options
returns the correct number of documents
returns the supplied page of documents
when passing documents
sets a new target
returns the relation
when passing nil
sets a new target
returns the relation
returns an array of document hashes
when the base is persisted
when the target has not been destroyed
deletes the target
when the target is already destroyed
does not delete the target
when the base is not persisted
does not delete the target
when the proxied document is same class
returns true
when building
does not save the document
when not building
when the base is persisted
saves the target
when the base is not persisted
does not save the target
returns the embedded one builder
returns true
parentizes the child
returns embeds_one
returns the single nested builder
when passing a document
sets a new target
returns the relation
when passing nil
sets a new target
returns the relation
when the base is persisted
when the target has not been destroyed
deletes the target
when the target is already destroyed
does not delete the target
when the base is not persisted
does not delete the target
defines the macro
when defining the relation
adds the metadata to the klass
defines the getter
defines the setter
creates the correct relation
does not add associated validations
metadata properties
automatically adds the name
automatically adds the inverse class name
defines the macro
when defining the relation
adds the metadata to the klass
defines the getter
defines the setter
creates the correct relation
adds an associated validation
metadata properties
automatically adds the name
automatically adds the inverse class name
when setting validate to false
does not add associated validations
defines the macro
when defining the relation
adds the metadata to the klass
defines the getter
defines the setter
defines the builder
defines the creator
creates the correct relation
adds an associated validation
metadata properties
automatically adds the name
automatically adds the inverse class name
when setting validate to false
does not add associated validations
defines the macro
when defining the relation
adds the metadata to the klass
defines the getter
defines the setter
creates the correct relation
creates the field for the foreign key
does not add associated validations
metadata properties
automatically adds the name
automatically adds the inverse class name
defines the macro
when defining the relation
adds the metadata to the klass
defines the getter
defines the setter
creates the correct relation
adds an associated validation
metadata properties
automatically adds the name
automatically adds the inverse class name
when setting validate to false
does not add associated validations
defines the macro
when defining the relation
adds the metadata to the klass
defines the getter
defines the setter
creates the correct relation
creates the field for the foreign key
metadata properties
automatically adds the name
automatically adds the inverse class name
defines the macro
when defining the relation
adds the metadata to the klass
defines the getter
defines the setter
defines the builder
defines the creator
creates the correct relation
adds an associated validation
metadata properties
automatically adds the name
automatically adds the inverse class name
when setting validate to false
does not add associated validations
returns a hash of relations
has keys that are the relation name
has values that are metadata
returns a hash of relations
has keys that are the relation name
has values that are metadata
returns the builder from the relation
when no dependent option is set
returns nil
when dependent is delete
returns the delete strategy
when dependent is destroy
returns the destroy strategy
when dependent is nullify
returns the nullify strategy
returns the constraint object
when class_name provided
constantizes the class name
when no class_name provided
when association name is singular
classifies and constantizes the association name
when association name is plural
classifies and constantizes the association name
when the relation is embedded
returns true
when the relation is not embedded
returns false
returns the extend property
when an extends property exists
returns true
when the extend option is nil
returns false
when no foreign key was explicitly defined
when the relation stores a foreign key
when referenced in
when not providing a class name
returns the foreign_key
when providing a class name
returns the foreign_key
when the class is namespaces
returns the foreign_key without the module name
when references and referenced in many
returns the foreign_key
given a specific foreign key
returns the foreign_key
using name as foreign key
returns the foreign_key
when the relation does not store a foreign key
when references one
returns the inverse foreign key
when references many
when an inverse_of is defined
returns the inverse_of plus suffix
when the class is not namespaced
returns the inverse foreign key
when the class is namespaced
returns the foreign_key without the module name
when a foreign_key was defined
returns the foreign_key
when the relation stores keys in an array
returns an empty array
when the relation stores a single key
returns an empty array
when the relation is not polymorphic
returns the foreign_key plus =
when the relation is polymorphic
returns the polymorphic foreign_key plus =
contains all relevant information
when the relation is not polymorphic
returns nil
when the relation is polymorphic
returns the polymorphic name plus type
when the relation is not polymorphic
returns nil
when the relation is polymorphic
returns the inverse type plus =
when an index property exists
returns true
when the index option is nil
returns false
when the index option is false
returns false
when an inverse relation exists
when inverse_of is defined
returns the name of the inverse_of property
when not polymorphic
returns the name of the relation
when polymorphic
returns the name of the relation
when polymorphic on the child
returns the name of the relation
when in a cyclic relation
returns the name of the relation
when the inverse foreign key is not defined
returns the inverse class name plus suffix
constantizes the inverse_class_name
when the relation is not polymorphic
returns a string for the setter
when the relation is polymorphic
when a referenced in
returns a string for the setter
when a references many
returns a string for the setter
when relation is embedded
returns the name as a string
when relation is referenced
when relation stores foreign_key
when the relation is not polymorphic
returns the foreign_key
when the relation is polymorphic
returns the polymorphic foreign_key
when relation does not store a foreign_key
returns _id
constantizes the class_name
returns the macro from the relation
returns the nested builder from the relation
returns the autosave property
when a autosave property exists
returns true
when the autosave property is nil
returns false
returns the cyclic property
when a cyclic property exists
returns true
when the cyclic property is nil
returns false
returns the dependent property
when a dependent property exists
returns true
when the dependent property is nil
returns false
returns the inverse_class_name property
when a inverse_class_name property exists
returns true
when the inverse_class_name property is nil
returns false
returns the inverse_of property
when a inverse_of property exists
returns true
when the inverse_of property is nil
returns false
returns the name property
when a name property exists
returns true
when the name property is nil
returns false
returns the polymorphic property
when a polymorphic property exists
returns true
when the polymorphic property is nil
returns false
returns the relation property
when a relation property exists
returns true
when the relation property is nil
returns false
returns the order property
when a order property exists
returns true
when the order property is nil
returns false
when the relation is polymorphic
when the relation stores a foreign key
sets polymorphic to true
adds the foreign key type field
returns self
when the relation does not store a foreign key
sets polymorphic to true
does not add the foreign key type field
when the relation is not polymorphic
sets polymorphic to false
does not add the foreign key type field
when the document is in a polymorphic relation
returns true
when the document is not in a polymorphic relation
returns false
when the document is in a polymorphic relation
returns true
when the document is not in a polymorphic relation
returns false
returns the embedded in builder
returns false
returns _id
returns referenced_in
returns true
returns the embedded in builder
returns false
returns _id
returns references_many
returns false
returns the embedded in builder
returns false
returns _ids
returns references_and_referenced_in_many
returns true
returns the embedded in builder
returns false
returns _id
returns references_one
returns false
when the name exists
returns the association metadata
when the name does not exist
returns nil
when relations exist for the macros
when passing multiple arguments
returns an array of the relations
when passing a single argument
returns an array of the relations
when no relations exist for the macros
returns an empty array
when no argument supplied
returns an empty array
when the document has a parent
returns true
when the document has no parent
when the document is embedded in
returns true
when the document class is not embedded in
returns false
when the document is in an embeds_many
returns true
when the document is not in an embeds_many
returns false
when the document is in an embeds_one
returns true
when the document is not in an embeds_one
returns false
when the document is in an references_many
returns true
when the document is not in an references_many
returns false
when the document is in an references_one
returns true
when the document is not in an references_one
returns false
returns a safe proxy
proxies the class
defaults the safety options to true
with options
returns a safe proxy
proxies the class
stores the safety options
returns a safe proxy
proxies the document
defaults the safety value to true
with options
returns a safe proxy
proxies the class
stores the safety options
when proxying a document instance
when using default safety level
behaves like a safely persisting document instance
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
when using specified safety level
behaves like a safely persisting document instance
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with options provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
when proxying a class
when using default safety level
behaves like a safely persisting class
without attributes provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with attributes provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without attributes provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with attributes provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without conditions provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with conditions provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without onditions provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with conditions provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
when using a specified safety level
behaves like a safely persisting class
without attributes provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with attributes provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without attributes provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with attributes provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without conditions provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with conditions provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
without onditions provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
with conditions provided
sends the safe mode option to the command
stores the provided conditions
when a block is passed in
it stores the extensions
without any extensions
does nothing
with extensions
extends the criteria
when calling new on the document
returns true
when the object has been saved
returns false
when the object has not been saved
returns true
when calling new on the document
returns true
when the object has been saved
returns false
when the object has not been saved
returns true
delegates to new_record?
when destroyed is true
returns true
when destroyed is false
returns true
when destroyed is nil
returns false
adds created_at to the document
adds updated_at to the document
forces the created_at timestamps to UTC
forces the updated_at timestamps to UTC
includes a record_timestamps class_accessor to ease AR compatibility
when the association is a has one
when the association is nil
adds no errors
when the association is valid
adds no errors
when the association is invalid
adds errors to the parent document
translates the error in english
when the association is a has many
when the association is empty
adds no errors
when the association has invalid documents
adds errors to the parent document
when the assocation has all valid documents
adds no errors
when a document exists with the attribute value
adds the errors to the document
should translate the error in english
when a superclass document exists with the attribute value
adds the errors to the document
when no other document exists with the attribute value
adds no errors
when defining a single field key
when a document exists in the db with the same key
when the document being validated is new
checks the value of the key field
when the document being validated is not new
when the id has not changed since instantiation
checks the value of the key field
when the id has changed since instantiation
checks the value of the key field
#validate_each with embedded document
excludes by attribute and id
no validations are run
when document has no parent
no validations are run
#validate_each with :scope option given
as a symbol
should query only scoped documents
as an array
should query only scoped documents
#validate_each with case sensitive true
when a document exists with the attribute value
adds the errors to the document
should translate the error in english
when a superclass document exists with the attribute value
adds the errors to the document
when no other document exists with the attribute value
adds no errors
when defining a single field key
when a document exists in the db with the same key
when the document being validated is new
checks the value of the key field
when the document being validated is not new
when the id has not changed since instantiation
checks the value of the key field
when the id has changed since instantiation
checks the value of the key field
#validate_each with case sensitive false
when a document exists with the attribute value
adds the errors to the document
should translate the error in english
when a superclass document exists with the attribute value
adds the errors to the document
when no other document exists with the attribute value
adds no errors
when defining a single field key
when a document exists in the db with the same key
when the document being validated is new
checks the value of the key field
when the document being validated is not new
when the id has not changed since instantiation
checks the value of the key field
when the id has changed since instantiation
checks the value of the key field
#validate_each with embedded document
excludes by attribute and id
no validations are run
when document has no parent
no validations are run
#validate_each with :scope option given
as a symbol
should query only scoped documents
as an array
should query only scoped documents
when reading a field
returns the value
when reading a relation
returns the value
adds the associated validator
is picked up by validates method
adds the uniqueness validator
is picked up by validates method
when provided an integer
sets the class version max
when provided a string
sets the class version max
when a last version does not exist
does not add any versions
when a last version exists
does not add any versions
when no block supplied
returns the config singleton
when a block is supplied
sets the values on the config instance
when all models are in the models directory
requires the models by basename
when models exist in subdirectories
requires the models by subdirectory and basename
Mongoid::Relations::Builders::Referenced::ManyToMany#build Github 246: Should return documents in same order as ids
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/integration/mongoid/relations/builders/referenced/many_to_many_spec.rb:32
Mongoid::Persistence::Update#persist when the document is changed when the document is a tree
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/unit/mongoid/persistence/update_spec.rb:155
Finished in 25.49 seconds
3500 examples, 0 failures, 2 pending
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